フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
- 容易上手、轻松休闲的策略游戏。
- 六角俄罗斯方块堆放消除
- 精美的画面和舒缓优雅的音乐旋律。
- 没有时间约束,畅快游戏!
- 完美适配iPad 2,iPhone4/4S
- 低面建模风格的美术,立体感十足
- 微信一键分享
- 从三个图形中任选一个拖拽到蜂窝里
- 任何方向的格子被填充满,就会自动消除,同时玩家得分
- 消除越多,分数越高
- 如果没有放置的空...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Z.com Trader Mobile - 打破交易時間和地點的限制
Z.com Trader Mobile為外匯交易應用程式,結合多項功能與全面詳細的資訊,讓閣下可以利用電話輕鬆交易外匯。
Z.com Trader Mobile提供重要的繪圖功能,技術指標以及圖表週期。無論閣下身處何時何方,都可以進行高質素的技術分析。
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[ ゲーム ]
This little puzzle game is definitely impressive artwork. You will feel surprised when you play it!
First ,you have to remember that 2 and 3 can be combined into 5,the way is when one of the numbers on side(side is referred to "wall" in the game),and "push" the other number to that direction. 2 and 2 , 3 and 3, can't be combined, it is only possible when different numbers combine together. After this stage, it is only possible that two same numbers combine, just like 5 and 5 combine into 10, 10 and 10 combine into 20, and so on. T...
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[ ゲーム ]
This little puzzle game is definitely impressive artwork. You will feel surprised when you play it!
First ,you have to remember that 1 and 2 can be combined into 3,the way is when one of the numbers on side(side is referred to "wall" in the game),and "push" the other number to that direction. 1 and 1 , 2 and 2, can't be combined, it is only possible when different numbers combine together. After this stage, it is only possible that two same numbers combine, just like 3 and 3 combine into 6, 6 and 6 combine into 12, and so on. The ...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Function introduction:
1.This APP can turn your mobile phone into an attendance book for teachers and trainers, recording attendance at work and visiting information at conferences,and so on. It can collect attendance information via Bluetooth without configuring and matching.
2. This APP can turn your mobile phone into an attendance book. It can send attendance information via Bluetooth without configuring and matching.
3.This app can be draw lots in the check-in list: times for engaging in activities to draw; training times for...
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