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[ 教育 ]
The TOEFL Listening, one of collection in TOEFL Test app: - TOEFL Structure Test - TOEFL Reading Test - TOEFL Listening Test - TOEFL Incorrect Word Test - TOEFL Synonym Test - TOEFL Listening (Conversations) - TOEFL Listening (Lectures) Learning ANY WHERE get success AT less time! With TOEFL Listening test from the recent years. Hope enjoyed these.
[ 教育 ]
Using AccelaStudy's intuitive flashcard-like approach on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, you can quickly expand your English vocabulary for graduate school exams, university entrance exams, professional advancement, or simply increased language proficiency. Most commonly tested vocabulary words on the TOEFL® exam are included with definitions, synonyms, and example sentences. Easily learn new terms with four different ways to study, including a powerful quiz feature which helps you test your progress and a spaced repetition mo...
[ 教育 ]
これは、4つのスキルを持つTOEFLのテスト準備アプリです。 TOEFLリスニング、TOEFLリーディング、TOEFLライティング、TOEFLスピーキングなどのコンテンツを練習できます。 アプリは、REALテストに12の最新かつ最も近いテストを提供します。 各テストには回答とスコアがあり、テストを完了するとすぐに結果を知ることができます。 アプリケーションがあなたを助けることができるならば、私たちを助けるためにアプリケーションに投票してください。 TOEFL試験で良い結果が得られたらいいのに
[ 教育 ]
これは、4つのスキルを持つTOEFLのテスト準備アプリです。 TOEFLリスニング、TOEFLリーディング、TOEFLライティング、TOEFLスピーキングなどのコンテンツを練習できます。 アプリは、REALテストに12の最新かつ最も近いテストを提供します。 各テストには回答とスコアがあり、テストを完了するとすぐに結果を知ることができます。 アプリケーションがあなたを助けることができるならば、私たちを助けるためにアプリケーションに投票してください。 TOEFL試験で良い結果が得られたらいいのに
[ 教育 ]
史上最强单词拼写大闯关,挑战你的拼写极限! 内容: 2000多个TOEFL核心词汇,专业英语老师精心挑选,TOEFL满分获得者倾情测试! 游戏中不知不觉中提升阅读、听力和拼写能力!TOEFL备考必备利器! 全新体验: 用英文背英文,纯英语学习环境。根据词汇英文解释和给定的字母,按顺序点击给定的全部字母来拼出你的单词就可以完成!别以为很简单,学霸也未必能一次正确拼出! 自由练习和在线挑战: 单人关卡10个单词,乘车中、排队中、如厕中、失眠中……随时随地挑战自己,锤炼拼写能力! 在线挑战学霸,全面“提升”TOEFL备考自信心! 新浪微博:@单词拼
[ 教育 ]
Get a better score in the TOEFL listening using these REAL TPO exams, leaders in online English language test preparation. Contains: Complete TOEFL practice, include: 1. TOEFL key words; 2. TOEFL words - Reading stories 3. TOEFL speaking topics; 4. TOEFL writing - listening parts; 5. TOEFL listening; Useful practice for other international English exams, such as TOEIC and IELTS. 最全托福听力训练,高清mp3同步字幕,首批内容包括: 1. 七天搞定托福单词 2. 胡敏读故事记托福单词 3. 托福黄金口语 4. TPO 写作题听力部分 5. 老托福听力1 6....
[ 教育 ]
[TOEFL Listening Section] - Are you preparing for TOEFL tests? - You wanna more information on TOEFL Listening Section? - You want to improve more Listening Skills of Listening Section? - You want to have more Tips, Tricks, Strategies to get higher TOEFL scores? - You are finding sample tests of Listening Section of TOEFL from basic to advanced levels? ... => This app is designed to bring to you all of above expectations. Very comprehensive, full resources and smart UI. We hope to help you optimize your time to get high scores on T...
[ 教育 ]
Get a better score in the TOEFL listening using these REAL TPO exams, leaders in online English language test preparation. Each Serial Contains: Complete TOEFL practice, include: TPO 1~17 listening part, each contain 6 passages. Useful practice for other international English exams, such as TOEIC and IELTS. 托福听力真题,首批内容包括: TPO 1~17 听力部分 高清mp3同步字幕。 后台资源云服务器极速下载,敬请体验。
[ 教育 ]
[Welcome to TOEFL iBT Preparation] This application contains easy, comprehensive videos and dictionaries to help you get high scores on TOEFL Test. It provides smart collections, lots of specific real tests and nice functionality inside. We bring you varieties you need for being well prepared on the TOEFL Exams: smart TOEFL Lessons to improving your English, Sample Tests of all skills, experience on taking Exams and more Tips from students and teachers on over the world Download it now and share with your friends! [Contents] We ...
[ 教育 ]
Based on Barron’s best-selling book, Essential Words for the TOEFL, this app will familiarize you with the words you need to know in order to expand your English vocabulary and maximize your score on the TOEFL. The app: · Includes 450 need-to-know words that reflect the advanced reading level of the most recent TOEFL. · Elaborates on word meanings by using synonyms, parts of speech, and illustrative sentences. · Provides an efficient means of study via flash card format which allows you to skip the words you know and keep tra...
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