フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
Whether you are new to digital tokens or a professional trader, Bitfinex is your one-stop-shop for all your crypto needs. The Bitfinex mobile app adapts the full functionality of our web platform for seamless on-the-go trading. Please visit our Terms of Service to learn more https://www.bitfinex.com/legal/exchange/terms BUY AND SELL HUNDREDS OF DIGITAL ASSETS EASILY Buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether tokens, Cardano, Dogecoin, and hundreds of other cryptocurrencies directly from your mobile device. TRADE LIKE A PRO Bitfine...
[ ミュージック ]
超本格的なドラムアプリを、真矢(LUNA SEA)がプロデュース! 一つ一つの音から全ての演奏が真矢の手によるもので、 このアプリの為だけにレコーディング。 デザインもパール楽器製造(株)全面協力のもと、 世界に1点しかない真矢シグネイチャーモデルなどの 本物を撮影。まさに完全再現。 このアプリでしか味わうことのできないサウンドと 演奏を聴けるのはもちろん、リズムマシンとしても 楽しむこともできる。 真矢とセッションも出来る、世界に一つだけのアプリが完成。 - Kit モード 本格サウンドで楽しめるiPhoneドラムキット。 パール楽器製造㈱全面協力のもと、 ...
[ ゲーム ]
Explore the beautiful destinations on Lycan Isle while you solve the mystery of an ancient artifact and the effects it is having on the island's inhabitants. • LUNA HAS BEEN SUMMONED TO A REMOTE ISLAND Tara needs Luna’s expertise on a newly unearthed artifact that might prove the existence of the legendary cult of the Madra Alta! • A MYSTERIOUS ARTIFACT HAS BEEN UNEARTHED! Locals are acting very strangely and terrible clues reveal a situation beyond her worst nightmare. • DIG DEEP AND BRING OUT LUNA’S INNER ANIMAL AND SOLVE...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
【3秒であなたの時間割を自動生成!】 Orarioは関西学院大学生のためだけの時間割自動生成・管理アプリです。 教学WEBサービスのID・パスワードを入力するだけで3秒で時間割を自動生成します。 ※既に別の時間割アプリをインストールしている方でも乗り換えるべき便利な機能がいっぱい! 【Orarioの特徴】 ■LUNAから時間割を自動取得! ■取っている講義のシラバスへ自動で飛べる! ■出席・欠席・遅刻回数の記録 ■講義メモの記録 ■テーマカラーを自由にカスタマイズ可能 ※本アプリの使用には関西学院大学のアカウントが必要です。 ※本アプリは関西学院大学の公式アプリでは...
[ ゲーム ]
Explore the beautiful destinations on Lycan Isle while you solve the mystery of an ancient artifact and the effects it is having on the island's inhabitants. • LUNA HAS BEEN SUMMONED TO A REMOTE ISLAND Tara needs Luna’s expertise on a newly unearthed artifact that might prove the existence of the legendary cult of the Madra Alta! • A MYSTERIOUS ARTIFACT HAS BEEN UNEARTHED! Locals are acting very strangely and terrible clues reveal a situation beyond her worst nightmare. • DIG DEEP AND BRING OUT LUNA’S INNER ANIMAL AND SOLVE THIS...
[ ゲーム ]
Make a Purr-fect Match with YOUR OWN KITTY, and YOUR FAVORITE CATS OF INSTAGRAM. Featuring YOUR KITTY alongside Kitty Celeb-purr-ties Monty Boy, BenBen, Maya the Cat, Brimley, Lulu & Farfor, Der the Cat, Nala Cat™, White Coffee Cat, and Luna Rose! It’s the cutest match 3 from Ar-meow-nia to Zim-paw-bwe. PLAY NOW fur FREE and get started on your Kitty adventure! Is YOUR KITTY our NEXT TOP KITTY ready to steal the heart of every kitty admirer out there? Introducing Kitty Purr-sonas! A fun & cute way to avatar your Kitty and share w...
[ ゲーム ]
:: Game Introduction "Those 4 hot guys all like me?!" Vampire, with his dangerous charm; Werewolf, who's big, fluffy and cute; Hunter, the guy you can always count on; Doctor, a smart man with a warm heart. Who will be the man that will move your heart? Go on dates to unlock CGs, increase affinity and unlock good endings! :: Game Summary On a same old day, same old job as a Hunter, I've been attacked by a vampire! As my peaceful life was falling apart, I come across an opportunity of a lifetime. What kind of life will I live?...
[ ゲーム ]
Join Luna on a magical match-3 adventure! Collect pets, mix potions, find stickers and puzzle your way through a land of fairytale fun! From the makers of Agent Dash & Sugar Rush. Download this new potion puzzle game today! Collect mystical pets that will help you on your journey and record your adventure in Luna's sticker book! Your quest takes you from a humble village, through enchanted caves, a winter wonderland and beyond! It's the most magical game around! • Mix and match bewitching potions • Collect cute pets with magica...
[ 教育 ]
Le eclissi Totali e Totali-Anulari di Sole considerate dal programma sono quelle comprese tra il 1900 e il 2100, precisamente 287 eclissi totali e totali-anulari dal 28 Maggio 1900 al 4 Settembre 2100. Mentre le eclissi parziali riportate dal programma sono 81, dal 2000 al 2098 Il programma fornisce gli orari in Tempo Universale delle varie fasi dell'eclisse (iniziale, centrale e finale) e le coordinate geografiche da cui è possibile osservare queste tre circostanze dell'eclissi. Fornisce inoltre la durata massima dell'eclissi e l'...
[ ブック ]
"My beloved put his hand through the hole in the door; and he shook my insides. I got to open to my Beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, liquid myrrh my fingers, on the latch of the lock. I opened my Beloved, but my beloved had gone long. The soul came out to his escape. I sought and found him not, I called, and did not answer "(Song of Songs). According to new anthropological theories (David Levinson), the development of a person does not end but continues throughout life and changes according to the circumstances present...
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