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[ 仕事効率化 ]
ユーザー設定可能なインターフェースを備えたVoice Dream Readerは、優れたクオリティを提供する読み上げアプリです。読み上げ音声をコントロールしたり、読み上げ中のテキストの表示方法を好みのスタイルに合わせて調整したり、読み上げ音声と表示を同期させることができます。PDF、Wordドキュメント、DRMフリーのeBooks、記事、ウェブページを読み込むことができます。また、Dropbox、Google Drive、Evernote、Pocket、Instapaper、Gutenberg、Bookshareへの接続も可能です。機能が強化された36のVoiceOver音声に加え、20言語、78種類のAcapelaおよびNeoSpeech音声を使用でき...
[ ビジネス ]
The Dream Maker Bath & Kitchen App is an easy-to-use, free mobile app created to stay informed and connected with us every day through a variety of great features. This fantastic interactive app provides you with the following innovative features: -Quick Contact- Quick contact features including click-to-call, map directions, and e-mail. -Share- Easy to share with Friends on Facebook & Twitter with a press of a button. - Appointments - Experience Hassle-Free Appointment scheduling by using this app with Dream Maker Bath & Kitchen o...
[ ライフスタイル ]
From the popular website, DreamMoods.com, comes the ultimate dream interpretation app to help you analyze the meaning of your dreams. FEATURES: * Over 5700 symbols you can either search or browse through. Database includes modern day symbols you won't find in most other dream dictionaries. * Save your key dream symbols to a calendar journal so you can easily keep track of what you dream about from day to day. * Built-in password-protected dream journal lets you type and/or voice record your dream. * Dynamic journal entries...
[ エンターテインメント ]
NOTE: Pour pouvoir utiliser cette application GRATUITE, il vous faut l’iDrum de Dream Cheeky. Voir où acheter l’iDrum sur www.dreamcheeky.com ou sur www.nvydistribution.fr. Téléchargez l’application Dream Cheeky Smash pour transformer votre iDrum en manette de jeux. L’application Dream Cheeky Smash fonctionne après que votre iDrum ait été jumelé en Bluetooth® avec votre iPod touch, iPhone, ou iPad. Sur l’application Dream Cheeky Smash, des disques symbolisent les percus. Dès qu’ils apparaissent, vous devez taper le plus vite pos...
[ ゲーム ]
NOTE: To be able to use this app, you need a Dream Cheeky iPlay Piano. To find out where you can purchase an iPlay Piano, go to www.dreamcheeky.com. Download the Dream Cheeky Piano Genius app to turn your iPlay Piano into an arcade gaming and learning device. The Dream Cheeky Piano Genius app can be used after your iPlay Piano is paired to an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, via Bluetooth®. When you see a note appear on the music bars in the Dream Cheeky Piano Genius app, you need to play the correct key on your iPlay Piano. There ...
[ 旅行 ]
Dream's Land Tourism è una app dedicata alla qualità e al benessere in vacanza! All'interno della nostra app e del nostro portale troverete tutte le offerte, i pacchetti, le promozioni e i last minute dedicati alle vostre vacanze al mare o in montagna. Dream's Land Tourism nasce dall'ideale di creare un portale completo dove, in ogni occasione, poter scegliere l'offerta speciale che più soddisfa le vostre esigenze.
[ ミュージック ]
NOTE: Pour pouvoir utiliser cette application GRATUITE, il vous faut l’iPlay Piano de Dream Cheeky. Voir où acheter l’iPlay Piano sur www.dreamcheeky.com ou sur www.nvydistribution.fr. Téléchargez l’application Dream Cheeky Sound System pour jouer du piano sur votre iPlay Piano, seul ou en accompagnant vos morceaux préférés de votre bibliothèque iTunes, avec une grande variété de sonorités de différents instruments. L’application Sound System fonctionne après que votre iPlay Piano ait été jumelé en Bluetooth® avec votre iPod tou...
[ ミュージック ]
NOTE: To be able to use this app, you need a Dream Cheeky iDrum. To find out where you can purchase an iDrum, go to www.dreamcheeky.com. Download the Dream Cheeky Sound System app to jam along on your iDrum with your favorite music, in one of many drum styles. The Sound System app can be used after your iDrum is paired to an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, via Bluetooth®. Use the Sound System in Free Play Mode or Learning Mode. In Free Play Mode, you can record and play back your drum sessions, with or without a song from your iTu...
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