フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Welcome to The Sunny Side of News, your daily dose of positivity and uplifting stories! Start your day with a smile and stay informed with feel-good news about good people doing good things. Whether you're at home, on your commute, or at work, let the Sunny Side of News brighten your day with heartwarming stories that inspire and uplift. Our app provides you with easy access to positive news updates, live streaming, and exclusive content, all designed to keep you feeling good throughout the day. Featuring: -Daily updates of posi...
[ 天気 ]
週間天気予報 Sunnyは週間天気、花粉情報、天気概況、1画面で3つの情報を一目で確認出来ます。 位置情報からエリアの設定ができるので簡単に使用できます。 花粉情報の一覧を選択すると詳細を閲覧することが出来ます。 設定で花粉情報を一番上に表示することが出来ます。 1番はじめに設定されている地域を指定の時間に通知が可能です。 当日または次の日の天気、どちらか選択出来ます。 天気と花粉情報を一緒に確認したい方にオススメのアプリです。 花粉症の方の花粉対策になると思いますので ぜひご活用ください。
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
✭Free for limited time to celebrate release of our newest app: HDR Art. Automatically turn your photos into very authentic looking paintings. The result from this highly addictive software will look pretty much like a real painted art: zoomed in or zoomed out. AutoPainter is actually not an effect, it is the closest thing to watching a real painter. It uses the photo as a reference and automatically paints the scene with different brushes, guided by real-world artists inspired techniques. As with real painters if you paint the s...
[ ゲーム ]
The story of ‘The Rainy Day 2’ is continued to the next day. Mr. Skinny, who returned home from work after a hard work of dodging the rain, found out about his special ability. However he did not show that off to others due to his typical timid personality. In the next morning, which is like any other, Mr. Skinny overslept again because of the hard work of returning home from work yesterday. He rushed to get ready to go to work but made sure he checked the weather forecast as a lesson from yesterday despite running late today. It...
[ 天気 ]
Sunny Spot Inc.が提供する無料の全国天気予報アプリケーションです。 マップをタッチしてエリアを選択。直感的で簡単操作が可能です。 ・今日明日の天気 ・3時間毎の天気 ・週間天気 ・雨雲レーダー ・台風情報
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Automatically turn your photos into authentic looking paintings. It is for real! The result from this highly addictive software will look pretty much like a real painted art: zoomed in or zoomed out. AutoPainter is actually not an effect, it is the closest thing to watching a real painter. It uses the photo as a reference and automatically paints the scene with different brushes, guided by real-world artists inspired techniques. And as with real painters if you paint the same image multiple times you will get slightly different ...
[ ゲーム ]
駐車の達人の続編として、最高のモバイルパーキングシュミレーションゲームが戻ってきました!新世代のパーキングシュミレーションゲームの駐車の達人4では、美しいグラフィックスやマルチステージレベル、リアルタイム オンライン マルチプレーヤーモードなど、すばらしいゲームプレイをお楽しみいただけます。 アメージンググラフィックス、さまざまなスポーツ車、現実的な駐車場とリアルなドライビング。あなたがコントロールポイントを通過する必要があります。あなたはスポーツ車を駐車する必要があります。 "Driving School" is one of the best designed games on th...
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[ ゲーム ]
* Ranked as the #1 App in the overall chart in 8 countries. A TOP 10 Game in 33 countries! * * Over 1.6 million users tried "Sunny Seeds" games. Are you next? * GOAL: Clear the field from all numbers. HOW TO PLAY: - You should find pairs of identical numbers or with sum equal to 10; - The numbers should be placed on the same level horizontally or vertically; - Between pair of numbers should not be any other numbers. INSIDE YOU WILL FIND: - Campaign mode with 64 exciting & unique levels! - 3 FreeGame modes: Classic, Advanced...
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