フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Plant Identification in One Step Plant Identification Lite opens up the world of magnificent flora to everyone who is ready to observe its beauty and mysteries. After uploading a chosen plant photo, it is instantly identified and presented to you with a complete descriptive information. For those of you who might wonder how that flower you've just seen in the shop is called, there's an answer: just ask your Plant Identification Lite! That's right, with this plant recognition app one can easily identify thousands of flowers, tre...
[ ゲーム ]
Dear Winx Club fans, have you ever wanted to be a Winx fairy and race through beautiful 3D underwater? Now you can! Winx Sirenix Power lets you swimming through Infinite Ocean, taken straight from the 5th Season of the Winx Club! Swim through Pillar of Control as your favorite fairy, and gather as many hearts as you can before the time runs out! Race against Tritannus through the reefs and caves, and avoid spells cast by the Trix! Once you complete your training, you’ll be ready to take on Tritannus with super-powerful spells! ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
***** #1 Coloring App: the most free pics, most colors, best zoom, best features, & no subscription required! ****** As you know, coloring books are not just for children anymore. The hot new relaxation trend, the Adult Coloring Book, has arrived on iOS! Turn on the mesmerizing ambience and engage yourself in hours of peaceful color therapy with hundreds of designs to color, including mandalas, flora, fauna, geometric, & many more types of artwork. Just select your color and tap to paint! Share your creations on Instagram, Facebo...
[ ゲーム ]
Darkness may never win! Darkness covers the whole planet. The light beings are either lost or trapped. Saved by her mother, only one survived, a little light girl: Flora. Help her in the adventure against the Darkness in this spectacularly artistic 2D side-scrolling platformer. Show the world that her mother's sacrifice was not in vain! Discover the amazing living world of her planet. Reach the end of the levels with the help of the special plants and with using the abilities of the ancient Gods. Use the light orbs to shoot darkn...
[ 旅行 ]
Welcome to KrugerExplorer – the all-in-one encyclopedia to Kruger National Park. Whether you are planning your South African safari, need the perfect companion guide for your self-drive Kruger experience, or simply want to explore Kruger from the comfort of home, you will find everything you need in the KrugerExplorer App. This App explores the Greater Kruger in unparalleled detail, and includes: - The most extensive Kruger wildlife Field Guide ever created. - Guided Routes that share our knowledge of the park’s roads from years ...
[ 教育 ]
Pier Luigi Nimis, Alenka Petrinjak, Nejc Jogan - Fotografije Andrea Moro Triglavski narodni park (TNP) je edini narodni park v Sloveniji. Razprostira se na jugovzhodnem delu Alp in leži v severozahodem delu Slovenije, ob meji z Italijo in blizu meje z Avstrijo. Obsega štiri odstotke površine Slovenije. Favna in flora Triglavskega narodnega parka sta izjemno bogati in raznoliki. Interaktivni vodnik omogoča določanje dreves, grmov in lesnatih vzpenjavk na območju Triglavskega narodnega parka (TNP). Namenjen je posameznikom kot pomoč...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Dieser Vogelführer hilft Ihnen, die Vögel Europas anhand ihres Erscheinungsbildes und ihrer Stimme, d.h. anhand ihres Gesanges oder Rufes, zu identifizieren. Das Programm umfasst: - Einen interaktiven Bestimmungsschlüssel - Eine alphabetische Artenliste - Informationen über 448 Vogelarten - Über 1300 hervorragende Fotos - Die Stimmen der berücksichtigten Arten Warnhinweis: Das Anlocken wildlebender Vögel durch Abspielen arteigener Stimmen ist in Deutschland gesetzlich verboten und nur mit Ausnahmegenehmigung möglich. Es kann zu...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Deze digitale gids Tuinvogels van Nederland maakt deel uit van een serie mobiele informatiesystemen voor het herkennen van soorten in de natuur. Ze zijn ontwikkeld in het kader van het EU KeyToNature project dat beoogt flora- en fauna-informatie snel en makkelijk toegankelijk te maken. Deze e-guide bevat een snelle zoekfunctie, geluiden, foto's, een determinatiesleutel en soortsinformatie van bijna 100 soorten vogels die in steden en dorpen worden gezien. Deze applicatie is een voor dit medium aangepaste heruitgave van de CD-ROM V...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Esta guía digital de las aves de Europa hace parte de una serie de sistemas de información móviles para la identificación de especies en la naturaleza. Estos han sido desarrollados en el ámbito del proyecto "KeyToNature" de la UE, que tiene como objetivo tornar rápida y fácilmente accesible la información sobre flora y fauna. Esta aplicación incluye: - Información sobre 448 especies de aves europeas (distribución, hábitat, alimentación, etc.) - 1360 fotografías - Las voces de 435 especies - Una clave interactiva para la identific...
[ 旅行 ]
Planning a trip to Melbourne or want to learn about its people, places, facts, cuisine, art, history and its top languages? Explore Melbourne SMART City Guide is a travel app to explore the beautiful city, Melbourne. Melbourne Travel Guide tells you about plazas, bars, river sites, nightlife, carnivals, fests, flora, fauna, food, culture and a lot more. Get more than 5,000 elements of Melbourne to experience under many broad categories. Plan a trip to your favorite places like Royal Botanical Gardens, Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melb...
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