フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ カタログ ]
Papillon is an apparel company offering contemporary women¹s fashion and accessories at value pricing for style conscious women of all ages. Our brand has been around for over 35 years. In this application, you will be able to browse through the latest catalogs, contact a papillon sales associate, and place a order. Thanks for shopping with us!
[ ユーティリティ ]
Papillon è l'app che ti consente di gestire con efficacia il tuo ristorante, pizzeria, bar, pub, sushi, bakery ed ogni attività che opera nel settore del Food & Beverage. Papillon è la soluzione completa per te che hai compreso che il food delivery (o consegna a domicilio) rappresenta una grande occasione di business. L'app, infatti, è direttamente collegata con l'app del tuo locale con cui i tuoi clienti potranno ordinare da casa!! L'ordine del tuo cliente lo ritrovi direttamente in cassa come se un cameriere avesse preso una com...
[ ライフスタイル ]
福岡のヘアサロン Papillon Rose(パピヨン ロゼ)の公式アプリです。 あなたの「なりたい」スタイルを実現します。 おかげさまで5周年!!一人一人のお客様との出会いを大切に・・。そんな思いで傷みやすいイメージがあるパーマや縮毛も、マイナスイオンスチーマーとトリートメントでしっかりケアし、コスメ登録の薬剤などこだわり選んだ薬剤で、ふんわりとした仕上がりに!あなたに似合うスタイルを提案します! このアプリでは Papillon Rose(パピヨン ロゼ)の様々な最新情報やアプリユーザー限定のお得なサービスが手に入ります! 皆様のご来店をお待ちしておりま...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
When you’re in San Jose's Silicon Valley, and you’re craving contemporary French Cuisine, you have two options : 1)Book a flight to Paris, France 2)Head to Le Papillon, in San Jose Now, if you don’t mind dropping a few hundred bucks, and cope with jet-lag, every time you get a craving for your favorite French dish, you can go with option one and book that flight... For the rest of us in the 99%, however, Le Papillon app is the answer. For over 36 years, Le Papillon has served up delicious authentic French style Cuisine and fr...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Chez Papillon, c'est le nouveau lieu branché de la rue de Ponthieu. Chez Papillon renoue avec la fête! Chez Papillon accessoirise vos nuits. Décor intimiste et chaleureux Masculin Féminin Elégant Extravagant Décalé Détourné Service soigné Musique léchée Laissez vous séduire par un lieu hors mode, hors norme et tellement dans l'air du temps!
[ 旅行 ]
Papillon Hotels hakkında bilgi alabileceğiniz bu uygulama ile; - Papillon PRM 360 Loyalty ağına üye olabilir, - Online rezervasyon talebinde bulunabilir, - Özel teklif ve kampanyaları görüntüleyebilir, - Sosyal medya kanallarına erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.
[ スポーツ ]
Zwemschool "Papillon" bestaat sinds 1989 in Scherpenzeel en sinds 1990 in Voorthuizen. De locaties zijn Landal Klein Ruiwinkel en recreatiecentrum De Boshoek. Zwemschool "Papillon" onderscheidt zich van andere zwembaden ten aanzien van de gebruikte lesmethoden. Bij zwemschool "Papillon" wordt er gedifferentieerd lesgegeven; dit houdt in dat iedereen op zijn eigen nivo kan oefenen, binnen een groep van max 9 kinderen. Het gevolg van deze methode is dat er verschillende nivo's in een groep zitten (beginners, gevorderde B zwemmers). ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Papillon Pizza is committed to providing the best food and drink experience in your own home. Order online here at Papillon Pizza!
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
A fun and simple app for butterfly (papillon) and birding (oiseaux) enthusiasts! Snap pictures of butterflies and birds and save them to a reference list. The app comes pre-loaded with a list of all North American butterflies and birds, and you can associate your photos with the correct one as you capture them. Don't see a particular butterfly or bird on the list? You can easily add them by name. Also, for every bird and butterfly in the app, you can view their corresponding Wikipedia and search result entries. Finally, the...
[ ライフスタイル ]
蝴蝶犬,英文名Papillon,又称蝶耳犬和巴比伦犬,体高20-28厘米,体重3-5公斤。原产于法国,Papillon的名称由来就是法国人命名的,在法语中Papillon就是蝴蝶的意思。 本应用包含蝴蝶犬知识、饲养、训练、美容、疾病、繁育、选购。是驯养蝴蝶犬的必备手册。 蝴蝶犬起源于十六世纪,是欧洲最古老的品种之一。蝴蝶犬引进法国后,当时出入法国皇宫和贵族之门,成为权贵贵妇的掌中珍宝。19世纪时期法国及比利时的爱犬者,致力繁衍直立耳品种的蝴蝶犬,耳朵上的长毛直立装饰,犹如翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。美国及英国的蝴蝶犬爱好者也致力繁衍该品种,改良出比其它国家更小的体型蝴蝶...
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