フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
Climbing areas & crags Thailand/Laos (1078 Routes) * Thailand (898 Routes) * Rayley (317 Routes) - Muai Thai - One Two Three - Duncan's Boot - Hidden World - Kochel Rock - Jungle Gym - The Keep - Castle Wall - Low Tide Wall - Jurassic Park Wall - Hueco Wall - Pra-Nang Beach - Defile - Happy Island - Escher World/Wall - Universe Wall - Thaiwand Wall - Candlestick area - Wee's Present Wall - Lap Lair - Coco wall - Diamond Cave - Amphitheater...
[ 旅行 ]
Invisible Forbidden City We have more than one hundred rare old photos officially presented by the Palace Museum. Try some different fun uses of them now! 旧时光——A game of “scratch-off”, wipe on the photos to change the image between old times and now. Can you make a creative image? 赏全景——The panoramic photos of the Forbidden City's main sight. Revolve your phone to watch the whole image. 做海报——The celebrities of the Forbidden City, or the imperial seals? You can decorate your photos with any of them as you wish. 编地图——Mar...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Tai Chi Qigong In this streaming video, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the purpose and methods of Tai Chi Qigong, and demonstrates: • Tai Chi Stretching • Tai Chi Warm Up Exercises • Standing Still Tai Chi Meditation • Stationary Tai Chi Qigong: Primary, Coiling, and Rocking Sets • The rare Walking Tai Chi Qigong set These movements prepare you for great Tai Chi practice by loosening your joints, warming your muscles, stimulating your Qi (energy) flow, and sharpening your concentration. Qigong is the key to developing the phenomenal...
[ 旅行 ]
The Travel Note App presented officially by the Palace Museum could meet all your travel needs during your visit to the Palace Museum. Write when you walk, and make your tour more culture-alert! Take a record as you walk by, and your feeling diary will finally turn into a long travel note. With the creative photo frames, you can record your visit to the Palace Museum in a culture-alert way. With the accurate system of navigation and positioning, you can find the best route conveniently for your trip in the Palace Museum. A conside...
[ 旅行 ]
The Travel Note App presented officially by the Palace Museum could meet all your travel needs during your visit to the Palace Museum. Write when you walk, and make your tour more culture-alert! Take a record as you walk by, and your feeling diary will finally turn into a long travel note. With the creative photo frames, you can record your visit to the Palace Museum in a culture-alert way. With the accurate system of navigation and positioning, you can find the best route conveniently for your trip in the Palace Museum. A conside...
[ 旅行 ]
We have periodic pushed E-zine, telling you the mysteries of the palace with well-illustrated essays. We have plenty of exhibition information,including map location and close-up photos, you won't miss any excellent exhibition even if you are now laying on your sofa. We also have delicately designed paper models of the Palace what you can't find anywhere else. Want the Hall of Great Harmony home? Need a pair of red sandalwood screens for decorate? Or the Cartoon characters of court figures? All you need is here. Magazine——Get the ...
[ 旅行 ]
这里有定期推送的故宫微刊,图文并茂地为你讲述神秘的宫禁专题。这里还有丰富的展览资讯,地图定位+展品特写,窝在沙发里也能逛遍紫禁城。精致设计的纸模图纸更是独此一份,想把太和殿搬回家? 需要一对儿紫檀屏风当摆件?喜欢宫廷人物的卡通形象却苦寻而不得?这里统统都有的哦! 软件功能: 故宫微刊——随时获知宫中资讯和喜闻乐见的传说轶事 展览资讯——常设展、临时展、回顾展,统统装进口袋带回家细细赏玩 展览地图——单刷故宫不迷路!亲临故宫时的随身小秘书 故宫纸模——亲手重建那些旧时宫苑、华美陈设,还有生动可爱的小皇帝陪你玩耍呦! 宫中任务——摇一摇获取今日奖励。要...
[ ニュース ]
Get the news from the most important Newspapers in Hong Kong like "Hong Kong Herald", "South China Morning Post", "Ming Pao", and many more. ● ALL THE NEWS HEADLINES IN JUST ONE APP Get all the headlines and news from the most important newspapers in the country. All of what used to be called 'the press' at your fingertips with one simple tap. Get the most important newspapers in the country. All of what was formerly called 'the press' at your fingertips with one simple tap. ● BROWSE TROUGH SECTIONS Either World, National, ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Tai Chi Sword for Beginners Learn Tai Chi Sword step- by- step with Master Yang. App includes free sample videos and full-length program with one in-app purchase. • Complete 54-posture tai chi sword form • Tai chi sword qigong • Seldom-taught sword applications Tai chi chuan is a kind of moving meditation with ancient roots in Chinese martial arts. Beyond the bare-hand tai chi form awaits the elegant and highly effective tai chi sword, which has long been considered the highest achievement in tai chi training. The beautiful and flo...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Five Animal Sports Qigong With the movements and spirit of the Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey, and Bird, a practitioner can build their strength and longevity and enjoy excellent health. Learn qigong for the four seasons with Master Yang, Jwing-Ming.. • Stream or download qigong video lessons by Dr. Yang. • Easy-to-follow step by step qigong instruction. • Learn how the five animals relate to the change of seasons. • Learn the healing sounds of qigong and TCM. The Five Animal Sports, or Frolics, are one of the most ancient and popula...
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