フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
!!! La version actuelle ne fonctionne pas avec IOS7, un peu de patience nous y travaillons !!!
L'écologie pour les tout petits!
Venez découvrir les animaux du merveilleux jardin de corail et amusez vous avec eux. Dans cet imagier, on peut apprendre à écrire le nom de l'animal et voir de belles photos. Il y a de nombreuses animations qui amuseront les plus petits.
Il y a dans cette version, le poisson citron, le poisson cocher, la tortue de mer, le grondin volant, le bénitier, le poisson lime, la seiche, le poisson lion, la médu...
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[ ゲーム ]
(Description en français plus bas.) Play along with Stella and Sam and their dog Fred as they discover the joy of nature’s shifting shapes and hidden identities. Colour the wings of a butterfly, sing along with the songbirds, and trace out pictures in the clouds. The Stella and Sam Interactive Adventures combine stunning animation with three elegantly-designed activities.
The Stella and Sam Apps are based on the television show and the bestselling picture book series by Marie-Louise Gay. Stella and Sam books have been translated i...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Welcome to the new world of tattoo artist portfolios!
This is the personal portfolio app for Dan Marshall, from Tribulation Tattoo in New York City.
- View a constantly updated portfolio of all his work as he does it!
- A gallery of his latest paintings and other forms of art work.
- You can also save the images to your camera roll, email them to friends, post them via Twitter, and share them on Facebook!
- Biography page with links to personal websites and direct email contact to the artist.
- Calendar of events. See...
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[ 教育 ]
Editors Choice Award from the Children's Technology Review (Description en français plus bas.)
Save a bundle with the Stella and Sam Story Pack. This app includes all five Stella and and Sam Interactive Adventures.
Colour the wings of a butterfly, sing along with the songbirds, and trace pictures in the clouds.
Make pictures in the snow, decorate a snowman and discover what’s hidden under the snow.
Draw paintings with Fred, dig through the leaves looking for treas...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
A one-of-a kind app to inform you of the potential inherited diseases in your dog, and steps you can take for early diagnosis.
* What every dog owner should know in order to safeguard the health of his or her dog.
* Looking for a dog? What you should know before you buy.
* The most popular dog breeds and their inherited predispositions.
* Descriptions of possible genetic diseases and steps for prevention. Never again will you be told by your veterinarian that you should have come...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Enquêtez sur les secrets bien gardés du 22 avenue de Paris à Versailles : ces bâtiments construits sous Louis XV fourmillent de plus de 3 siècles d’Histoire… En suivant ce jeu de piste, vous découvrirez de multiples anecdotes allant des fastes de la cour du Roi à nos jours, en passant par les grandes heures de la Révolution française !
Jeu accessible à tous les publics, à faire sur place, en extérieur. Durée : environ XX minutes. Accès gratuit, limité aux horaires d’ouverture suivants :
- lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredi de 9h à ...
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[ ブック ]
Un jour, j'ai ouvert les yeux, j'ai commencé à écrire en image.
Je me souviens d’avoir lu « Le Livre de ma mère » d’Albert Cohen où il rend hommage à sa mère décédée onze ans auparavant. Il exprime ses regrets et le manque maternel qu'il ne peut combler.
20 ans plus tard, mes photos en sur impression, m’ont mise sur le chemin du repos de ma maman, avec les mêmes ressentiments.
La mère est indéfinissable.
Chérissons-la tant qu’elle est présente.
Le passé est de l’histoire, le futur une fiction, le présent un cadeau,
c’est un pré...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Turn on the bluetooth function on smart phone before you click the Apps.
Click Apps to enter homepage.
Select ON and choose the device.
Then the clock can be linked with the smart phone by bluetooth.
The main functions as following:
Displaying the date and time.
The Apps can Synchronize automatically the time to your bluetooth clock.
If your bluetooth clock supports the alarm function, the Apps can also set alarm time.
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[ ゲーム ]
It's puppy time! As you can figure out this animal game is all about the little dogs and their own mood. The papillon race is a pretty expensive one and also you could say they need a special treatment and for sure a lot of your attention. You are about to offer some for a little puppy who needs an immediate intervention because of his condition. You will need patience and a big sum of love for these fluffy creatures. His fur gone crazy and you have to remediate it in the bathing process. Cut the tufted that don't belong there and ...
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