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[ ステッカー ]
Hoshi & Luna Diary stickers for iMessage
This sticker pack is delivered to you by ZIRIUS STUDIO and MojiLaLa.
Hoshi & Luna Diary stickers are designed by ZIRIUS STUDIO in Thailand and powered by MojiLaLa.
ZIRIUS STUDIO description:
Don't miss!! for all cat lovers!
MojiLaLa is an artsy sticker marketplace for every messaging conversation made from designers from all over the world.
MojiLaLa gives you access to some of the most high-quality, unique and creative emo...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
For the launch of the new masculine fragrance Prada Luna Rossa Carbon, Prada Parfums introduces an immersive augmented reality experience that highlights the powerful essence of high tech nature - a challenge between the raw and the refined that lies at the heart of the fragrance.
Using the Luna Rossa Carbon application, scan the fragrance and explore its core in an unexpected mise-en-scène.
Grounded in earth and nature, surrounded by mineral dust, the fragrance offers an explosion of elements that can be watched and captured fro...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Start your adventure with Luna drone by Forever - our application gives you the opportunity to take full advantage of Luna drone opportunities! Mount a smartphone or tablet in a holder included in the kit and provide entertainment for the whole family and friends!
The application is so intuitive that it will allow you to control the drone in a few minutes: download, install, pair - and you're ready for aerial acrobatics! Control solutions make it easy to pilot the drone, simply designed and schematic icons are dedicated for easy us...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Luna Glam Club è un ambiente di classe, trendy e stravagante, capace di caratterizzare le notti dell'intero litorale Nord Orientale con il suo cocktail esplosivo di ottima musica e pubblico alla moda.E' una location ambita per eventi e rappresentazioni, per party e sfilate. Un Club dove si respira energia positiva, con il massimo della qualità negli arredi e nelle proposte artistiche, per mantenere sempre alto il coinvolgimento di un pubblico che ama sorridere e divertirsi.Luna Glam Club è la discoteca chic di San Teodoro: due zone...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Linda J Luna "s app introduces one to the unique healing work of the gifted Linda J Luna. It describes the process of her powerful channeled sessions . These beautiful readings address all of life"s issues and involves attuning to and then channeling the highest master guides for your personal life situation.
Linda has been described as a psychic medium by some, and a spiritual intuitive by others... She sees herself as a vehicle of the highest love of master guides for the purpose of helping and aiding in the healing of those who...
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[ 教育 ]
“Luna Eva rescata un león” es un cuento bilingüe con narración sincronizada en español e inglés y una sección interactiva con preguntas, páginas para colorear y animaciones.
¿Quieres que tus hijos disfruten de la lectura en español y aprendan inglés al mismo tiempo? Diseñado para facilitar la comprensión en los dos idiomas a través del uso de ilustraciones, el empleo de frases cotidianas y una historia divertida.
Las aventuras empiezan cuando los padres de Luna Eva la llevan de paseo al bosque y ella se encuentra con un ...
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[ ゲーム ]
One touch addictive arcade action! Help a tiny hero battle past ghosts, unleash fantastic powers, and navigate tricky planets in search of the helplessly adorable teddy bear.
♥ ♥ ♥ Luna wishes you a Happy Valentine’s in this FREE BONUS GAME featuring all new themed levels ♥ ♥ ♥
★ Easy One Touch Controls
★ Addictive Running and Platforming Action
★ Awesome power-up suits
★ Cute animations and incredible art
★ Optimized widescreen graphics for iPhone 5
Join us on the Luna Bears Facebook page:
Follow u...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
zyskaj błyskawiczny, bezpośredni dostęp do kina Luna używając aplikacji Luna.
Przegląd kluczowych funkcji
Nowości z Twojego ulubionego kina:
Bieżące informacje o wydarzeniach, gościach, pokazach specjalnych i przedpremierowych
Repertuar kina
Dostęp do godzin seansów w nadchodzącym tygodniu
Szczegółowe informacje o filmach
Dostęp do szczegółowych informacji o każdym filmie: opisy, zdjęcia i wiele więcej.
Nasza funkcja Zameldowanie pozwala miłośnikom kina okazać swoją lojalność dla Luna. To Twoja droga do nagród i zni...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Brinque com a Luna em seu primeiro aplicativo!
Divirta-se com dois jogos da memória super divertidos.
- No modo Personagens, encontre os pares de cartas idênticas.
- No modo Faz de Conta, encontre as cartas dos personagens fantasiados que correspondem ao faz de conta.
- Você pode jogar sozinho ou com um amigo. Nesse caso, cada um escolhe qual personagem quer ser!
- Jogando sozinho, você começa com 4 cartas e ao passar de fase vai ficando mais difícil, até completar 24 cartas.
Esse aplicativo é baseado em O Show da Luna!, uma ...
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