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[ 教育 ]
It's a holiday wonderland as the Wonder Pets catch cookies to bring to the Mouse King's party. Move Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming around to catch cookies, frosting, and other decorations from the Sugar Plum Fairy. When Ming-Ming catches gingerbread cookies, watch out for the falling snowflakes, and when Tuck catches celery-shaped cookies, beware of the icy patches, or Tuck will fall down! The game has three levels,and each gets increasingly hard. This is a game to teach children to learn the numbers and identification of 20 color puz...
[ ゲーム ]
It's a holiday wonderland as the Wonder Pets catch cookies to bring to the Mouse King's party. Move Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming around to catch cookies, frosting, and other decorations from the Sugar Plum Fairy. When Ming-Ming catches gingerbread cookies, watch out for the falling snowflakes, and when Tuck catches celery-shaped cookies, beware of the icy patches, or Tuck will fall down! The game has three levels,and each gets increasingly hard. This is a game to teach children to learn the numbers and identification of 20 color puz...
[ ビジネス ]
不单单是复读,【E-Learning】应用系列让您的iPad和iPhone变成学习机! 学生通过它随时随地完成课前预习、课后复习,学习能力更胜一筹! ***** 完全匹配教材,操作简便,哪里不会点哪里 ***** *根据教材配套,此应用为河北冀教版小学英语六年级上册、下册完全最新版。 *涵盖教材全部内容,让您全面掌握单词、短语、句子、语法及课文内容。 *全套原版录音和教材完全同步,助您成为英语大明星。 *操作简便、携带方便,从此抛弃磁带和光盘。 【E-Learni...
[ ゲーム ]
China, 1570. China is under the reign of the Longqing Emperor, of the Ming Dynasty. He inherited a country in disarray after years of mismanagement and corruption. He resided in the Forbidden city, which was the seat of many emperors under the Ming Dynasty. Constructed from 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 72 ha (over 180 acres). It is also under the Ming Dynasty that the Great Wall of China was rebuilt, fortified, and expanded. Around this period, China was under heavy attack from the Mongols, so main...
[ ライフスタイル ]
★ ★ ★ ★ Ingin mengetahui Nasib Kewangan, Hubungan, Tuah, Kesihatan anda dalam Tahun 2013? Ingin tahu ramalan 4D bertuah yang berkemungkinan besar terbuka menjelang Tahun Baru Cina? ★ ★ ★ ★ [4D Horoskop Tahun 2013] menggabungkan ilmu Zodiak Cina Tradisional dengan Ramalan Master Feng Shui seperti Ling Ling, Ju Ming, Ming Feng, untuk meramalkan nasib zodiak-zodiak yang paling tepat dalam Tahun Ular, cara-cara yang berkesan untuk mengelakkan bencana dan kesusahan, dan 15 nombor 4D bertuah yang mempunyai kadar kebarangkalian menan...
[ ライフスタイル ]
《明報周刊》為「萬華媒體 (One Media Group, OMG)」旗下出版的周刊之一,於1968年創刊,四十多年來一直是香港最受歡迎的娛樂名人時裝雜誌,《明周》緊貼娛樂圈動向及生活潮流,真誠報道香港影、視、音樂與流行文化實況,成為每週『必讀』的刊物。 《明周》除涵蓋名人時尚及優越生活的精彩內容外,每期更有多篇富深度及啟發性的專題報道,如社會狀況、環保生活、藝術、文化等主題,帶給讀者獨到及多元化的資訊;而明周專欄更匯聚城中多位響負盛名的專欄作家,包括:亦舒、林燕妮、劉天蘭、陶傑、卓韻芝、林夕、羅啟銳、阿寬、顧紀筠、陳永陸、曾淵滄等。 《明報周刊》獲獎無數...
[ 教育 ]
明日藝術教育機構於2002年正式改名成立。機構經歷了1984年「佚名」年代的業餘劇社、1996年為香港首個全職從事兒童劇藝的「明日劇團」等不同時期的探索,至今發展成一個以藝術和教育並重的廿一世紀非牟利社會服務機構。我們深信,戲劇藝術提供了創意培養、解困能力、抽象思維、與人合作能力等全人建立的獨特功能,這正好成為廿一世紀教育改革所需元素的環境支援。 "Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education" has been set up in 2002 after renaming from "Ming Ri Theatre Company". Having experienced different stage of attempt --- the amateur drama group "Anonymity Dram...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Translates as you type! No need to copy and paste to another translation app or website! Simply select your target language and type naturally, the app does everything else for you! FEATURES: • Ease of use • No learning curve. Simply type and tap on the translated text to insert! • Accurate Translation • Based on Microsoft Bing advanced artificial intelligence-assisted language translation. • Supports 90 Different Languages • Translate from English to Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Bangla,...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Featuring over 120 samples from Flash Gordon, Prince Vultan, Ming The Merciless, Klytus and more! The latest update brings, improved organisation layout and graphics as well as a keyword search, the ability to save your favourites and finally to export as ringtones or notifications. Just some of the clips included: "Gentle darling, it's extremely sensitive" - Princess Aura "Flash, Flash I love you - but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth" - Dale Arden "Flash Gordon, Quarterback, New York Jets" - Flash "Klytus, I'm bored" - ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Full Pokédex for all Pokémons including new Pokémon from Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon. All Alolan forms, Mega Evolutions, and event Pokémons are included. Get all the information of every Pokémon at your fingertips! No internet connection is required! FEATURES: • Full National Pokédex of 807 Pokémon • Includes Alolan forms, Mega Evolutions, Events and even special Pokémon like Ash-Greninja! • Abilities and Moves • Browse each's Pokémon's abilities and complete moveset including Level Up Moves, TM/HM Moves, Egg Moves and Tutor Moves...
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