フリーワード アプリケーション検索

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[ 教育 ]
「圣经读经计划」为您提供一年读完整本圣经(包括旧约和新约)的阅读规划。 App每天为您提供四个阅读任务,分别是「诗篇」、「旧约圣经」章节、「新约圣经」章节和「箴言」,您可以在任何方便的时间进行阅读。 同时,App内也提供了包括简体中文和合本、繁体中文和合本以及King James Version,三种语言版本的圣经供您挑选,以便您随时随地可以完成阅读任務。 如果您更喜欢阅读纸质的圣经,您仍然可以通过使用「圣经读经计划」的【每日阅读任务】和【阅读提醒】功能帮助您坚持在一年内读完整本的圣经。 在阅读的过程中,即便您错过了某一天的阅读任务,您也仍然可以在空闲时...
[ ブック ]
[ ユーティリティ ]
RayLink企业版是一款专为追求极致效率与安全的企业打造的低延迟、高安全边界的远程控制软件,帮助企业用户实现远程控制,赋能企业用户在全球任一角落高效驾驭多元设备环境,无论是远程制作、办公、协作,还是设备运维,皆能游刃有余。 【重塑创意边界 - 远程制作】 在创意不设限的时代,RayLink让灵感自由流动。无论您身处何方,都能通过超高清、零延迟的远程接入,即时接入工作室工作站,无论是细腻的图形设计、复杂的3D建模,还是紧张的影视剪辑,都能享受如临其境的工作体验。这不仅是游戏开发者、艺术家、建筑师的得力助手,更是影视制作人跨越地域限制的创新伙伴。 【解...
[ ゲーム ]
This little puzzle game is definitely impressive artwork. You will feel surprised when you play it! First ,you have to remember that 2 and 3 can be combined into 5,the way is when one of the numbers on side(side is referred to "wall" in the game),and "push" the other number to that direction. 2 and 2 , 3 and 3, can't be combined, it is only possible when different numbers combine together. After this stage, it is only possible that two same numbers combine, just like 5 and 5 combine into 10, 10 and 10 combine into 20, and so on. T...
[ ゲーム ]
This little puzzle game is definitely impressive artwork. You will feel surprised when you play it! First ,you have to remember that 1 and 2 can be combined into 3,the way is when one of the numbers on side(side is referred to "wall" in the game),and "push" the other number to that direction. 1 and 1 , 2 and 2, can't be combined, it is only possible when different numbers combine together. After this stage, it is only possible that two same numbers combine, just like 3 and 3 combine into 6, 6 and 6 combine into 12, and so on. The ...
[ ゲーム ]
这款至简至精的益智小游算是一款惊艳之作。游戏上手之后会给你不一样的惊喜。 首先你要记住,1和2可以合并成3,合并的办法是其中一个数字靠边的时候(游戏里称为“Wall”也就是墙),将另一个数字向那个方向“推”。1和1,2和2不能合并,两个不同的数字合并,唯一的可能就是1和2合并成3。以后,就只能是相同的数字合并了,比如3和3合并成6,6和6合并成12……以此类推,合并的方法还是往墙上“推”。但3和6不能合并成9……其他的情况也一样。 好了,只要有小学一年级算术水平,基本玩法即可掌握。不同的行与列之间在移动时不会相互影响。每移一步,就会有一个新的方块补充进来,下一个方块...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Function introduction: 1.This APP can turn your mobile phone into an attendance book for teachers and trainers, recording attendance at work and visiting information at conferences,and so on. It can collect attendance information via Bluetooth without configuring and matching. 2. This APP can turn your mobile phone into an attendance book. It can send attendance information via Bluetooth without configuring and matching. 3.This app can be draw lots in the check-in list: times for engaging in activities to draw; training times for...
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