フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
Incision Assist is dé app ter ondersteuning van alle OK-teamleden. De app geeft je een tool in handen om je optimaal voor te bereiden op de werkzaamheden in de OK. Zo stem je jouw inspanningen af op die van je team, en zorg je samen voor een goede flow van het programma. Gebruik van de app: • Vind per chirurg ondersteunende informatie over een procedure • Check de instructies voor benodigde apparatuur, chirurgische instrumenten en materialen, met ondersteunende filmpjes en afbeeldingen • Krijg een visueel beeld van de OK-opstellin...
[ スポーツ ]
More than 180 international scuba hand signs for underwater communication. For divers and those who start scuba diving! Improve your communication during scubadiving! This app has actually three modules: General hand signals - Instructions and references - Problems - Danger signals - Questions - Numbers and units - Nightdive Hand signals for marine life - Sharks and rays - Reptiles and mammals - Fishes - Lower animals - Freshwater fishes Funny hand signals The app displays a photo of the marine animal with every hand sign. Yo...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Stuck on boring games just to kill time? Feeling like your memory's slipping? Can't keep focused and getting anxious about it? Do you often find yourself being clumsy? Are you any good with numbers and quick sums? If you're saying "yes" to any of these, you need OK Brain in your life. OK Brain's got loads of fun games to sharpen your brain and boost how it works. We're all about giving your brain a workout it'll actually enjoy, targeting stuff like coordination, memory, attention, and even your math skills, with games made just f...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
With our IM-OK Befriender/NOK app, we are enabling our seniors that are enrolled in the IM-OK program to be better connected to their Befrienders and their next-of-kins. With this app, they Befrienders and NOKs will be able to drop reminders for the seniors, customize the senior’s devices and even do a video call! With this app, we hope the seniors will feel more included and slowly gain more experience with digitalization. Established in 1995, Lions Befrienders (LB) has more than 26 years of experience in befriending and caring fo...
[ 旅行 ]
OK4me app is aimed at people with disabilities in Switzerland. It contains more than 7000 places that have been audited by Pro Infirmis. YOUR ACCESSIBILITY PROFILE Select your accessibility criteria from 7 available: - Wheelchair accessible - Parking place wheelchair accessible - Toilets wheelchair accessible - Magnetic loop available - Offer adapted in sign language - Facilities for persons with visual impairments - Facilities for persons with cognitive impairments Once your profile is established, the app will tell you for each...
[ ライフスタイル ]
OK! Magazine Thailand, the digital version is right now available for you on your iPad. With being the number one of celebrity news, you can bi-weekly update the stories of the celebrities from Hollywood, Thailand and Asia while check the trend of beauty and shopping lists. Appreciate your favorite fun! OK! First For Celebrity News. Download free for 5th Anniversary issue Highlights: •The 2010 Best-Dressed List •OK! Awards 2010 •Becoming a Hollywood Star นิตยสาร OK! ประเทศไทย นิตยสารที่จะทำให้คุณสามารถอัพเดตเรื่องราวชีวิต การงา...
[ スポーツ ]
This app provides, using temperature, altitude, humidity, atmospheric pressure and your engine configuration, a recommendation about optimal carburetor config (jetting) for karts with Vortex OK & OK-Junior engines (DJT, DDJ, DST, DDS models) which use a Tillotson diaphragm carburetors Valid for the following Vortex engine models: • DJT (Tillotson HC-114a, HC-116a, HW-43a, HW-43-CNC carburetor) • DDJ (Tillotson HC-114a, HC-116a, HW-43a, HW-43-CNC carburetor) • DST (Tillotson HC-115a, HC-117a, HW-112a carburetor) • DDS (Tillotson H...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
통합 건강관리 어플리케이션 OK Trainer와 함께 건강한 라이프스타일을 만들어 보세요! OK Trainer의 기능 개인별 맞춤 건강관리 프로그램! -개인별 신체정보와 목표치를 입력하여 나만의 건강관리가 가능합니다. -목표치와 달성률을 한눈에 볼 수 있어 동기부여가 됩니다. -월별 달별 년별로 내 신체정보와 운동량을 한눈에 확인할 수 있습니다. 블루투스기능의 승마운동 -블루투스 기능을 이용하여 승마운동기를 조작할 수 있습니다. -자동으로 스텝수를 측정하여 하루 동안 걸음수를 측정할 수 있습니다. -월별 달별 년별로 내 승마운동량과 스텝수를 한눈에 확인할 수 있...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
*The 1st 4G+/5G Prepaid SIM in Taiwan. *OK cares about you, we speak your language to serve you. Taiwan Mobile OK Prepaid APP is free and serves you in 24 hours! 1.Quick to check balance, validity period, and last 12 months topped-up record. 2.Easy to Top-Up by using Instant Top-Up, Online Top-Up or activating PIN Code online. 3.Simple to convert to 4G/5G immediately. 4.Convenient to look for bonus and redeem directly. Download APP now and enjoy best quality services provided by Taiwan Mobile. *ซิมเติมเงิน4G+/5Gเครือข่ายแรกในไต้...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△ 東京23区内・埼玉県川口市・蕨市・戸田市・和光市で人気の 【当日配達OKの宅配弁当べん】の公式店舗アプリです。 ▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△ ◆当日配達OKの宅配弁当べん(タクハイベントウベン)◆ お弁当/オードブル/ケータリング/様々な(大・小)シチュエーションに対応してくれる当日配達OKの宅配弁当べん。 お弁当の大量注文・配達もお任せください!ご担当者の立場に立った、柔軟な対応を心がけています。 注文方法は電話・FAX・メール(24時間予約可)と3種類用意。 お気軽にお問い合わせください。 ◆宅配弁当べんのおすすめ弁当◆ ...
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