フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
Ok Khata is your digital ledger cash book. It is 100% Free, Safe and Secure and can be used for any type of business to maintain accounts of their customers. Ok Khata works like Tally or Zoho or Busy software for Mobile. Shop owners can best use Ok Khata to record credit and debit transactions of their customers. Salient Features of Ok Khata App: 1. Helps you keep track of credit balances and transaction summary. 2. No fear of losing records, data is automatically backed up. 3. Your customers get transaction updates via SMS. 4. T...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
白い空欄に入力しあとは青いボタンを押すだけ。 処方箋、紹介状、診療記録がご指定のアドレスに届く仕組みです。 プログラミングは独学なので、内容でご評価頂ければ幸いです。(自分が外来で使用したいように作りました。) 「災害備蓄用に一家に一台」「無いよりはマシ」がコンセプトです。欠点は「レセプトは別作業」という所です。 日本語(Japan) & English (英語) ok このアプリ UMiB日本語版 : Urgent Medical record +px in BO (別名 Simple Electronic Medical Record + Px)は、「電子カルテは高すぎるので、導入できない。紙カルテでやっていくしかない」...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
L'application Iphone/Ipad de Ok Pizza vous permet de commander en ligne ou par téléphone via votre application . Vous pouvez consulter notre carte et choisir vos produits. http://www.okpizza77.fr/ Zones de livraison: Minimum de commande 15 € : Mitry-Mory 77290, Tremblay-en-France 93290, Villeparisis 77270, Villepinte 93420, Minimum de commande 20 € : Claye-Souilly 77410, Compans 77290, Gressy 77410, Minimum de commande 25 € : Messy 77410, Saint-Mesmes 77410, Thieux 77230, Horaires d'ouverture: OUVERT 7J/7: De 11h00 à 15h00...
[ ユーティリティ ]
OK设计,小白也能做好设计师。 这是一款致力于帮助企业和个人实现便捷有效的移动自营销推广制作工具。 OK设计是一款简单高效强大的H5、海报、视频、微商创意素材制作和营销整合设计APP。拥有海量场景、无限创意模板,随心挑选,轻松设计图文的炫酷新形态,省去繁琐流程步骤,10秒制成大片。 【操作简单】 零设计基础也能制作h5邀请函、手机海报和动态图文与音乐一体的特效视频场景,随时随地制作传播,分享抖音、小红书,刷爆你的朋友圈。 【海量素材】 不论你需要哪一种营销推广场景,OK设计丰富的模板素材满足各行各业所需。包括电子邀请函请柬、手机微商海报、印刷海报、新媒...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Žurnāls “OK!”, apvienojot labāko Latvijas žurnālistu profesionalitāti ar veiksmīgāko citu valstu pieredzi, jau ar pirmajiem numuriem Latvijā iemantojis lielu cienītāju loku. Katrā “OK!” numurā apvienots visplašākais mūsdienīgu sievieti interesējošs tematu loks – atklātas intervijas, dzīvesstāsti, attiecības un dzīves stils, skaistumkopšana un fitness, stils un mode, veselība, diētas un jaunākais kulinārijas jomā un daudz kas cits. Viena app- žurnāla numura cena-2.99 EUR 3 mēnešu abonements-5.99 EUR 6 mēnešu abonements-10.99 EUR *...
[ 教育 ]
OK学习机是一款让孩子的学习过程完全由自身学情数据驱动的智能学习工具。为更好地帮助孩子体验与使用学习机,特此研发OK学习机-学生端APP。 在学生端APP你可以清晰了解自己进入学习机后该学什么,应该如何学。并且,在这里你还可以享受精准AI服务,一站式解决学习机使用过程中遇到的课件、硬件、软件等各类问题。
[ ナビゲーション ]
Whether you are a recreational drone pilot or a fully-fledged professional drone pilot, ok2fly™ is the drone safety tool you need for you next drone mission. ok2fly boasts the following functions: 1. Detailed visualization of runway splays and airport envelopes - Splays and envelopes are clearly displayed so the pilot can identify boundaries between airspace inside and outside of the operational areas. 2. Extended radius review of the drone flight area - ok2fly will survey not only the location you will be flying from, but the im...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
With our IM-OK Befriender/NOK app, we are enabling our seniors that are enrolled in the IM-OK program to be better connected to their Befrienders and their next-of-kins. With this app, they Befrienders and NOKs will be able to drop reminders for the seniors, customize the senior’s devices and even do a video call! With this app, we hope the seniors will feel more included and slowly gain more experience with digitalization. Established in 1995, Lions Befrienders (LB) has more than 26 years of experience in befriending and caring fo...
[ 教育 ]
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Tieni la tua dieta sempre sotto controllo! Dieta OK ti permette di conoscere l'apporto calorico dei tuoi cibi e di misurare quanto incidono sul tuo fabbisogno giornaliero. Dieta OK è configurabile per il tuo organismo: analizzando il tuo "Indice di Massa Corporea" (IMC) e le tue caratteristiche, Dieta OK studia il tuo menù quotidiano e ti informa sul quantitativo calorico della tua dieta, permettendoti di capire quando stai mangiando troppo. Funzionalità: - configurabile per il tuo organismo - calcolo dell' IMC (Indice di Massa...
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