フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
Diabeting: La app que te ayudará a mantenerte en forma y mantener a raya tu diabetes tipo 2. Social Diabetes con el patrocinio de Sanofi ha desarrollado un proyecto que consiga motivar a los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 a realizar ejercicio físico prescrito por el profesional sanitario. Esta APP permite al paciente llevar una planificación y control del ejercicio físico. Puede ser una herramienta muy útil durante la visita con el profesional sanitario para el seguimiento del ejercicio necesario para el buen control de la enfermed...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
This app helps women avoid being over-weight during pregnancy — thereby helping them to avoid putting themselves or their babies at risk of various health issues, including: Dangers to women: Dystocia, Gestational Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes, Hypertonic Labor. Dangers to babies: Low Birth Weight, Risk of Premature Birth, Fetal Macrosomia, Risk of shoulder Dystocia, Fetal Stress Due to Prolonged Labor, Risk of C-section, Risk of hypoglycemia, Risk of coma and brain damage, Risk of respiratory problems. The app includes tip...
[ ファイナンス ]
NeoFaculty Bourse La bourse facile ! Règle n°1 : Ne pas mettre tous ses oeufs dans le même panier. Règle n°2 : Les arbres ne montent pas jusqu’au ciel, donc vendez au bon moment. Règle n°3 : Evitez le syndrome d’Icare, ne pas s’emballer et rester patient. NeoFaculty Bourse est une application pour les amateurs de bourse. Nul besoin de suivre la presse spécialisée, l’application vous donne directement le résultat de nos analyses. Les analyses sont produites par le cabinet Aboiron & Associés selon des objectifs précis. Vous restez...
[ メディカル ]
This new app from the American Heart Association (AHA) and sponsored by Sanofi Regeneron, provides free viewing access to select AHA Scientific Sessions 2012 & 2013 Lipids presentations. The full-motion videos include synchronized slides and audio, including embedded video and presenter’s cursor movements. Choose from a selection of presentations covering this important medical topic. Select to view presentations from AHA’s Scientific Sessions 2012 held in Los Angeles, or AHA’s Scientific Sessions 2013 held in Dallas, Texas. Access...
[ メディカル ]
Cholesterol-rich lipoprotein(a) is a causal factor in atherothrombosis and cardiovascular disease, independent of LDL cholesterol, other lipids, or inflammatory factors. This Handbook, authored by Professors Nordestgaard, Chapman and Ginsberg on behalf of the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel, provides a unique reference, with a background to lipoprotein(a) biology and pathophysiology, and why it should be treated. The Handbook deals with practical issues in measurement, provides recommendations for screening and...
[ メディカル ]
The Clinician’s Handbook- Dyslipidaemia and Atherosclerosis translates recent guidelines for treatment of dyslipidaemia in cardiovascular prevention to an easily accessible and practically oriented handbook to be used in daily clinical practice. The Handbook is based on the EAS/ESC Joint Guidelines for Management of Dyslipidaemia, 2016, and is endorsed by EAS and ESC. To give a good background for the practical use of guidelines this handbook gives a brief summary of lipoprotein metabolism and the role of lipids and lipoproteins i...
[ ゲーム ]
-Juega y diviértete con “EM Fighter. Luchando juntos contra la Esclerosis Múltiple”. -Sencillo y entretenido juego, apto para todos los públicos. -Juega y colabora con Esclerosis Múltiple España para dar a conocer esta enfermedad y luchar contra ella. -Ayuda a Neuri a avanzar por el cerebro, ayúdala tocando la pantalla para que salte de una plataforma a otra y no caiga al vacío. -Haz que recoja las recompensas y evita los virus malignos, que hacen atontar a Neuri, saltándolos. -Cada metro que recorres y cada recompensa suma pu...
[ ゲーム ]
-Juega y diviértete con “EM Fighter. Luchando juntos contra la Esclerosis Múltiple” -Sencillo y entretenido juego, apto para todos los públicos -Juega y colabora con Esclerosis Múltiple España para dar a conocer esta enfermedad y luchar contra ella. -Ayuda a Neuri a conseguir fuerza y energía de los objetos positivos y evita los obstáculos que te pone la Esclerosis Múltiple. -5 niveles de juego con divertidos personajes creados por Kukuxumusu -Un minuto de tiempo para cada nivel. Si sumas todos los objetos, pasarás al sigu...
[ メディカル ]
The Clinician’s Handbook- Dyslipidaemia and Atherosclerosis translates recent guidelines for treatment of dyslipidaemia in cardiovascular prevention to an easily accessible and practically oriented handbook to be used in daily clinical practice. The Handbook is based on the EAS/ESC Joint Guidelines for Management of Dyslipidaemia, 2016, and is endorsed by EAS and ESC. To give a good background for the practical use of guidelines this handbook gives a brief summary of lipoprotein metabolism and the role of lipids and lipoproteins i...
[ メディカル ]
Learn more about the world-wide impact of diabetes with this interactive version of the International Diabetes Federation’s Diabetes Atlas. Explore the current and projected number of people with diabetes in each country, and visualise the global impact of diabetes. The IDF Diabetes Atlas also includes estimates of the number of people with undiagnosed diabetes and hyperglycaemia in pregnancy, as well as global and regional estimates of annual diabetes-related mortality and health expenditure. Regional overviews summarise challen...
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