フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
These engaging presentations offer practical instruction on type 2 diabetes mellitus pathophysiology, early diagnosis, goals of therapy and care, novel treatments, management of hypertension and dyslipidemia, patient monitoring, and treatment guidelines. In addition, these activities will touch on recent controversies relating to measurement and application of HbA1c levels, inconsistencies between current T2DM guidelines, and intensive versus standard therapy. Learn about the relationship between HbA1c and glycemia, the risks and ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
A1cConverter converts HbA1c % level to mmol/mol, to average blood glucose units in mg/dl & mmol/l, and vice-versa. This a great tool to help you track your HbA1c target by watching your estimated average blood glucose levels over a period of time. There are a few common methods and equations to calculate the relationship between these levels. This application adopts the equation suggested by he ADA (American Diabetes Association). This application supports a HbA1c ranges of 3.3 to 19.1 % and 13.7 to 185 mmol/mol, as well as ran...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Diabetes+ is an exquisitely-crafted iPhone application to help you monitor and manage your diabetes. The app enables you to record clinical and dietary data, upcoming medical appointments and targets. Measurements can be viewed on easy to use graphs, so you can review your progress at a glance. There's also a calculator for quick unit conversions, and settings to let you choose your preferred units for glucose, cholesterol, carbohydrate intake and bodyweight. You can export all your data at any time via e-mail for use in all major ...
[ メディカル ]
Damit Diabetes nicht zu viele Nerven kostet: •Mit Screening-Tabelle, Diabetes-Diagnose-Kriterien sowie Grenzwerten im oralen Glukosetoleranztest •Alles Wichtige zum Typ 1 und Typ 2 Diabetes •Tabellarischer Überblick über verfügbare Insuline, orale und subkutan-applizierbare Antidiabetika •Graphische Beispiele der verschiedenen Insulinschemata •Therapie-Management, Blutglukoseeinstellung sowie Verlaufskontrollen nach den Empfehlungen der Deutschen Diabetisches Gesellschaft •Empfehlungen zur Blutdruckeinstellung auch bei zusätzlich...
[ メディカル ]
Esta App científica nos calcula el nivel HbA1c objetivo de un paciente en función de siente parámetros: - Actitud del paciente y esfuerzo durante el tratamiento. - Riesgos potenciales asociados con Hipoglucemias. - Duración de la enfermedad. - Esperanza de vida. - Patologías asociadas. - Complicaciones vasculares. Este calculo está basado en: - Las guias de la asociación americana de la diabetes (ADA). Silvio E. Inzucchi, et al. Glycemic Targets. Diabetes Care Volume 39, Suplemento 1, January 2016:S39-S46. - El trabajo de Avivi...
[ メディカル ]
L'applicazione converte i valori di emoglobina glicata (HbA1c) in percentuale (%) e in mmol/mol ed aiuta a stabilire la glicemia media degli ultimi tre mesi.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
This is the app you are looking for if you are a dieter or who want to control your diabetes or weight! You can set your carb budget and track your daily nutrition intake of the food, carbs, fiber, fat etc, and also track quantity of water intake, readings of your glucose, HbA1c, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, exercise, medications and insulin, you can share the readings with your doctors in form of CSV, HTML or PDF by email. Key Features: Food: ⁃ Create your carb budget and track it. ⁃ Track your food logs includes daily n...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Blood Glucose BG helps keeping track of your blood glucose level. User can record date, time, glucose level, event and notes for each record. The recorded glucose levels of the last 30 days will also be shown using line chart on the summary page. Non-registered user can try this app with a limitation of 7 blood glucose records. To unlock this limitation, user can register with a mobile phone number - Registration is free. Registered user can become Premium user with a yearly subscription (US$3.99). Premium user can use other l...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
RapidCalc is proudly supported by GlucoMen in UK and Ireland. RapidCalc is a sophisticated bolus insulin dose calculator for diabetics following a basal-bolus regimen. With intelligent tracking of insulin on board, automatic carbohydrate ratio and blood glucose target selection, RapidCalc dramatically simplifies blood glucose management. Complete with detailed history, charting and statistics features, RapidCalc is designed to be easy to use and easy to live with. INSULIN ON BOARD TRACKING Can't remember when or how much you last...
[ メディカル ]
Now available on iPad! DiabetesPal is a diabetes management software. There is also the companion iPhone and OS X App on the App Store. Sync your data using iCloud, Dropbox or WebDAV, so your data is accessible on all your devices. Use the iOS App to input the data during the day and analyze your data on your desktop. Key features: Log all relevant information for your diabetes management: - Blood sugar - Insulin (Bolus, Basal) - Medications - Ketone in mmol/L and free form - HbA1C - Weight/Height - Carbs ...
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