フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
This app provides, using temperature, altitude, humidity, atmospheric pressure and your engine configuration, a recommendation about optimal carburetor config (jetting) for karts with Modena OK & OK-Junior engines (ME-K and ME-KJ models) which use a Tillotson diaphragm carburetors Valid for the following Modena engine models: • ME-KJ (Tillotson HC-114a, HC-116a, HW-43a, HW-43-CNC carburetor) • ME-K (Tillotson HC-115a, HC-117a, HW-112a carburetor) This app can obtain automatically the position and altitude to get the temperature,...
[ ユーティリティ ]
OK学车——全国想赚钱的教练都在用的APP! 招收学员不费神,海量学员主动挤上门! 当教练收学费,更有国内首创推荐奖励机制! 推荐新教练、新学员,现金奖励拿不停! OK学车——不止赚钱,是赚到根本停不下来! 【产品特色】 1.免费注册,动动手指快速坐等学员报名! 2.多样课程,普通班、特色两人一车班、双休无忧班、速成班任你教! 3.学员管理,今天给谁上课?看看日历式安排表,有问题一键联系! 4.我的收入,收的学费笔笔清楚,随时清点! 5.推荐有奖,牵线搭桥,推荐他来当教练/学车,现金奖励厚厚的!
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Consideri la salute un aspetto rilevante della tua vita? Cerchi uno stile di vita sano ed equilibrato? Vuoi essere in forma senza rinunciare al piacere del cibo? Non puoi perderti “OK Salute e Benessere” che, ogni mese, racconta il benessere e la salute in modo nuovo, con informazioni affidabili, accurate e aggiornate, per il benessere del corpo e della mente. La direzione scientifica è affidata alla Fondazione Umberto Veronesi. Inoltre tanti Speciali pensati apposta per te! Sfoglialo pagina per pagina e scopri il piacere di le...
[ ライフスタイル ]
谁说不能生来就衣来伸手,饭来张口的? 谁规定不能异想天开的?谁说这个世界缺少王子公主的? Follow me!在「OK帮」,统统可以帮你实现! 能帮你完成你的各种逗比想法当然还有各种或普通或奇葩的心愿,主要还能赚钱! 这样一款火爆校园的多功能 App,还等什么? 「OK帮」是一款针对高校大学生的生活需求和基于外来商家迫切需要打开校园市场的需要而打造的连接个人和个人、商家和个人之间的服务交易型平台。 ※功能介绍※ 1. 用户可以通过标题、任务描述、悬赏额度、截止时间以及必要的图片等等发布自己的任务需求,让其他用户报名参加抢夺任务,最终确定最佳人选来完成。 2. ...
[ 旅行 ]
All Ways Ok is the first and most complete guide for Puerto Natales. Within it, you will find the most relevant information to plan your trip: •Information for Puerto Natales and the most visited attractions •Information for lodging, restaurants, excursions and trips All of the information is updated regularly and integrated with social networks as well as online reservation systems. Additionally, you count on our georeferenced maps to arrive quickly at your destination. All Ways OK- Travel Guides is completely free and function...
[ ユーティリティ ]
“I am OK” is an application that allows you, by one single click on your Smartphone, to tell your friends and relatives that you are OK. The application will send a message with your location to Facebook and Twitter as well as by SMS to the persons you’ve previously selected. It can be very useful if you are in a place close to a disaster or in less serious moments, such as when you have just arrived at your holiday destination. Thanks to “I am OK”, you can, in a few seconds, via internet and via SMS, reassure all your friends by l...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Here, OK! uses your location (from GPS) to identify where you are in Oklahoma. Here, OK! identifies the following types of boundaries: Block Career Technology District Census Tract City Ward Congressional District Council of Governments District County County Commissioner District Ecology Division Flood Plain Judicial District Municipal Boundary Precinct Rural Water System School District State House District State Senate District Zip Code When the app launches it first determines your location and then lets you cycle through the...
[ ライフスタイル ]
OK! is the world's biggest and brightest celebrity lifestyle magazine. It is published in more than 20 countries, reaching over 30 million readers worldwide. The Indian edition is packed with all the good things from OK! around the world. A large picture-driven format, intimate and world exclusive coverage of weddings, other celebrity milestones, and unmatched local coverage of the country's biggest achievers is what you will find here in OK!. Magazine Subscriptions are available for purchase inside this app. Six months subscrip...
[ 旅行 ]
All Ways Ok, in collaboration with the National Forest Corporation (CONAF), administrator of all of the parks and natural reserves of Chile, presents the Official Guide of the Torres del Paine National Park. Torres del Paine All Ways Ok - Travel Guide contains: - Information about the attractions, services, and trekking routes. And all the information necessary for planning your adventure. - Interactive map with the services, attractions and trekking routes. - Audio guides for the most important viewpoints - Professional phot...
[ メディカル ]
A Doktor-OK alkalmazás egy online időpont-előjegyzési rendszer Budapest legnépszerűbb orvosaihoz. Segítségével Ön választhatja meg orvosát, és Ön jelölheti meg azt a legkedvezőbb időpontot, amikor rendelésre kíván menni. Nincs többé szükség hosszas telefonos egyeztetésre, pár pillanat, és a foglalása véglegesítésre kerül. The Doctor-ok application is a time-of-line quotation system of Budapest's most popular doctors. You can choose your doctor and you may indicate the best time when you want to visit. No more need for lengthy t...
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