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[ 教育 ]
Improve your TOEFL listening skills; 42 complete TOEFL Listening practice tests, with 1950 questions; Fast-Slow Forward; Answer & Scripts of all recordings; 新托福听力测试部分2段对话与4个课堂演讲题型进行剖析及技能讲解。引进自培生教育出版集团,经新东方托福专家二次研发,更加符合中国考生的学习特点和需求,是备考新托福听力测试的首选 ·106篇精选听力练习语料,题材广泛,全面满足备考需求; ·7个章节精练详解,5类题型各个击破; ·提供多种练习方式,逐步掌握答题技巧; ·特设听力模拟试题,体验真实考试情景;
[ 教育 ]
[Pro version, no ads, Internet Connection required] [Thanks for using TOEFL iBT Preparation Pro] This application contains easy, comprehensive videos and dictionaries to help you get high scores on TOEFL Test. It provides smart collections, lots of specific real tests and nice functionality inside. We bring you varieties you need for being well prepared on the TOEFL Exams: smart TOEFL Lessons to improving your English, Sample Tests of all skills, experience on taking Exams and more Tips from students and teachers on over the ...
[ 教育 ]
Do you want the best score possible on the TOEFL® exam? Take advantage of the effectiveness offered by the MosaLingua method! Quickly learn the correct vocabulary required to pass this English exam! And with our tips and advice, arrive calmer and more prepared on D-Day, approaching the TOEFL® with confidence. Mastering advanced English vocabulary is one of the keys to success on the TOEFL® iBT exam. MosaLingua's TOEIC® app will allow you to quickly memorize the words which appear most frequently on the reading, writing and liste...
[ 教育 ]
Easy TOEFL is your true guide to successfully mastering the TOEFL test. It's not only an app, but more of a lifetime mentor to more than 500,000 test takers. 1.Easy Learning Besides reading and listening skill practices, Easy TOEFL has you covered with intensive and separate task practices targeting different skills in order to help you quickly grasp the key to testing in a smarter and more efficient way. With its creative illustrations and attractive user interface, it's time to say goodbye to traditional tedious practice...
[ 教育 ]
無料アプリのバージョンは、すべての章でトレーニングを提供しています 6章でTOEFLチュートリアルアプリトレーニングを完了します 特徴: A)チュートリアル - クイックサマリーノート。 コース概要: 第1章:はじめに 第2章:文法 第3章:読書 第4章:リスニング 第5章:読書 第6章:書き込み いつでもどこでもTOEFLチュートリアル無料アプリのために準備します。 あなたの手でTOEFLチュートリアルもちろんコンテンツ権利。 あなたは、TOEFLチュートリアル無料アプリのための任意の提案や改善を共有するために歓迎され コンテンツのいずれかを更新する必要がある場合も、...
[ 教育 ]
You’re bored with books and the library? Forget them, here comes Study Quizz TOEFL ! Study Quizz TOEFL is the first educational app of its kind, giving you the chance to study for the TOEFL anytime, anywhere, and against anyone. Download our free app and access to over 300 quizzes in Reading & Listening plus comprehensive sheets to give you tips to succeed. At the end of each quiz, you'll get a grade, and you can check out the comprehensive corrections designed by a community of skilled TOEFL teachers, in partnership with Glob...
[ 教育 ]
For non-native English speakers, the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT can be the most intimidating — they force a test taker to think on the spot and communicate effectively in English without the benefit of multiple-choice answers. Though these sections are difficult, they are very learnable! Boost your confidence in the writing and speaking sections and maximize your TOEFL iBT score with the scoring strategies outlined in our easy-to-follow Ascent TOEFL II test prep app. Content Features: - 3 different sections - ...
[ 教育 ]
『はじめて受けるTOEFL® テスト パーフェクト英単語アプリ』は、無料で「デジタル単語帳」を活用し、TOEFL テストに頻出する1,250語を効率的かつ効果的に学べる単語学習アプリです。また、学習を自己管理できる「学習の進捗状況」や学習履歴を確認できる「単語学習の履歴」などもあり、学習を支援する機能も充実しています。 これらの機能に加え、プレミアム版では学習した英単語を自己評価できる「いろいろなクイズ」を盛り込みました。具体的には、「4択クイズ(英日)」、「4択クイズ(日英)」、「並び替えクイズ」、「スペルクイズ」、「穴埋めクイズ」で単語学習を促...
[ 教育 ]
オンライン・イングリッシュ・ランゲージテスト・プリパレーションのExam English(イグザム・イングリッシュ)からの練習問題を使い、’TOEFL® Listening テスト’で、より良い結果を出せます。 内容 TOEFL Listening Test用練習問題35題 大学内、または大学に関する内容の英会話 3例 大学講義内容 3例 35題の問題 オーディオ教材の説明解答 採点方法 公式試験での必須情報 ケンブリッジ IELTS やTOEIC などの国際的に認可された英語検定のための練習問題。 TOEFL® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This mobile app is not endorsed or...
[ 教育 ]
For non-native English speakers, the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT can be the most intimidating — they force a test taker to think on the spot and communicate effectively in English without the benefit of multiple-choice answers. Though these sections are difficult, they are very learnable! Boost your confidence in the writing and speaking sections and maximize your TOEFL iBT score with the strategies outlined in our easy-to-follow Ascent TOEFL II test prep app. Ascent’s Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TO...
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