フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ナビゲーション ]
****** NOTICE: As of Oct 16 2013, we are sunsetting our Flight Guide products iEFB and Solo. Please search for eKneeBoard on the App store as that application supports all current iEFB and Solo users and is the upgraded version of iEFB and SOLO. If you download this product now and do not have a subscription you will be redirected to download eKneeBoard. All current iEFB and Solo users should have received an email with upgrade instructions. If not please contact flightguide.com. ****** Airguide Publications is proud to offer...
[ 旅行 ]
The Asheville Cabins WNC Guide is designed for rental guests vacationing at Asheville Cabins of Willow Winds as well as visitors interested in finding out about what Western North Carolina has to offer while on vacation. Download our App to unlock the secrets for having a great time on your next vacation. Guests of Asheville Cabins of Willow Winds will receive an invitation to download the App before their arrival. This App contains all the information each guest needs to know before, during, and after his or her stay. From arriva...
[ 天気 ]
AVTECH proFLIGHT is a high-quality weather tool for professional flight crew. proFLIGHT uses the actual flight route and time combined with the Met Office's Global 10KM Weather model to produce a tailored weather forecast based on the most up to date information. Hazardous weather such as high-resolution turbulence, alerts such as SIGMETS, among more weather-related data is presented to the pilot both in a horizontal map view and a vertical flight-profile view. proFLIGHT also, based on your specific aircraft performance parameters,...
[ ゲーム ]
Let the flying colors go by your sight while you drive your way in the air. Be a free bird in the City full of adventures and Extreme stunt. You are flying car driver with extreme crazy and impressive stunts leading towards a journey of your dreams. Take the flying car on a drive full of racing, stunts and fly above the city in a thrill. Leave all the ordinary vehicles behind with your flying skills and kill the waves with your futuristic stunts. It’s 2017 for crying out loud, you are in a era of advance flying vehicles, robots and...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Cessna iFlite is an iPad application and requires a $139.95 annual subscription for full functionality. The initial purchase of 99c enables you to view A/FD and AOPA Directory information, to purchase and view Cessna POHs, and to have full access to the E6B. Viewing your aircraft's location on an approach chart requires a ChartData subscription with Seattle Avionics (not required to view charts or for SmartTaxi). *** Now with ADS-B InFlight Moving Map Weather *** Cessna iFlite feature set includes Weight and Balance, Takeoff an...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Honeywell knows what it takes to operate in business aviation because our team has planned the flights, flown the routes and ordered the catering—just like you! GoDirect Flight Bag Pro was designed with your day-to-day in mind because we’re pilots too. Flight Bag Pro is a premier global flight planning and electronic flight bag iPad app. Using this app, flight crews can create and file flight plans, calculate and compare aircraft cruise modes for optimal performance, access up-to-the-minute weather updates and airspace information,...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
How it works For access to all 15,000 Terminal Procedures and A/FD pages each 28-day cycle purchase that in the store for $2.99, then if you need to get En Route or VFR charts you purchase them individually. This way you are never obligated to a subscription and never have to pay for data you don't need. The charts in are also very sharp. In fact, if you were to zoom a chart all the way in, then set your paper sectional right next to your iPad, you’ll find that the chart in Premiere Charts is almost 2x the size of the paper chart...
[ 天気 ]
Catch continuous “GREAT LAKES” - Weather Forecasts on your devices exclusively now! This awesome app: allows users to get weather forecast details for marine navigation for Great Lakes region USA, speedily and effectively. All weather forecast details are acquired from NOAA National Weather Services that will be the most precise and up-to-date information so far. Find key information about a specified area or region for maximum winds expected, largest waves expected, thunderstorms, lightning, currents, Precautionary Actions for w...
[ 天気 ]
Prepare your family for hurricanes and tropical storms with the forecasting power of CaneCast. Updated for the 2013 hurricane season, CaneCast now has more tropical storm tracking power in the same user-friendly package. With one touch, CaneCast provides advance warning of tropical storms in your area, or any location you choose to track. Once a storm forms, you’re armed with the up-to-the-minute information you need to protect yourself, your family, and your home. DETAILED AND TIMELY FORECASTS CaneCast’s detailed forecast map al...
[ ビジネス ]
Rockwell Collins FOS Mobile for iPhone the iPhone offers FOS users access to these features: · Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules · Duty time · Crew briefs · Flight logs · Expenses · Maintenance items · Web-based updates For iPads, please download the Rockwell Collins Flight Manager app, which also includes 2 companion modules free of charge: Worldwide Airport Directory · Content about Airport · Alternate Airport · Text weather (Metars, Tafs, P...
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