フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Management Program is a proven online lifestyle coaching program based on a landmark clinical study called the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) in the US and has been designed for India in partnership with Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre. Track Diet & Activity In order to help you, we have created an easy to use web and mobile platform that help seamlessly integrate diet & activity tracking into your life. What once was a laborious task can be an inspiration to create lifestyle changes. With trac...
[ メディカル ]
Endo Tools is an app developed for the practicing endocrinologist by an endocrinologist. Many routine tasks that require complex calculations can be done using Endo Tools in few clicks! Features include: 1) Convert HbA1c to average blood glucose and fructosamine. 2) Thyroid nodule volume calculator 3) Thyroid cancer staging 4) Tumor marker doubling time 5) Calcium corrected for albumin 6) Calculate GFR using MDRD equation 7) Fractional excretion of calcium for familial benign hypocalcuric hypercalcemia 8) BMI Calculator 9) Pound...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
たちばなや薬局の公式アプリをリリースしました! 明治30年創業。120年続く薬局です。 健康相談、ダイエット相談、子宝相談、漢方相談、美容相談、資生堂化粧品、院外処方箋、あなたが困った時の相談できる薬局として、あなたの笑顔と健康のために日々精進しております。 資生堂フェイシャルエステ、漢方薬が1杯から楽しめるセルフカフェスタイル「KAMPO 煎専堂」、HbA1c、コレステロール簡易血液検査、などもやっております。 お気軽にご来店、ご相談くださいませ! このアプリでは、たちばなや薬局の色々な情報やアプリユーザー限定のお得なサービスが手に入りま...
[ メディカル ]
DiaNexus connects doctors to their diabetes patients. It can be downloaded by doctors and patients to exchange information and messages. Doctors can o Set up their profile o Search their patients database o Access latest health records of their patients o Send messages/group messages to patients Patients can o Upload their latest health records o Use health calculators (BMI calculator, CV risk, HbA1C to random blood glucose and Diabetes risk assessment) o Access information about doctor’s OPD timings, services offered and ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
This app has been developed by Diabetes NSW, with funding from Newman's Own Foundation, to help young people with type 1 diabetes in the transition to adulthood. With detailed information on blood testing and insulin, the app also has the following great features to help you live your life without the complications of diabetes: • D-Life: Straight up advice on a range of type 1 diabetes topics that young people want to know about: e.g. diabetes and driving, diabetes and alcohol, diabetes and big nights out. • Reminders: It's somet...
[ メディカル ]
** ATTENTION NEW CUSTOMERS: Search for "Diabetes Pilot Pro" (using the App Store's 'Search' or 'Related' section) and download that app instead of this one. "Diabetes Pilot Pro" is our newest version, with many new features! This is an older version, made available to support our existing customers ** Diabetes Pilot is the premier app for managing diabetes. With over a decade of continuous evolution and improvement, it's developed by professionals, backed by an established company, and designed and supported by people wit...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Gノートでもっと楽をしましょう。 Gノートは、定期的に血糖値を測定している方のための血糖値記録アプリです。 とにかく簡単に、入力負担の軽減を最優先しました。 特徴 ・食事量と運動量を感覚的なフレーズで簡単に記録できます 食事量と運動量を「少なめ」「多め」など感覚的なフレーズで、簡単も記録出来ます。 例えば普段よりちょっと食べ過ぎた時は食事量「多め」、 いつもより運動しなかった時は「少なめ」と記録しておけば、 血糖値の変動との因果関係がわかりやすくなり、日々の健康管理に役立ちます。 ・もちろん自由なメモも記録できます 食事の量だけでなくメニュ...
[ メディカル ]
patientCare EMR is an easy-to-use App designed to help doctors in keeping patient records and clinical data. patientCare is a standalone database system and does not require connection with systems online. Just set your password and start using! Internet connection not required. patientCare can be used as: 1. An EMR for recording of patient information 2. A referrals record for medical doctors 3. Surgical audit for surgical doctors 4. Database system for a small doctor's clinic 5. Managing surgical list for an operating theatre ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
糖尿好拍檔, 全方位協助糖尿病人的手機應用。 功能包括: - 記錄各項健康指數:每日血糖、膽固醇、HbA1c血色素、血壓及體重 - 用藥記錄 - 病徵記錄 - 各區專科醫生搜索 - 最新健康資訊等 幫助病人檢視及記錄每日健康狀況,看醫生時更加容易溝通。 記錄具備表列及統計圖表顯示模式,方面監察調控。
[ メディカル ]
Control your diabetes forgetting about the notebook: we want all our users to forget their diabetes without neglecting their health Avoid hypos and hypers, control your blood sugar levels, integrate all you excercise data, note your carbohydrate rations and let gluQUO recommend your insulin doses with our bolus calculator! But exactly, what´s gluQUO? gluQUO is not another diabetes app, is a smart one, which learns from you to give you recommendations and help you with a perfect control of your diabetes with very little time inve...
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