フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ メディカル ]
Cette application est réalisée par l’APMH, Association pour la promotion de la médecine homéopathique (fondée en 1991), dans le but d’informer et de faciliter l’accès aux soins homéopathiques.
Développée à partir du site de l’APMH, apmh.asso.fr, cette application permet à son utilisateur de trouver un professionnel (médecins, dentistes, vétérinaires, pharmaciens…) soignant en première intention à l’homéopathie grâce :
- à une recherche par qualité, spécialité, nom…
- à une recherche par géolocalisation
Grâce à cet annuaire, finie...
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[ スポーツ ]
Trout Fisher has been New Zealand's only dedicated trout fishing periodical since 1991.
It's 100% Kiwi Owned & Produced.
AIM: To promote New Zealand trout fishing in the spirit of public ownership.
Its owner, publisher and editor describes himself as "a classic fly fisher but atypical magazine purchaser", meaning that he fly fishes impulsively but only buys magazines deliberately, and very few at that. Typically, he feels, magazines are 66% advertising and 33% reading, offering little value to the reader. Although advertising ...
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[ 教育 ]
The Social Enterprise Toolbox aims to be a hands-on guide that will help you set up and run your social enterprise.
The definition of a social enterprise used within this guide is a business that has been set up with the primary intention of achieving social and ethical goals through its sale of services and products, management processes and operations.
This guide is written for a business leader at any stage of running their social enterprise as its intention is to help you undertake a considered and structured analysis of h...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Guide du pèlerin
(Hajj et omra)
Clément et
Louange à Allah, Seigneur des mondes. Que la paix et le salut soient sur le plus nobles des prophètes et le sceau des messagers, notre prophète Muhammad, sa famille et ses compagnons.
Ô pèlerin ! :
Veille à ce que ton intention soit sincère avec Allah dans ton hajj, ta omra et toutes tes actions ; veille, aussi, à accomplir le hajj et la omra et toutes les actions conformément à la sun...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Sending Light: Reiki Light Bridge for Balance is an evolution of Reiki distance healing. Intended for the highest and best good, Divine Light energy is sent to the user who chooses to receive these beautiful loving energies, using modern technology as the bridge for healing.
Along with color, light, movement, and sound, this app has been created with an energy track, filled with Reiki Divine Light and Love. It is recommended that you place the Reiki Light Bridge device (phone, iPad, etc.) on your heart, at the top of your head,...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Welcome to Vira Finance.
We have a detailed explanation blog here, where you can find test cases and detailed instructions and a couple of explainer videos.
In Vira Finance, we are giving you a full technical analysis tool and also a laboratory to test your theories in our environment. ‘Have you ever wished you had more resources to invest in this stock or the other?’ Well, we are not giving you more resources… of course. But we are giving you an environment where you can share intentions to buy or sell sto...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
L’Église catholique à Montréal est désormais à portée de vos doigts!
Que ce soit pour trouver l’église la plus proche de vous, connaître l’heure de la prochaine messe ou d’adoration, déposer une intention de prière ou simplement consulter les dernières nouvelles, vidéos et activités du diocèse, toutes ces informations sont maintenant disponibles, peu importe où vous êtes!
Voici les différentes fonctionnalités à découvrir :
- Trouver une église à partir de mon emplacement ou d’un autre emplacement.
- Accéder aux fiches complète...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
TimeSpace Two is dedicated to help develop the ability of entering fully into the Present moment and to learn how to contact our essence, through deep body relaxation, and stabilization of mental clarity. This state - when body is “asleep” and mind is “awake” - is strongly related to hypnagogic reverie.
TimeSpace Two is functioning as a gateway to the The Dream World. It is providing tools and learning methods to develop special abilities of getting into the Dream World, while being fully conscious.
This TimeSpace Two Ride is ess...
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[ 教育 ]
Transform your Ramadan, Transform your Life
Darussalam and Publisher Ramadan Pearl will help you to transform your life completely. It will help you achieve the true spirit of Ramadan .It’s Darussalam objective to enable our user to reap the practical benefits by our PLAN YOUR RAMADAN features. It’s Darussalam true intention to glorify your Ramadan and give your soul a fresh breeze of Emaan. You can achieve following benefits from our application
•The benefit of Ramadan is explained in a very comprehensive way
•Plan your Ramadan a...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Using the most advanced technology to synchronize brainwaves, TimeSpace One is the most powerful interactive meditation app ever created! It is the first app to introduce us to synchronous mental state and mind field. Journey with us to the Bridge that connects all time and space!
This app is developed as an upcoming series of 7 TimeSpace rides to reawaken and cultivate our SuperMind capacities.
Result of TimeSpace rides:
- Deep state of peace, balance and mind clarity
- Receive new perceptions and vision
- Remembering forgotte...
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