フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
The only fast, flexible and smart dialer with different input method! Speedial supports T9, Chinese Stroke (筆劃), Pinyin (拼音), Zhuyin (注音), Sucheng (速成) and Cantonese (粵語拼音) search on Names and Phone Numbers on your phone book, fast and intelligent, and even with your desired search priority. e.g. if you wanna call Barack Hussein Obama, you can just simply press 2(B), 6(O). 例: 打給陳小明 筆劃: 【乛丨一丨乛一一丨丿丶】【丨丿丶 】【丨乛一一丿乛一一】 拼音: Chen Xiao Ming 注音: ㄔㄣˊ ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄇㄧㄥˊ 速成: 弓田 弓金 ...
[ ブック ]
黄花梨是明式家具中被大量使用的材料,因为质地坚实,肌理细腻,且蕴含香馨,似乎天生就是为了成就经典家具而出现在这个世界上的。 它的纹理写意而陆离,似出自上苍的神工鬼斧,且不柴、不涩;它的制成品极富文人意趣,或接近天人合一,却富丽、奢华。于是,它将建筑内饰、起居用具、室内陈设与文玩杂件最终集合为一种独特的文化现象。明清之际,它借助于皇室与士绅阶层的审美意趣,借助于成熟的工艺技巧和工商业的高度发育而大行天下,为古典家具树立起一座高耸的觇标。 这就是黄花梨,一种产自中国海南岛“黎峒”的珍稀木材,现代植物学的定名叫做“降香黄檀”。这就是黄花梨,一种被注入了无数人...
[ メディカル ]
器械圈——器械数据查询和展示交流平台 器械圈是一个器械数据查询和展示交流的平台,专为器械科、生产商、经销商等相关从业人员设计开发。在这里您可以浏览器械资讯,查询器械数据,实时掌握解行业动态。
[ ブック ]
❤ ❤ China is an amazing cultural treasure of the world. Its natural wealth, five millennia of history, and an old continuous civilization, read this App and place China as a great travel destination. In this App: 1. Introduce World Heritage Sites in China with photo and text. 2. English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. 3. with English, Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciation, easy to learn this three languages. 4. Quiz questions to test your memory, and increase the fun. *** Full version and No AD banner or In-App-Purcha...
[ 教育 ]
**Follow us: Facebook: Search for "Adventures of Stickboy" Twitter: http://twitter.com/gostickboy Learning Chinese is now simple and fun! It's no longer the tedious memorization of characters. Stickboy Chinese combines rich media, interactive games, and a proven curriculum to make learning Chinese a natural and entertaining activity. Stickboy Chinese feature summary: *Progressively build your vocabulary through the different books. *Learn context, sentence structure, and usage by reading stories. *Play matching games to reinfor...
[ 教育 ]
《富春山居圖》2011年于台北故宮合璧展出,特備超高清「無用師卷」與「剩山圖」。更有基於此的拼圖小遊戲。 -可放大至超過原圖大小的顯示比例。 -可開啓或關閉自動滾屏与《高山流水》古琴曲的播放。 -拼圖時,可晃動以重新排列。 -可使用兩指左右掃屏,來切換前後拼圖。 《富春山居圖》為元四家之首黃公望所畫,作于1347年至1350年前後,以富春江為背景,是黃公望的代表作,對後世文人畫影響極大。 明朝末年富春山居圖傳到收藏家吳洪裕手中,他極為喜愛此畫,甚至在臨死前命家人將此畫焚燒殉葬,險在吳洪裕的侄子從火中搶救出,但此時畫已被燒成一大一小兩段,前段較小,经过修补后稱「...
[ スポーツ ]
Climbing areas & crags Thailand/Laos (1078 Routes) * Thailand (898 Routes) * Rayley (317 Routes) - Muai Thai - One Two Three - Duncan's Boot - Hidden World - Kochel Rock - Jungle Gym - The Keep - Castle Wall - Low Tide Wall - Jurassic Park Wall - Hueco Wall - Pra-Nang Beach - Defile - Happy Island - Escher World/Wall - Universe Wall - Thaiwand Wall - Candlestick area - Wee's Present Wall - Lap Lair - Coco wall - Diamond Cave - Amphitheater...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Featuring over 120 samples from Flash Gordon, Prince Vultan, Ming The Merciless, Klytus and more! The latest update brings, improved organisation layout and graphics as well as a keyword search, the ability to save your favourites and finally to export as ringtones or notifications. Just some of the clips included: "Gentle darling, it's extremely sensitive" - Princess Aura "Flash, Flash I love you - but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth" - Dale Arden "Flash Gordon, Quarterback, New York Jets" - Flash "Klytus, I'm bored" - ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
《明報周刊》為「萬華媒體 (One Media Group, OMG)」旗下出版的周刊之一,於1968年創刊,四十多年來一直是香港最受歡迎的娛樂名人時裝雜誌,《明周》緊貼娛樂圈動向及生活潮流,真誠報道香港影、視、音樂與流行文化實況,成為每週『必讀』的刊物。 《明周》除涵蓋名人時尚及優越生活的精彩內容外,每期更有多篇富深度及啟發性的專題報道,如社會狀況、環保生活、藝術、文化等主題,帶給讀者獨到及多元化的資訊;而明周專欄更匯聚城中多位響負盛名的專欄作家,包括:亦舒、林燕妮、劉天蘭、陶傑、卓韻芝、林夕、羅啟銳、阿寬、顧紀筠、陳永陸、曾淵滄等。 《明報周刊》獲獎無數...
[ 旅行 ]
The Forbidden City was the Chinese Imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China. It now houses the Palace Museum. The complex consists of 800 buildings with 8,886 rooms. It covers 720,000 square metres. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 as the "Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Tour Guid...
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