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[ ビジネス ]
Dieser Schichtkalender ist für die lange vierer Schicht in der chemischen Industrie.
Diese Schicht wird im Industriepark Höchst z.b. bei Clariant, Infraserv, Sanofi und Celanese benutzt. Gleiche Anwendung findet dieser Kalender auch bei BASF oder Bayer.
Dieser Kalender ist zunächst für das Jahr 2012 programmiert.
Feedback ist gerne gesehen.
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[ メディカル ]
Relevant, reliable and results-oriented, Doctot Diabetes is a suite of the most widely used clinician-administered assessment scales, guidelines and look-up tools related to Diabetic Patients.
Amongst those that are included within this medical tool are:
- HbA1c Converter
- ADA/EASD Guidelines
- 10-year Risk of Diabetes
- Estimated Glomerular Filtration Calculator
- Pain Catastrophizing Scale
- Goldman Cardiac Risk Index
- Snellen Chart
- Skin Lesion Record
- CHADS2 for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk
The components...
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[ メディカル ]
CardioRisk Calculator™ simplifies cardiovascular risk stratification and is a Canadian dyslipidemia guidelines application.
CardioRisk Calculator™ provides:
-quick calculations on % LDL-C reductions
-concise drug dosage information
-clear snapshot of a patient's CV risk
-options to bring lipid levels to target
-easy identification of familial hypercholesterolemia
This application has been developed with the ultimate goal of educating physicians on the most recent Canadian dyslipidemia guidelines and guidelines for the diagnosis...
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[ ブック ]
Der perfekte Tag
Die interaktive App zum Buch von Slatco Sterzenbach
-- Die App funktioniert NICHT auf dem iPad --
Mit der perfekten Tag App halten Sie einen Begleiter für’s gesunde Leben im beruflichen und privaten Alltag bereit. Mit seinem Bestseller hat der Lebensberater und Ironman Slatco Sterzenbach ein Buch zur gesunden Ernährung und ausgewogenen Lebensstil geschrieben. Jeden Tag dienen die Tipps als Hilfe, um das optimale Verhältnis von Ernährung, körperlicher Bewegung, Schlaf und Entspannung, mentalem Training und Motivat...
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[ メディカル ]
The Jr. Animated Atlas of Human Anatomy and Physiology maps the entire human body using 6 video animations. Join us on an incredible journey that examines the intricacies of the 6 major human body systems: Skeletal and Muscular System, Nervous System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Digestive and Excretory Systems, and Reproductive System. Identify vital organs, their location and function:
- Makes accurate health and medical information more accessible than ever
- Provides virtual tour of human body through accurate, high ...
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[ メディカル ]
Cholesterol-rich lipoprotein(a) is a causal factor in atherothrombosis and cardiovascular disease, independent of LDL cholesterol, other lipids, or inflammatory factors.
This Handbook, authored by Professors Nordestgaard, Chapman and Ginsberg on behalf of the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel, provides a unique reference, with a background to lipoprotein(a) biology and pathophysiology, and why it should be treated.
The Handbook deals with practical issues in measurement, provides recommendations for screening and...
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[ メディカル ]
Aplicación creada y desarrollada por el Dr. Alberto Sánchez, traumatólogo especializado en artroscopia de hombro.
El propósito de la aplicación es servir de referencia a los profesionales de salud con una herramienta que engloba los datos más relevantes de patología de hombro, tanto a nivel básico como avanzado, así como el de educar al paciente acerca de los problemas del hombro.
Esta aplicación contiene una completa información sobre patología de hombro.
Va dirigida a pacientes, estudiantes de medicina, enfermería, fisioterapi...
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[ 教育 ]
Neuro E-Zone is an educational initiative by Thomas Jefferson University in association with Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and supported by Sanofi India. This exclusive program is designed to function as the perfect platform for HCPs to gain knowledge on the recent advances in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy through online modules. Mentored by eminent experts from Thomas Jefferson University, this exclusive program will help prepare Health Care Professionals to address the major challenges in the diagnosis and ma...
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[ 教育 ]
Oasis Flash est une application exclusive du laboratoire Sanofi qui permet aux utilisateurs itinérants d’avoir des réponses adaptées aux questions qu’ils se posent sur le fonctionnement et l’usage des applications utilisées au quotidien dans le cadre de leur activité.
A tout moment, il est facile d’accéder à des fiches à la fois didactiques et synthétiques pour découvrir des nouveaux truc et astuces ou améliorer vos connaissances fonctionnelles des outils. Transformez tous ces moments d’attente en opportunité d’apprendre quelque ch...
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[ 教育 ]
The King's Thrombosis Centre – Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Exemplar Centre offers Advanced in VTE care in hospitals, in association with Sanofi-Aventis and BioQuest Solutions. These online modules and live workshops help in endeavouring to bring the latest knowledge and practices to healthcare practitioners and to improve VTE care delivered to patients in hospitals.
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