フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
di Pier Luigi Nimis, Stefano Martellos
Foto di Andrea Moro
Questa è una guida interattiva annotata alla flora della Conca del Lumiei nelle Alpi Carniche, che include 1350 taxa infragenerici, disponibile in diverse versioni (in rete, per CD-Rom, per palmari, per telefonini, ed in 2 versioni stampabili). L'area di studio include l'intera valle del Lumiei ed i dintorni di Ampezzo Carnico (UD), dal fondovalle del Tagliamento a cime più alte di 2000 m. La Conca di Sauris, il cui fondo è oggi occupato dall'omonimo lago artificiale, è ...
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[ 教育 ]
The FLORA OF VIRGINIA APP, developed by The FLORA OF VIRGINIA PROJECT (www.floraofvirginia.org), is the comprehensive catalogue of the plants of Virginia.
Whether a wildflower from a weedy roadside, a shrub from a coastal dune, or a tree from a deep Appalachian hollow, you can identify the species with The FLORA OF VIRGINIA APP.
The FLORA OF VIRGINIA APP leverages all of the data found in FLORA OF VIRGINIA, originally published in 2012 by the FLORA OF VIRGINIA PROJECT in partnership with Virginia Department of Conservation and Re...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
まだ業界でもHIFUハイフが浸透していない時からHIFU(ハイフ)に注目した老舗サロン【FLORA HIFU】
アプリ機能紹介 メ...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
App ufficiale del Flora Caffé di Piazza Vanvitelli, 24 a Caserta
Con questa APP potrai consultare comodamente i menù del giorno e restare aggiornato sulle ultime novità dal mondo Flora Caffé.
Prenota un tavolo nella maniera più veloce e semplice
Ricevi inviti personali per eventi, degustazioni e tanto altro grazie alla sezione *Exclusive Card*.
Mettiti in contatto con noi e con la nostra pagina Facebook.
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[ 教育 ]
Flora of Europe ¬ A field guide to the wildflowers of Europe
By 2B-innovative
Flora of Europe is a guide to wildflowers in Europe. You can easily find relevant and interesting information about almost 400 wildflowers
In three steps you’ll find (the English and scientific) name, characteristics and surprising information of wildflowers
Besides these steps you also can browse through the color photographs and learn more about wildflowers
We’ve placed a lot of interesting information about almost every wildflower
Every wildflower ...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Welcome to FLORA, an integrative gut health community designed to help you improve digestion and live with freedom. FLORA has everything you need to optimize your gut health and well-being:
- Gut Health Nutrition & Lifestyle modules (Learn how to manage symptoms of IBS and Acid Reflux)
- Yoga & Meditation to calm the mind-gut connection, decrease stress, and optimize sleep
- Gut-friendly Recipes + Meal Plans to help you feel confident with food
- Weekly live streams with founder and Gut Health Registered Dietitian, Molly Pelleti...
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[ ミュージック ]
Cornflower Compressor is a simple stereo dynamics compressor with variable knee and ratio for gooey pumps and swells.
Built upon the tenet of simplicity, the flora project presents great sounding, lightweight audio effects using Inter-App Audio and Audiobus technologies to allow you to get the sound you want, without sacrificing processing power.
More information about the flora project can be found at http://flora-creative.com
NB: Cornflower Compressor requires either Audiobus, Inter-App Audio or AUV3 capable applications in o...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The app offers a digital catalogue of the flora and fauna which can be found on the Maltese archipelago. The users have also the possibility to submit geo-tagged photos to help the environment authority to discover and record new endemic and alien species. The app offers also a section to recognise the most common pests which could attack plants and trees, with the possibility of reporting real case to the Plant Health Directorate. The Parks section will provide a list of the Maltese public parks, with the respective information an...
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[ 教育 ]
Flora is your passport to the fascinating realm of plants, spanning the globe with its extensive database of over 400,000 plant species!
Whether you're exploring nature, wandering through gardens, or simply enjoying the greenery around you, Flora equips you to seamlessly identify and explore the rich tapestry of plant life around you.
Enhanced Plant Identifier
Capture a photo and quickly uncover the identity of any plant you encounter, now with a more accessible and user-friendly interface. Save your findings to your device along...
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