フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Deep Impact is the premier builder of custom high performance center console boats. Deep Impact builds premium quality center console boats, a significant number of which serve as yacht tenders to megayachts.
[ 教育 ]
ZHAW-Impact: Neues aus Forschung und Lehre Das ZHAW-Impact ist das Magazin der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften und der Alumni-Organisation Alumni ZHAW. Die ZHAW ist eine der führenden Schweizer Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften tätig in Lehre, Forschung, Weiterbildung und Dienstleistung. Jede Ausgabe des Magazins widmet sich einem Schwerpunktthema zu relevanten Themen aus Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Porträts über Forschende, Dozierende, Studierende und Alumni, Interviews, Reportagen, V...
[ ゲーム ]
Enrichissez votre jeu de plateau grâce à l’application Z First Impact. Grace à la technologie innovante de la réalité augmentée, l’application mobile Z First Impact offre aux joueurs la possibilité d’accéder à des contenus interactifs additionnels pour le jeu de plateau Z First Impact. L’application apporte des visuels animés et ajoute des fonctionnalités dans le Game Play du jeu de société. A noter que le contenu de cette application de réalité augmentée n’est disponible que si vous possédez les cartes fournies avec la boite du ...
[ 教育 ]
Strategic publishing decisions made fast The benefits of publishing your academic research in the right journal are significant. Publish for Impact identifies Journal Impact in seconds. By cross-referencing a mashup of multiple journal databases, you can identify where to publish quickly - helping you and your institution get the recognition you deserve. Publish for Impact will provide us with significant gains in staff time, doing in moments what would otherwise take hours to do.
[ ライフスタイル ]
This is the Impact Community Church app and it gives you access to the messages as well as weekly vlog, church location, service times, and other information. You can browse current and previous Sermon Series and listen on demand. You can also choose to follow Impact Community Church on Facebook. For more information about Impact Community Church, please visit: www.impactsouthbay.com
[ ミュージック ]
A drum set on your phone or tablet from the A1 Instruments Collection. An interface styled in the from of radioactive danger signs - sharp and bright like the sound of an actual instrument. This is the virtual drum set. A Hi-hat, Crash, Ride and other cymbals needed to create simple but original music. Compose your own musical composition with the help of A1 Instruments, set the rhythm with A1 Impact! A1 Impact perfectly suits creative people, for whom music is no empty sound. All applications from the A1 Instruments suite have p...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Discover fun ways to engage with the causes, charities, and organizations you care about, and then redeem perks from your favorite celebrities and brands. Find some way new to impact your world, for example volunteer at an animal shelter, use your video gaming skills to help kids with disabilities, or become a climate change activist. Every impact movement on Naya is spearheaded by a celebrity or brand, and they're waiting for your support. As a token of appreciation, they'd reward your participation by cool perks and prizes li...
[ ライフスタイル ]
UNASHAMED IMPACT is an evangelical movement organization founded by Brittney Moses on July 27th 2012. The purpose is to unite young believers worldwide to be an example of what it looks like to live a positive lifestyle completely dedicated to Christ. This movement is breaking down the walls between race, denomination, location, background and gathering every soul willing to take a stand to be a light in this world. Unashamed Impact gives an opportunity that fosters the visions of young leaders and provides the tools they need to g...
[ 教育 ]
The official mobile app for the Social Impact Exchange Conference on Scaling Impact
[ ビジネス ]
The Impact Sourcing at Scale: Moving From Idea to Practice conference will convene diverse stakeholders including, providers of outsourcing services, buyers of outsourcing services, representatives from industry associations, experts on labor standards and certifications, funders of Impact Sourcing, youth and government to showcase the rapid uptake of Impact Sourcing and the opportunities the sector has created. Download our app to get all the event info at your fingertips. Use this app to access important event information includ...
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