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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
The mesh networking app you've been waiting for. On a flight but not able to sit near your friends and family, camping trip in the middle of nowhere, on the subway? No problem, you can chat and send pictures from up to 200ft away without the need for an internet connection. What, how? Chat is built upon a new technology introduced with iOS7 called Mesh Networking, using Apples Multipeer Connectivity framework. This framework allows iPhones to communicate with up to 8 people without needing an internet connection at all. - No...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Pritec Mesh Aplicación para el control inalámbrico de luminarias basado en protocolo bluetooth 4.0 Instrucciones: 1. Active el bluetooth en el dispositivo y abra la aplicación Pritec Mesh. 2. Añada las luminarias presionando el icono + en el apartado lista de luminarias de la aplicación. Escanee el codigo QR y el equipo se añadirá automáticamente. (Si tiene algún problema en este paso, apague la luminaria y vuelva a encender) 3. Cree los gupos de control presionando el icono + en la pantalla de grupos de la apli...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This is a tool for bluetooth sigmesh. 1. Create bluetooth sigmesh network, add or delete mesh node. 2. Turn on/off or change level of sigmesh light. 3. Configure group and scene of mesh node, recall the scene. 4. Send uart data to any mesh node. 5. Get version of mesh node.
[ ユーティリティ ]
簡単な制御と設定でライディングを楽しもう! Cardo Connectは、Cardo PacktalkやFreecom通信システムの管理・制御用の直感的な総合インターフェースです。 わかりやすく使いやすいデザインで、デバイスのパーソナライズ、各種機能の設定、外出先からの制御が行えます。 音楽からオーディオ共有、ラジオ、Dynamic Mesh((DMC)、Bluetoothインターコムや電話の制御まで、必要な機能のすべてのCardo Connectからアクセスできます。 「秘密」のクイックアクセスまで備え、1ヵ所からあらゆる機能をフル制御できます。 ぜひお試しください! Cardo Connectの主な機能: Dynamic M...
[ ユーティリティ ]
"Enjoy your experience with Sena 30K Utility App. Take control of your Sena 30K device from the palm of your hand with the convenient and easy to use 30K Utility App. The 30K comes packed with groudbreaking features, the utility The 30K Utility App allows riders to easily manage and navigate through the device’s settings straight from a your smartphone. You can also simply Turn turn the Mesh Intercom feature on and off, and change modes between public Public, private Private, and guest Guest mode Mode simply within the utility app ...
[ グラフィック/デザイン ]
Please Note! This is the final version of Forger Classic – all subsequent development will happen under Forger, no further bug fixes or updates will be applied to this app. forger is a digital sculpting and texture painting application for the artist who wants to be able to work on the go. forger lets you sculpt and texture paint while you are on the train, sitting on the couch, or waiting in a queue. Featuring an intuitive multitouch interface, many sculpting brushes, powerful remeshing capabilities, the ability to import/export...
[ ユーティリティ ]
【Midland Connect】は、MIDLANDのオートバイ用 Bluetooth インカムをスマートフォーンから管理・制御し、さらに便利にご使用頂くためのアプリです。 (特徴) ・シンプルで直感的な操作性 ・スマートフォーンとインカムをペアリングするだけですぐに使える ・インカムの詳細設定を自由に変更可能 ・Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) を使用した安心、省電力アプリ ・インカム本機のBluetoothデバイスのペアリング枠を使用しない便利なアプリです。 (主な機能) ■インカム詳細内容 ・ご使用中のインカムモデルの確認 ・ソフトウエアバージョンの確認 ・各ボタンの名称確認 ■イ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
*Note: The Sena Motorcycles App works with selected Sena products. ---------------------------------------------------- Introducing the Sena Motorcycles App The key features of the Sena Motorcycles App are as follows. * Remote Control for Mesh Intercom, phone and music * Manage paring list * Group Intercom™ * Individual volume management * Get notifications of the latest firmware * Download and view the User's Guide or Quick Start Guide * Basic device settings * Set up speed dials To use the Sena Motorcycle App, download the a...
[ ユーティリティ ]
*Note: The Sena 50 Utility App is only compatible with the Sena 50S and the Sena 50R. Enjoy your experience with Sena 50 Utility App. Take control of your Sena 50 series device from the palm of your hand with the convenient and easy to use 50 Utility App. The 50 Utility App allows riders to easily manage and navigate through the device’s settings straight from your smartphone. You can also simply turn the Mesh Intercom feature on and off, and change modes between open mesh and group mesh within the 50 Utility App. App with 50 Serie...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Top app for trying alloy wheels on your car or truck! Thousands of wheels from top brands like Enkei, Work, Rota, Rays, SSR, TSW... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Wheels ON let's you see your new or used car with the most popular aftermarket wheels and rims. Runs on any mobile device phone or tablet. iPhone & iPad 2. For Tuners into performance dished Rota mesh wheels on your Civic or looking to buy cheap wheels or rent aftermarket wheels? Like having your own cheap Photoshop designer, wi...
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