フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
NOTE: To be able to use this app, you need a Dream Cheeky iDrum. To find out where you can purchase an iDrum, go to www.dreamcheeky.com.
Download the Dream Cheeky Smash app to turn your iDrum into an arcade gaming device.
The Dream Cheeky Smash app can be used after your iDrum is paired to an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, via Bluetooth®.
When you see digital drum pads appear in the Dream Cheeky Smash app on your screen, you need to hit the corresponding drum pads on your iDrum as fast as you can. You have one minute to smash awa...
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[ ゲーム ]
NOTE: To be able to use this app, you need a Dream Cheeky iDrum. To find out where you can purchase an iDrum, go to www.dreamcheeky.com.
Download the Dream Cheeky Hysteria app to turn your iDrum into an arcade gaming device.
The Dream Cheeky Hysteria app can be used after your iDrum is paired to an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, via Bluetooth®.
1. Hit the grey Play/Pause button on the screen or the corresponding pad on the iDrum to start or pause the game.
2. When a colored ball reaches the gradient area, hit the correct pad on t...
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[ ゲーム ]
NOTE: Pour pouvoir utiliser cette application GRATUITE, il vous faut l’iDrum de Dream Cheeky. Voir où acheter l’iDrum sur www.dreamcheeky.com ou sur www.nvydistribution.fr.
Téléchargez l’application Dream Cheeky Hysteria pour transformer votre iDrum en manette de jeux. avec votre iPod touch, iPhone, ou iPad.
L’application Dream Cheeky Smash fonctionne après que votre iDrum ait été jumelé en Bluetooth®
1. Appuyez sur le bouton gris Play/Pause sur votre écran, ou sur la percu correspondante de votre iDrum pour démarrer le jeu ou fa...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
The Dream Center, a volunteer driven organization that finds and fills the needs of individuals and families alike, was founded in 1994 and currently serves over 40,000 people each month. Services and programs offered include residential rehabilitation programs for teens and adults, a shelter for victims of human trafficking, a transitional shelter for homeless families, mobile hunger relief and medical programs, and a foster care intervention outreach that works closely with Los Angeles County’s Department of Children and Family S...
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[ ミュージック ]
NOTE: Pour pouvoir utiliser cette application GRATUITE, il vous faut l’iDrum de Dream Cheeky. Voir où acheter l’iDrum sur www.dreamcheeky.com ou sur www.nvydistribution.fr.
Téléchargez l’application Dream Cheeky Sound System pour jouer de la batterie sur votre iDrum, seul ou en accompagnant vos morceaux préférés de votre bibliothèque iTunes, avec une grande variété de sonorités de différentes percussions.
L’application Sound System fonctionne après que votre iDrum ait été jumelé en Bluetooth® avec votre iPod touch, iPhone, ou iP...
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[ ゲーム ]
Play India's Biggest Sports Game with over 3 crore sports fans and be #DimaagSeDhoni
Welcome to Dream11 - the Official Partner of the NBA, Hero ISL and Hero CPL T20 2017!
It's time to be a Champion on Dream11! Showcase your sports knowledge by picking real-life superstars in your Dream11 team, join Cash Contests & be a winner every match!
Check out our awesome features:
• Need time to warm up? Explore Dream11 without registering!
• Play together, win together! Get your friends to start playing on Dream11 & earn Rs.100 per friend...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Dream Aesthetics is het nieuwe en revolutionaire platform om snel en doelgericht je droomlichaam te bereiken! Onder persoonlijke begeleiding van een van onze ervaren voeding- en trainingspecialisten helpen wij jou bij het ondergaan van een volledige lichaamstransformatie en de fysiek te bereiken waar je altijd al van hebt gedroomd. Schrijf je in op onze website, ontvang je eigen gepersonaliseerde training- en voedingsplan en log in op de Dream
Aesthetics app om:
- Je gepersonaliseerde training- en voedingsplan in te zien
- Je work...
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[ ゲーム ]
注意:若要使用此应用程式,你需要一部 Dream Cheeky iDrum. 你可以前往 www.dreamcheeky.com 搜寻并购买一部 iDrum.
下载 Dream Cheeky Hysteria 应用程式, 让你的 iDrum 切换为一个电子游戏的设备。
用你的 iPod touch,iPhone 或者 iPad 通过蓝牙® 与 iDrum 配对,之后便可以使用 Dream Cheeky Hysteria 应用程式 。
3. 若未能准确按下按钮,便会丧失代表生命指数的白色...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Deepak Chopra, M.D. Introduces the Dream Weaver App for Apple iPhones to meditate, relax and dream instantly. Uses the strobe on your iPhone synchronized with an audio file of Deepak’s narration, holographic sounds and music. You experience this program with the strobe light pulsing through your closed eyelids.
The Deepak Chopra Dream Weaver is an electronic machine that uses flashing lights to get the user to a meditative, relaxed or dream state at the touch of a button. Since it’s launch, people all over the world have been usin...
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