フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Download the new My Sunny 951 app so you can hear the greatest hits of all time wherever you go! Listen to us on your smartphone and tablet Wake up with My Sunny 951 alarm clock feature Stay up to date with the latest concerts & events The greatest hits at your fingertips!
[ ライフスタイル ]
広島県福山市新市町(ひろしまけん ふくやまし しんいちちょう)の理容室、BAR BER SUNNY(バーバーサニー)の公式アプリです。 カット、カラー、パーマ、エステ、白髪ぼかし、育毛マッサージなど、今 旬 のカッコいいスタイルはもちろん、子どもさんからお年寄り、メンズだけでなく 女性のお客様まで幅広くご利用頂いております。 ご家族みなさんでという方も多く、いつも明るい雰囲気の店内は、従来の床屋の イメージ変えるおしゃれで気持ちの良い空間です。 どうぞ気軽にお越し下さいませ。 産まれてきた赤ちゃんの記念に“体毛筆”も承っております。 お客様のご来店を...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Sunny è un'applicazione mobile dedicata alle attività del settore turistico e balneare, personalizzata ad hoc per la tua attività, che permette ai clienti di ordinare tramite smartphone o tablet comodamente sotto il proprio ombrellone. Eviterai code e potrai ottimizzare al meglio la gestione complessiva di tutte le ordinazioni, grazie ad un intuitivo pannello in cloud. Sunny è pensata per gli imprenditori turistici, per tutti i gestori e proprietari di stabilimenti balneari, camping ed attività di accoglienza, che vogliono innova...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Sunny helps people with and without disability to recognise, respond and get help if they are experiencing violence and abuse. Sunny helps people to: - Learn about violence and abuse - Learn about rights - Learn through interactive stories - Begin to tell their story using an interactive keyboard - Call 1800RESPECT 24/7 for free and confidential help - Call emergency services if in immediate danger Sunny includes accessible, easy to read information about: - Sorts of violence people may experience - Where violence can happen -...
[ エンターテインメント ]
SUNNY RADIO plays you favorite music & memories of Memphis. Classic Songs from Artists that touched the Hearts of Generations... Music As Cool Now As It Was Then... SUNNY 103.1FM and 1210AM in Memphis, TN WMPS-AM
[ ミュージック ]
Your favorite radio station is just one tap away with the Sunny 107.9 mobile app! Listen at work, at the gym, on the road, or wherever else you are in the world. Interact with Sunny 107.9 with a slew of features like listener rewards, listener feedback, notifications and more. We keep track of your total listening time and offer great prizes and rewards for listening. Kind of like frequent flyer miles you can earn these prizes for all the time you spend with us - as if our great music and personalities weren’t enough. ;) Also, yo...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Sunny 16 uses the Sunny 16 Rule to calculate approximate exposure values based upon light conditions and film speed (ISO.) The general rule-of-thumb would be to use these values as a starting point and adjust exposure based on actual results. It is highly recommended to use your camera’s Histogram (if available) to determine final correct exposure.
[ ミュージック ]
Listen to Christmas music all year long on the Sunny Christmas app! *** Xmas music, Xmas everything *** Listen everywhere while you work, play, cook, garden, swim Why wait til December? Why Stop in January? At Sunny Christmas, you get all the holiday feels on your own terms!
[ ライフスタイル ]
Located in Anniston, Alabama, Sunny King Toyota is a 17 time President's Award Winner. Awarded by Toyota Motors Sales, a dealership must excel in sales, service, parts, and customer satisfaction to receive this prestigious distinction. Now Sunny King is extending that award winning service to this iPhone App. Get in contact with us, browse our inventory, and calculate payments all on your phone. And best of all, you'll know right away when we start one of our special events.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Welcome to the official Sunny City Church application. Check out how easy it is to integrate your app with The City! For more information about The City, please visit: http://www.onthecity.org/ The Sunny City Church app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform. The City App was created with The Church App by Subsplash.
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