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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Innovative Cuisine. Casual Dining. We’ve created a unique space, whether you’re in flip-flops or a tuxedo you’ll be right at home at Mesh on Mass Ave. Mesh blends contemporary elegance and comfort with incredible food and excellent service. The innovative menu and unique decor make Mesh an ideal setting for business meetings, romantic evenings, or a night out with friends. A meal at Mesh is one you won't soon forget and value you won’t believe. In this app you can book your reservation, view our menu selection and connect with us.
[ 教育 ]
Svensk MeSH är ett uppslagsverk över ämnesord som kan användas för mer precis sökning i medicinska databaser så som PubMed och SveMed+. I detta kontrollerade vokabulär finns termerna både på svenska och engelska. Svensk MeSH innehåller även definitioner som gör att du också kan använda den som ordbok. Från appen kan du direkt starta en sökning på valt ämnesord i PubMeds mobilanpassade sökgränssnitt.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The official mesh 2011 app features everything you need to keep up with this exciting conference including the full schedule and an integrated mesh-focused Twitter feed. Canada’s leading online conference, mesh explores how the Internet is changing how we live, work and play. mesh is divided into four streams – media, society, business and marketing – to provide an overall of the key trends, issues, companies and tools. mesh is designed to be interactive and engaging with attendees being as much of the programming as speakers. Wi...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The simple, quick solution for secure file transfer and sharing, within seconds, without Internet - all for FREE! The ultimate, quick file sharing application that will simplify your life. No use of your data plan, faster than Bluetooth, no cables, and you don't need cell phone service! Transfer between all platforms at lightning speed! Mesh It Up is the best file transfer tool to send large files. It uses the Wi-Fi hotspot technology to connect two or more devices for instant sharing. Send audio files, photos and videos through ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
CloudTrax is a free cloud-based network controller that helps you build, manage and monitor wireless and wired networks from anywhere in the world. With the CloudTrax app, you can create a network from your iOS device, view the status of your access points and switches, see connected users and their usage, update your network settings and much more. Switch between your mobile app and the full controller at CloudTrax.com seamlessly. Key features: • Free cloud-based management for your Open Mesh wireless networks through an app o...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Mesh makes it easy to get photos off your phone, and into a stylish gallery you can take with you anywhere. Pick the photos you want, add captions, and you get a nice short URL you can text, tweet, email or post to Facebook, Twitter or embed on your WordPress blog. Or just share your moments with friends or family. This version of the Mesh app is a preview release, and we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts.
[ ユーティリティ ]
ATRIA Mesh is the Official APP for Strong smart network devices. Management over ATRIA Mesh AP/Router could be easily done through this APP. Exciting features include self-organizing, networking topology, blacklist/whitelist control, QoS and Firewall setting, firmware upgrade, etc. It's the APP that makes your life easier and smarter, by freeing you from traditional and tedious router managment tasks.
[ ゲーム ]
SWEET MATCH 3 BASED ON BALLOONS Everything is new on "Balloon Mesh" but also familiar. Save targets or collect balloons and sometimes race against time! Everything is based on balloons in this free matching game! Master the match puzzle and try to get as many points as possible. MASTER THE FANCY MAP There are tons of levels and surprise for you along our fancy map. Match bubbles and balloons fast and conveniently with the matches puzzle interface. Match 3 puzzle gaming is accompanied with stunning animations, beautiful icons, c...
[ 教育 ]
Campus Communication, Reimagined. Mesh is an engagement machine that fuels conversations, facilitates collaboration, and helps instill a sense of belonging for students, faculty, and staff in Higher Education. With our powerful messaging platform, Students & Faculty are able to seamlessly collaborate with each other and their peers on assignments, ideas, resources, events, and anything they need in real-time - without the need to exchange phone numbers or emails. Key features: - Pre-Populated classes and student rosters allow fo...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Die Häfele Connect Mesh App bietet umfangreiche Kontrollmöglichkeiten einschließlich der Steuerung von elektrischer Beschlagtechnik in Möbeln und Räumen. Die Häfele Connect Mesh Funktionen im Detail: - Ein-/Ausschalten und Dimmen von Leuchten. - Ein-/Ausschalten und Dimmen von Multi-Weiß-Leuchten, Einstellen der Farbtemperatur. - Ein-/Ausschalten und Dimmen von RGB-Leuchten, Einstellen der Lichtfarbe. - Voreinstellen individueller Lichtszenarien für verschiedene Anlässe. - Steuern von TV-Hebeliften, elektrischen Schiebetüren oder ...
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