フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
VocablaによるTOEFL試験あなたの英語の語彙を向上させるためのアプリです。 それはあなたのTOEFL試験に合格するのを助ける。 製品の特徴: *インテリジェントかつ簡単にテスト *英語の単語の定義は、TOEFL試験の準備 *あなたの進行状況の統計 *レベル *あなたがバッジを集めることができます *あなたはランキングに他のユーザーと競うことができる *オーディオ、発音 またVocablaのアプリをチェックアウト: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vocabla-vocabulary-app/id616731725
[ 教育 ]
Getting ready to take TOEFL? Increase your chances of a great score with this powerful and fun TOEFL Vocabulary Builder.
[ 教育 ]
A great variety of English tests that will help you increase your TOEFL test score. In a few minutes you'll be able to start practicing and testing your TOEFL vocabulary skills in both an effective and pleasant way. You will experience a new and exciting method of increasing your TOEFL word power. Every test contains 10 questions and each question has 4 answer options. You have to select the correct answer. In the end of each test you can check your answers. At the end of each test is evaluated your score, which you can later improve.
[ 教育 ]
TOEFL speaking practice course; A guide to producing high-score responses to TOEFL iBT Speaking Questions This course features over 57 lectures and 6+ hours of free video content which will teach you how to do Speaking Questions in TOEFL step-by-step. Download the "TOEFL Exam Prep" app today and join over 1,000,000 people who are already learning on Udemy. Instructor: KEINO CAMPBELL, ESQ. * WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE * “Awesome tutorial, I feel much comfortable with TOEFL after taking this course. Thanks for m...
[ 教育 ]
ボキャブラ:TOEFL試験は英語のボキャブラリーを増やすためのアプリです。 TOEFL試験合格のお手伝いをします。 製品の特徴: * 高度ながらも簡単なテストの数々 * TOEFL試験向けに用意された英単語の定義 * 学習の進み具合の統計 * バッジがもらえます * ランキングで他のユーザーと競えます 弊社のアプリ「ボキャブラ」もご覧ください: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vocabla-vocabulary-app/id616731725
[ 教育 ]
Improving listening skills. 5 complete TOEFL Listening practice tests, with 250 questions Total. Scripts of all recordings. Autocheck System. TOEFL listening tests in recent years. Email : pandariasoft@gmail.com
[ 教育 ]
Improving listening skills. 39 complete TOEFL Listening practice tests, with 1950 questions Total. Scripts of all recordings. Autocheck System. TOEFL listening tests in recent years. Email : pandariasoft@gmail.com
[ 教育 ]
Improving listening skills. 5 complete TOEFL Listening practice tests, with 250 questions Total. Scripts of all recordings. Autocheck System. TOEFL listening tests in recent years. Email : pandariasoft@gmail.com
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Do you need a high score in the TOEFL writing section? Would you like to see what a high scoring sample answer look like Do you want to know the important tips that make high scoring answers? You can, just by downloading this APP! you'll get: High scoring model answers The TOEFL writing question types Important tips you must know It will save you time and you'll quickly understand the differences between low scoring answers and high scoring answers. also shares important tips for helping you succeed!
[ 教育 ]
收录了托福(TOEFL)考试常考重要单词2000个,软件本身操作简便,灵活,易用性好。 每个单词都有真人发音,同时也可以录下自己的发音进行对比,或者你也可以添加一些备注信息,以帮助理解! 学完每课后,你可以通过测试检验自己的学习成果,对于难记的单词可以反复学习。 ————————————— 发音版(完全版)特有功能: ・无任何广告显示 ・所有单词和例句都有真人发音功能 ・单词卡片自动切换,自动发音功能 ・所有单元解锁 ————————————— ・科学的单元分划可以让您循序渐进、轻松地记住单词; ・单词卡片包含中英文对照,音标,以及清晰的真人发音,并且每个单词都有相应的中英文例...
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