フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
Super Trader is a brand new type of game.
Do you want to participate in the stock markets, but afraid of losing real money?
Do you have difficulties digesting thousands of financial news every day?
Do you want to share your investment ideas with those who also interest in investing?
Want to enjoy the achievement and easiness of build-up game while gets connected to real financial world?
Super Trader features:
* 100% real financial markets trading available (with game money)
* Risk free stock markets simulation trading
* Virtual ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Las últimas noticias del mundo económico siempre disponibles gracias a Negocios.com!
Disfruta de las noticias más relevantes del panorama económico nacional e internacional, de la sección de análisis financiero, Bolsa y Valores, y del estado de los Mercados y Bolsa: IBEX 35, Mercado Continuo, DJES 50, CAC40, NASDAQ100, DAX 30, MIBTEL 30 y FTSE 100.
Accede a los detalles de las acciones del mercado de valores actualizadas cada minuto, sólo con Negocios.com!
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[ ファイナンス ]
Diese App kann Ihnen bei Ihren Anlagen hohe Renditen ermöglichen.
Value Investing oder wertorientiertes Anlegen (dt.) ist eine Strategie des Anlegens, bei der durch gezieltes Auswählen von Aktien unterbewertete Unternehmen gekauft werden, um eine überdurchschnittliche Rendite zu erlangen.
Um diese unterbewerteten Aktien/Unternehmen zu finden, bedient man sich dieser speziellen Fundamentalanalyse namens Value Investing.
Die Methoden des wertorientierten Anlegens bedienen sich der Analyse der Unternehmensdaten, konkret u.a. des ak...
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[ ビジネス ]
HR Grapevine magazine brings you the latest news and in depth features on HR strategy and talent management.
The app brings you the latest talent news from around the world, everyday stories from FTSE 100 HR directors, book reviews, and advice on solving common HR problems. Additional supplements provide insights on specific areas of HR.
Full HR Grapevine editions – Read your automatically updated magazine by scrolling and swiping through individual or double page spreads.
Download and Offline – Save whole editions an...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Growth Company Investor is widely recognised as the UK’s leading authority on fast growing companies listed on the London Stock Market.
Every month our award-winning analyst team interviews a huge number of influential CEOs to gain first-hand knowledge and insight, which is used to form the basis of our share recommendations.
By careful stock selection and screening, investors can achieve impressive returns: last year our share tips significantly outperformed the FTSE All-Share and AIM Index.
Subscribers also have access to our...
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[ ファイナンス ]
- 香港、中國、美國及日本公眾假期
- 滬深港通假期
- 港股半日市
- 香港交易所重要活動事項 :
> 最後交易日/到期日/最後結算日, 包括:
- 指數/股票期貨及期權
- 港元利率/股息點指數/恒指波幅指數/人民幣貨幣期貨
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[ ビジネス ]
Get your iPQ Career Planner and familiarise yourself with the iPQ assessment for free.
Objective career advice from the company most likely to assess you for jobs you apply to.
iPQ Career Planner helps you find your ideal job and improves your chances of getting it. As the app is an iPhone version of the world-leading personality questionnaire from SHL, you can familiarise yourself with the questions employers often use in assessments. Then you can download a report that summarises your key strengths, your weaknesses and how to a...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Beacon is an ambient information source for stock market information. ☼ Infinite color range between highs and lows.
Set it up and let it glow. A quick glance is all you need to do to get the latest market information. If the color isn't enough, tap the screen to reveal the exact percent change.
The beacon will glow yellow when the market is calm. Varying levels of green or red indicate an up or down market. Watch as the display transitions with the market.
Dedicated ambient information devices sell for $100 or more. Beac...
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[ ゲーム ]
In this real-time stock market game with real data you are playing in all major markets including NYSE, NASDAQ, FTSE, ETR, Shenzhen, the currency market, and commodities such as oil, gold, silver, rice, cocoa, coffee and wheat are available for purchase and sale. Invest your profits from trading in businesses or equities and rise in Game Center.
Show your friends how good you are with trading:
-> Intraday trading
-> News
-> Charts to 1 day over 20 years
-> Trade over 20 types of ressources
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[ ファイナンス ]
Finance Conduit is based on Tzang's Conduit. Tzang‘s Conduit was raised by Dr.YC Chan. You can read more about his theory in his website: http://www.ycchan.net/theory.aspx.
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average was created by Perry J. Kaufman. You can find more information in http://fxcodebase.com/wiki/index.php/Kaufman's_Adaptive_Moving_Average_(KAMA) .
Selling Pressure Ratio(SPR) and K volatility(KV) was created by Hayashi Noriyuki. I can't find a English website describe it but it's very like the Money Flow Index (http://en.wikipedi...
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