フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
IBM Impact 2013 - Japan のセッションや展示情報を閲覧できるアプリです。 セッション情報の閲覧・検索・地図表示等の操作が行えます。 聴講したいセッションや講演を登録することで、マイスケジュールを作成できます。 登録したスケジュールやブックマークしたセッション開始時刻に合わせて通知を受けることができます。 ----------------- 開催方針 ----------------- ■日時 2013年7月18日(木曜日) 10時~18時(受付開始 9時20分) ■会場 品川プリンスホテル 東京都港区高輪4-10-30 ■参加費 無料(事前登録制) ■イベント構成 午前:基調講演 午後:特別講演(パネルディス...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Impact App features content from Travis Hearn, who leads Impact Church based in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information about Impact Church, please visit: www.impactchurch.com SPECIAL FEATURES: * Podcast: Listen to the latest sermon or lookup a previous one in the podcast library. * Digital Bible: Enter in the passage you want or use quick keys to go directly to the passage you desire to read. * Free Audio Bible: Click listen and you are instantly listening to the daily devotional plan. You can also look up any passage you ...
[ ビジネス ]
Verint Impact 360 Mobile enables frontline employees and managers to enjoy the benefits of the Impact 360 Workforce Optimization solution while being mobile. The app is a unified extension of the core Verint Impact 360 solution. It engages and empowers users by delivering, on-demand actionable intelligence to them on-the-go and enables users to swiftly respond and take action from the convenience of their own mobile devices. Users can: • View daily and weekly schedules for individuals and teams • Submit, edit, waitlist, withdraw, ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
If you are attending Pink Impact, or are looking for information about the Conference, this app is a must-have! • Speakers – Get in-depth information on all of our dynamic speakers. Take a look, and we think you’ll agree that you won’t want to miss a single minute! • Schedule – Receive updated event times, and know where to go for each session. • Places – Need a place to eat, sleep, or shop? We’ve got you covered. Find locations and directions to meet all of your needs. • Media – Watch highlight videos and sessions from last y...
[ ビジネス ]
Use Impact Video to: 1 - Create Selfies or Product videos and personalize it with a message and a call to action link. 2 - Instantly share your videos to ANY social networks. 3 - Share selfie videos privately to specific followers, family or friends by email or text. Impact Video Benefits: INSTANT - Just record a selfie, type a message, link and share. That’s it. Your receiver can view your videos on any OS or device without an app. It even works on text or email. MOBILE - Everything is done from your mobile device....
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Greater Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT)’s vision is to be a premier resource for emerging growth companies in the information technology and healthcare industries. We connect growth companies, venture investors, professional advisors, and technology-focused corporations to network, pursue business opportunities, market and promote their businesses to foster growth and innovation. As a premier signature event of PACT, IMPACT, the oldest venture conference on the East Coast, will celebrate its 20th annivers...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The official app of Impact City Church. With the Impact City Church app you can watch videos, read articles, interact with other people, find our latest social media posts and much more. To get more information about Impact City Church please visit us online at www.topucu.com.
[ ビジネス ]
The Impact App allows you to easily upload your videos, photos and voice recordings and share them securely with Blue Yonder Research. Registration is required before starting to use the app. If you have any questions about the app please call us on 0800 591940 or email info@blueyonderresearch.co.uk. Impact App is the property of Blue Yonder Research Limited, 429 Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, Leeds, LS23 7BJ. In using Impact App you agree that Blue Yonder Research Limited can use any uploaded media to assist research projects.
[ ビジネス ]
Schwab IMPACT 2013®, an event for RIAs, is an invitation-only conference. With the mobile app you can view the agenda, check your customized schedule, add and remove education sessions, browse session and speaker details, complete education session surveys, learn about exhibiting companies, and connect with other attendees. You must be a registered attendee to use this app. Learn about IMPACT® at http://impact.schwab.com. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. (0913-4982) IMPACT® is meant for institutional audiences only. The ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The 2013 Lake Nona Impact Forum is being held October 23-25 at Lake Nona in Orlando, FL. The Impact Forum app is an easy-to-use mobile application that contains up to the minute logistics, agendas, and delegate biographies for the conference. Onsite delegates can also use the app's messaging feature to connect with each other.
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