フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
Burza je aplikacija za upravljanje portfeljom i pregled trgovanja dionicama na Zagrebačkoj burzi. - Pregled uvrštenih papira sa datumom uvrštenja, nominalnom vrijednosti i brojem izdanih dionica - Mogućnost definiranja i praćenja vlastitog portfelja s detaljnim prikazom prinosa, trenutne vrijednosti, te dobiti/gubitka - Pregled dnevnog trgovanja na Zagrebačkoj burzi uz mogućnost pretraživanja, sortiranja i filtriranja (Crobex, Crobex 10) Izvor podataka: Zagrebačka burza d.d. Aplikacija je optimizirana za iPhone 4 Retina ekran. ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Change your habits, and you can change your life. Make life easier by creating habits that support your goals. WINNER: US Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge! Lite Version: Work on 3 habits (upgrade for more) Top Ranked - Over 300,000 people have downloaded Healthy Habits or HH Premium Healthy Habits is an app that helps you put your good intentions into action! Most of us know what we want to change…we often even know how to do it. The problem arises because we don’t put that knowledge into action. Healthy Habits is foc...
[ メディカル ]
This app is provided to you by your kind and friendly dentist, Dr. Mehdi M. Vandi, D.D.S. in San Jose, CA for free to help you learn more about him and his office as well as dentistry in general to keep your smile beautiful and healthy. This application includes many great feature such as, - Interactive tooth simulator to explore tooth parts - Interactive Adult and baby teeth simulator - Articles about dentistry and dental condition - Access to the dental office social network websites - Dental Tips - Dental Videos - Survey Form ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
WINNER: US Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge. Create habits that support your goals! See big results by making small changes over time. Reg Price $4.99. 300,000+ have downloaded Healthy Habits or Healthy Habits Premium *Healthy Habits Premium is a full featured version of the award winning Healthy Habits app. If you want to try the app before buying it, download "Healthy Habits" (lite) Most of us know what we want to change…we often even know how to do it. The problem arises because we don’t put that knowledge into act...
[ 教育 ]
4 Series,7 CD, Baby Soothing Music,Mozart Effect,Smart Baby Lullaby, Natural sounds,Just the best. [1 CD] テレタビーズ - 赤ちゃんなだめる音楽 [2 CD] アボット - 赤ちゃんは音楽をなだめる [3 CD] Mozart Effect:Listen more,smart more [1 CD] 自然の音 DD Player ,Innovation for You テレタビーズ - 赤ちゃんなだめる音楽 A. 静か - 早期蓄積のa波(ベートーベンの月光ソナタ) B. B. 喜び - 肯定的な側面に変身(シューベルト·セレナードニ短調) C. C. リラックス - 9から12 Hzのa波 (モーツァルト·マイナーピアノ協奏曲第23番) D. D. 平和 - "Fワン...
[ エンターテインメント ]
A Woman of No Importance (by Oscar Wilde) is presented by L.A. Theatre Works. This standalone audiobook app combines a professional audio recording with supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment. Devilishly attractive Lord Illingworth is notorious for his skill as a seducer. But he is still invited to all the “best” houses while his female conquests must hide their shame in seclusion. In this devastating comedy, Wilde uses his celebrated wit to expose English society’s narrow view of everything from s...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Differenziare i rifiuti a San Marino non è mai stato così facile e veloce grazie all'applicazione San Marino Differenzia! Dal design semplice ed intuitivo, l’app è stata pensata per essere il tuo braccio destro nella raccolta differenziata porta a porta della Repubblica di San Marino. Non sai in quale bidone differenziare i rifiuti? Niente paura. Scarica ora gratuitamente San Marino Differenzia e utilizza l’apposito campo di ricerca, dove inserendo il nome del rifiuto in meno di un secondo ti verrà mostrato il bidone corretto! St...
[ ミュージック ]
Designed by Dr. Sonnie Badu d.d. This is a station that will keep you in GODs presence 24/7. With powerful messages from seasoned men of God and soul steering, life changing praise and worship songs that will keep you lifted..
[ ビジネス ]
HEP PLIN je besplatna mobilna aplikacija namijenjena privatnim i poslovnim korisnicima koji koriste uslugu opskrbe plinom HEP Plin d.o.o. – HEP d.d. Nakon unosa obračunskog mjernog mjesta i tvorničkog broja brojila aplikacija omogućava na vrlo brz i jednostavan način dostupnost podataka s povijesnim pregledom stanja brojila, potrošnje, zaduženja i uplata. Mogućnosti aplikacije: - pregled više mjernih mjesta unutar aplikacije - pregled zaduženja - preuzimanje PDF računa - unos stanja brojila (određenim datumom) - povijest stanja b...
[ ステッカー ]
Set of famous presidents portraits: -G. Washington -J. Adams -T. Jefferson -B. Franklin -A. Lincoln -T. Roosevelt -T. W. Wilson -F. D. Roosevelt -H. S. Truman -D. D. Eisenhower -J. F. Kennedy -R. M. Nixon -J. Carter -R. W. Reagan -B. Clinton -G. W. Bush -B. Obama -D. Trump
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