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[ 教育 ]
Improve your TOEFL listening skills; 42 complete TOEFL Listening practice tests, with 1950 questions; Fast-Slow Forward; Answer & Scripts of all recordings; 新托福听力测试部分2段对话与4个课堂演讲题型进行剖析及技能讲解。引进自培生教育出版集团,经新东方托福专家二次研发,更加符合中国考生的学习特点和需求,是备考新托福听力测试的首选 ·106篇精选听力练习语料,题材广泛,全面满足备考需求; ·7个章节精练详解,5类题型各个击破; ·提供多种练习方式,逐步掌握答题技巧; ·特设听力模拟试题,体验真实考试情景;
[ 教育 ]
史上最强单词拼写大闯关,挑战你的拼写极限! 内容: 2000多个TOEFL核心词汇,专业英语老师精心挑选,TOEFL满分获得者倾情测试! 游戏中不知不觉中提升阅读、听力和拼写能力!TOEFL备考必备利器! 全新体验: 用英文背英文,纯英语学习环境。根据词汇英文解释和给定的字母,按顺序点击给定的全部字母来拼出你的单词就可以完成!别以为很简单,学霸也未必能一次正确拼出! 自由练习和在线挑战: 单人关卡10个单词,乘车中、排队中、如厕中、失眠中……随时随地挑战自己,锤炼拼写能力! 在线挑战学霸,全面“提升”TOEFL备考自信心! 新浪微博:@单词拼
[ 教育 ]
IELTS | TOEFL | TOEIC Are you ready to unlock a world of opportunities by mastering English? Look no further than our all-in-one app, designed to help you conquer the IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC exams while enhancing your English language skills. **Comprehensive Test Prep: Prepare with confidence for the IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC exams. Our app offers a rich library of practice tests, expertly crafted questions, and in-depth explanations to ensure you're fully prepared for success. Ace your exams and open doors to international educati...
[ 教育 ]
For non-native English speakers, the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT can be the most intimidating — they force a test taker to think on the spot and communicate effectively in English without the benefit of multiple-choice answers. Though these sections are difficult, they are very learnable! Boost your confidence in the writing and speaking sections and maximize your TOEFL iBT score with the strategies outlined in our easy-to-follow Ascent TOEFL II test prep app. Ascent’s Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TO...
[ 教育 ]
Get a better score in the TOEFL listening using these REAL TPO exams, leaders in online English language test preparation. Each Serial Contains: Complete TOEFL practice, include: TPO 1~17 listening part, each contain 6 passages. Useful practice for other international English exams, such as TOEIC and IELTS. 托福听力真题,首批内容包括: TPO 1~17 听力部分 高清mp3同步字幕。 后台资源云服务器极速下载,敬请体验。
[ ブック ]
TOEFL Test application with over 5700 questions and user interface design. You can study English everywhere and everytime. Your English skill will be improved by this app, the best english practice everyday. App Feature's: - You can use this app OFFLINE, FREE - Incorrect Word Toefl. (1563 questions) - Synonym Toefl. (4028 questions) - Toefl Structure. (180 questions)
[ 教育 ]
Get a better score in the TOEFL listening using these REAL TPO exams, leaders in online English language test preparation. Contains: Complete TOEFL practice, include: 1. TOEFL key words; 2. TOEFL words - Reading stories 3. TOEFL speaking topics; 4. TOEFL writing - listening parts; 5. TOEFL listening; Useful practice for other international English exams, such as TOEIC and IELTS. 最全托福听力训练,高清mp3同步字幕,首批内容包括: 1. 七天搞定托福单词 2. 胡敏读故事记托福单词 3. 托福黄金口语 4. TPO 写作题听力部分 5. 老托福听力1 6....
[ 教育 ]
TOEFL(英語: Test of English as a Foreign Language = 「外国語としての英語のテスト」、トーフル)は、アメリカ合衆国のNPOであるEducational Testing Service, ETSが主催している外国語としての英語のテストである。その名称の通り非英語圏の出身者のみを対象としており、英語圏の高等教育機関が入学希望者の外国語としての英語力を判定する際に用いる。 ■TOEFL向けの英単語学習アプリ! ******************************************************************* 無料版では、全ての単語で全ての機能が利用可能です! 是非お試しくださいませ。 ****************************...
[ 教育 ]
For non-native English speakers, the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT can be the most intimidating — they force a test taker to think on the spot and communicate effectively in English without the benefit of multiple-choice answers. Though these sections are difficult, they are very learnable! Boost your confidence in the writing and speaking sections and maximize your TOEFL iBT score with the scoring strategies outlined in our easy-to-follow Ascent TOEFL II test prep app. Content Features: - 3 different sections - ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The app software interface is Thai. The purpose of this software is to help the Thai people learning TOEFL vocabulary. English vocabulary is the foundation of English learning and English progress. However, many learners do not have any good method or motivation to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabulary memory method is boring and dull. Hence, they lose English learning interest. Painting Memory English vocabulary is the foundation of English learning and English progress. However, many learners do not have any good ...
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