フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
Think Timerは時間管理アプリケーションです。 いつでもどこでもあなたの作業時間をスマートに計測します。 仕事をする上で作業時間の見積もりは重要です。 見積もり誤っては、物事は計画通りには進まず、周囲に迷惑をかけるばかりか、自分の貴重な時間まで失いかねません。 多くの場合、作業時間の見積もりは、楽観的になりがちです。 2時間と見込んでいたものが、3時間かかってしまうこともよくあります。 しかし、何にどれだけの時間がかかるのかを正しく測定することで、作業見積もりの精度をあげることができます。 Think Timerは、タスクの登録、タスクの時間計測、...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
[Think Treeを体験して見てください.] - Think Tree Liteバージョンでは Think Treeのすべての機能を体験して見られます. Liteバージョンではキャラクター 4個とマインドメブ 1個を支援します. - 正式バージョン(115¥ )では性別が他のキャラクターを支援して 5人の脳構造を保存することができます. だけでなく個数に制限なしにマインドメブを使うことができるし今後キャラクターを倦まず弛まずアップデートする予定です. ----------------------------- あなたは今何を考えていますか? 絡みに絡んだ頭の中を整理したいなら 大事なことの前に効率的な作戦を立てたいなら ...
[ ゲーム ]
アンチエイジング ! 子供達の (動体視力、反射神経、判断力) 成長! スポーツ選手の脳力と神経系の向上! 「Think Touch!」は、昔ながらのモグラ叩きゲームに3種類のアクション (タップ、ダブルタップ、フリック) を取り入れました。 20マスに区切られた画面上にマークがランダムにどんどんスピードUPしながら60回表示されます。 モードはシングルタップ、ダブルタップ、フリック、ミックスの4種類、スピードはノーマル、ハード、ナイトメアの3種類です。 マークの表示を追い続ける動体視力、マークが表示されてからタッチするまでの反射神経、フリック、ミックスモードのマー...
[ 教育 ]
Challenge yourself. Challenge your friends. Discover if you can Think Like Churchill. This app lets you stand in the shoes of Winston Churchill as he faces some of the most difficult and challenging dilemmas in history. At the end of each scenario, your choice is dissected and analysed to help you understand how to become a better decision maker. “The story of Winston Churchill’s life shows that one man can make a difference. He wasn’t always right, but his mixture of brains, brawn and guts enabled him to make difficult decisions...
[ ビジネス ]
Get notifications with the best parts of this amazing book. Simple, wealth generating ideas and habits sent right to your device! With over 100 million copies sold worldwide and Featured in BusinessWeek magazine's Best-Seller List, 'Think and Grow Rich' has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature," but how do you put the concepts of Think and Grow Rich into daily action? Now you can because with the POCKET GURU edition you'll receive notifications containing powerful Think and Grow Rich concepts. Notificatio...
[ 教育 ]
This is a resource app for you to share with your child to help teach skills such as problem solving, self-control, planning, and task persistence. Laugh and learn as you help a Sesame Street monster friend calm down and solve everyday challenges. This bilingual (English and Spanish), research-based app helps your child learn Sesame’s “Breathe, Think, Do” strategy for problem-solving. Tap and touch to help the monster friend take deep breaths, think of plans, and try them out! Your child will enjoy silly animations and playful int...
[ 教育 ]
-----------------PROMOTION ------------------ HURRY! SALE 50% OFF --------------------------------------------- Think Big is a cute application for kids to identify the biggest and smallest numbers. Think Big has the following features : 1. Biggest option: Kids need to select the biggest number from the set of numbers shown. 2. Smallest option: Kids need to pick the smallest number among the set of numbers shown 3. Challenge option: Kids need to identify the biggest as well as the smallest numbers in the set. To add ...
[ スポーツ ]
THINK8 aims to build a Sport Ecosystem that integrates a range of IoT wearable devices and Sports activities. Based on mobility, these smart gadgets can monitor users' health anywhere to create good habits and encourage them to exercise. THINK8 also hopes to use this ecosystem to found and link sports-loving communities worldwide, not only to increase the value of smart digital investments but also to help users upgrade their health through exercises. Want to join with us without IoT wearable device? THINK8 can integrate with Heal...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
So you have read the book Think & Grow Rich but you don't know where to start? Here is the answer you've been looking for. This app takes the core principles of Think and grow Rich and forces you to apply them. Focused primarily around auto-suggestion, you simply enter your goal, what service you are willing to give in exchange for your goal and the date by which you will have met your goals. This app will then automatically generate your personal goal statement AND automatically display them before you sleep and as you wake up. ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Our home business magazine is the perfect platform to grow your home business. We save you time and bring you information you can use, as well as help you sell your products and services. Each month we present home business ideas, explore online business trends and opportunities and show business owners how to promote their products or services in the new business environment. We also showcase businesses, feature business stories, articles and tutorials. We also let you know about LIVE business events. Are you thinking of star...
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