フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Beautiful, Fun, Easy to use, and Rewarding Six brand new, unique biofeedback mini-games to use with your IomBlue. By popular demand, here is a set of never before seen mini-games, also known as "biofeedback events" just for your iOS device. See this article for more details on how to play - http://support.wilddivine.com/knowledgebase/how-to-play-heartscapes-ios/ FEATURES INCLUDE: - Six ALL NEW biofeedback events - Works with IomBlue biofeedback sensors (https://wilddivine.com/products/iom-blue) - For iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
This The Meta States of ADD App . The Meta-States of ADD ADD as Driving a Brain in an Out of Control Manner The Meta-Levels of ADD The Intention --Attention Dynamics Mastering the Deficiency in ADD Video Attention, Intention, Attitude - Shauna Shapiro Meta state emotion Meta-states by Eben Pagan How To Add Meta Tags In Your Blogger Meta Levels Attention Starts It, Intention Directs It Neuro-Semantics with Dr Michael Hall Part 1 Using the NLP Meta Model to Elicit a Desired State and Present State Neuro-Semantics with Dr Michael ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
I had a Near Death Experience after a burst cerebral aneurysm which changed my life forever. It was a blessing, but also a curse in that it changed everything I once held as true. I now see life as a mission to encourage, empower and inspire people as a way of being an instrument for God’s use. My daily intentions began flowing out of me several years ago. I used them to make my own life meaningful as I created an “intention” as a way of empowering myself with my newly learned knowledge from my experience. I began posting them on...
[ ゲーム ]
- Help!!! these elves need to be rescued! Only YOU can save them and get them on the road to adventure in “Dora Mania”! - Match elves together to save them - “Dora Mania” is a match-three game with Endless gameplay twists. - Match four or five or more elves for awesome elves-Soul outbreak! You’ll come across a variety of new game modes on your travels - it’s time to show off your elves-Salvation skills! —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— • "Dora mania" makes game play More interesting than ever. • "Dora mania" instantly transform...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
The Intention Call is a 15 minute call held once a Week where you get to Intend with HUNDREDS and even THOUSANDS of Powerful People Simultaneously!
[ ファイナンス ]
Cette App a été spécialement développée à l’intention du spécialiste de la pension que vous êtes, afin de vous permettre d’optimiser vos conseils et de répondre mieux encore aux besoins de vos clients. C’est parce que vos clients attendent une réponse exacte et précise à leurs questions les plus pointues au moment qui leur convient que Delta Lloyd a développé cette App à votre intention. Pour que vous disposiez partout et à tout moment des chiffres et des données les plus récents en matière de pension. Bref, une App indispensable...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Kundalini Reiki 2008 New upgraded version! Possibly the simplest healing and self-development system that exists! By opening/strengthening the energy channels of the body, it is possible to channel healing Reiki energy to yourself and others, just by intention. Recommend sequence to download : KR Level 1 -> KR Level 2 -> KR Level 3 What is Reiki? Reiki means “Universal life energy”. You can have access to Reiki via “attunement”. During attunement, different energy centres (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened. T...
[ ライフスタイル ]
This Intention Connect app is to be used as a tool for Unitarians to connect through prayer and use the power of unified consciousness to effect change. By simply pressing "play" a recording of an intentional prayer mixed with music will bring the listener into a place of peace within one's own heart. United in Spirit, we focus our prayers, intentions and love on our world leaders. This energy of love encourages them to respond in kind, bringing our world into harmony. The app allows the listener to set their own reminders, mu...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Bienvenue chez S'Aimer. La nouvelle application ultime de méditation qui combine spiritualité, méditation et taoïsme. La fusion ultime pour le mystique moderne, le chercheur et l'amoureux de la vie. Ce produit est un témoignage de notre amour profond pour le taoïsme et les compétences de méditation profondes affinées dans les paysages sereins de Bali. Au cœur de notre application, S'Aimer, réside un engagement à cultiver l'amour de soi et la paix intérieure à travers des pratiques ancestrales qui ont été chéries et perfectionnées à...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Yoga Nidra and more by Loren Runion Welcome to the Intentionology App. Inside you’ll experience Intentionology’s approach to nervous system wellness with yoga nidra as the foundation, restorative yoga, and mindfulness all at the touch of a button. Yoga nidra is an effortless, deeply relaxing form of meditation that is ideal for all levels, as even beginners can have profound experiences the first practice. Through this revitalizing practice, you can restore balance to your nervous system and transform your entire life. And it is...
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