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[ 旅行 ]
Das Wellnesshotel auf Usedom » KAISER SPA HOTEL ZUR POST
Erleben Sie Erholung und Wellness in Bansin im größten und schönsten First Class Hotel auf Usedom. Es erwarten Sie 3 verschiedene Restaurants, Wellness auf 1.200 qm und 112 Mitarbeiter, welche Ihren Urlaub zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis werden lassen.
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[ 教育 ]
Abspieldauer der Biografien: ca. 62 Min.
Weltgeschichte. Sie fasziniert über Generationen hinweg.
Selbst ohne zu sehr in die Tiefe zu gehen, öffnet sie den Blick in die Vergangenheit und das Verständnis für die Gegenwart.
Noch nie war es so leicht, komfortabel und unterhaltsam, geschichtliches Wissen vermittelt zu bekommen.
Die Reihe "CD WISSEN – Große Frauen und Männer der Weltgeschichte" umfasst über 100 Biografien, geschrieben von anerkannten Autoren, gesprochen von bekannten und belie...
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[ 旅行 ]
Genieße das Leben...
Unser familiär geführter Gasthof „Zum Wilden Kaiser“ mit dem gegenüber liegenden Landhaus bietet Ihnen das Ambiente für Ihren ganz persönlichen Sommer- und Winterurlaub.
Sonnig und idyllisch auf einem einmaligen Panorama Plateau direkt am Fuße des sagenumwobenen Wilden Kaisers an einem der schönsten Plätze Tirols liegt Scheffau. Unweit davon befindet sich der Hintersteiner See auf 900 Meter Höhe in traumhafter Lage mit seiner hervorragenden Wasserqualität – einer der romantischten Berg- und Badeseen Österreich...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
The "Kaiser Baas X100" is a remote controller of Camera which insdie DSP is made by iCatchtek Inc, chip list support SPCA6330
You can connect the camera by iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi, after established the connection, you can live view the camera video stream, trigger start movie record, take a picture, view the thumbnail, and download the video or picture.
Connection Step:
1. Open camera WiFi
2. Connect to the camera WiFi, iPhone Settings -> Wi-Fi ,Search a SSID, click connect, the default password should be "1234567890".
3. Op...
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[ ゲーム ]
Before you grab this app, go check out Tap Tap Revenge TOUR, which is brand new and FREE! Search for "Tap Tap Tour" in the App Store to find and download it!
TAP ALONG TO SOME OF THE BIGGEST BANDS IN THE WORLD INCLUDING KE$HA, BLACK EYED PEAS, METALLICA, AFI AND SMASHING PUMPKINS. With over 100 free songs and 100 premium bundles, why pay $7 for other music rhythm games when you can get the original and most downloaded music game on the iPhone and iPod touch for FREE.
BUT D...
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[ スポーツ ]
Listen to your racquet and perfect your game!
RacquetTune ensures that your racquet is ideally suited to your style of play. Simple and straightforward to use, the app uses the sound generated by tapping the strings to calculate the tension with high accuracy. In addition, the interactive swingweight calculator aids in customizing your racquet to fit your own stroke pattern, while the stiffness calculator allows you to simulate different racquet configurations.
RacquetTune not only makes it easier to decide when it is time to r...
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[ スポーツ ]
The most advanced sports timer in the AppStore!
Featured by Apple in the TV-ad "Strength".
SprintTimer is a unique sports timer and photo finish app that employs the same techniques as the fully automatic timing equipment (FAT) used at the Olympics. Start the timer and point the camera towards the finish line. The app creates an image where you can scroll to get the time for each competitor with a 0.01 s accuracy*. SprintTimer also includes a motion-activated Video Finish for longer races and a Start Sender for wirelessly contro...
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[ ニュース ]
Blind is a professional community where verified employees have honest, anonymous conversations about their work-life challenges. Join over 10 million professionals aross industries like tech, finance, healthcare, automotive and more. Network with employees from top companies including Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, Toyota, Ford, Nike, Walmart, Kaiser Permanente and more.
What You Can Do on Blind:
Explore Diverse Topics
From trending news and salary negotiations to job searching an...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
hoichoi is an on-demand video streaming platform for Bengalis worldwide, offering an extensive collection of 625+ Bengali movies, 175+ original web series, shorts, and documentaries. Join us to avail a premium streaming experience & enjoy the best in Bengali Entertainment!
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175+ web series to watch online with new shows added every week.
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Indulge in a daily movie marathon and you'll still require a few years to exhaust the vast collection in our movie library of 625+ movies.
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