フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ メディカル ]
am-i-ok is a new app helping individuals in non-emergency situations to find the right care, from the right doctor, right now.
Focusing on triage as opposed to diagnosis, am-i-ok is a platform using high-level questions vetted by top doctors in America to properly source non-emergency care to local facilities.
A simple set of questions to determine that the underlying problem is not an emergency, and to help triage the patient to the proper facility
Find a facility
Search facilities by distance from current location, ac...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Brug strømmen når den er billigst
Hvis du gerne vil spare på dine udgifter til strøm, skal du kende elprisen time for time, så du ved, hvornår prisen er lav, og hvornår den er høj. Med OK Hjem kan du holde dig opdateret på dagens elpris og se elpriser op til 35 timer frem.
Se din totale elpris
Ud fra din adresse kan vi vise dig elprisen for dit lokalområde. Elprisen i OK Hjem viser dig din totale elpris dvs. den rene elpris pr. time inkl. tillæg, samt distribution og afgifter, men uden din faste betaling til dit lokale netselskab....
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[ ファイナンス ]
OK모바일론은 OK저축은행 에서 출시한 어플리케이션 으로 한도조회, 신용대출, 추가대출 기능을 사용 할 수 있습니다.
1. 신규고객을 대상으로한 실제 대출한도 조회 서비스
- 본인인증 한번만으로 실제 대출 가능한 한도를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
- 대출 한도 확인 후 대출 신청이 가능합니다.
- 상담원 통화가 불편하신 고객님은 300만원 까지 모바일로 대출송금완료까지 가능합니다.
2. 기존고객은 비밀번호 입력 한번 만으로 추가대출 송금완료
- 등록된 비밀번호입력 한번만으로 추가대출을 송금 가능합니다.
- 송금받고자 하는 계좌변경...
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[ ショッピング ]
This is a unique way to monitor barrier free places! It is an original online map which provides a picture of accessible places, based on physical measurements – not based on biased judgement of objects, is for the hadicapped, elderly, parents with children ...for everyone.
Monitoring of accesibility (go-ok) gives direction to places for people with special needs. Thanks to an own account, users will be able to display "barrier free map taylored for needs of the person".
Not just this! You can also help with this app! In a simple ...
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[ ミュージック ]
Welcome to the Official Mobile App of
This app will allow you to find all the latest news and updates of the band!
Get it now so you're up to date with the latest releases, show schedules and official announcements.
Founded in 2005, ONE OK ROCK has cultivated a following among the youth for their mix of emo and rock music paired with breathtaking live performances.
Debuting in 2007, the band rose to the top of musical prominence, performing on stages from live house venues and summer festivals to the re...
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