フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ナビゲーション ]
Dobrodošli na HAK-ovu interaktivnu kartu Republike Hrvatske, univerzalnu iOS aplikaciju dostupnu za iPhone i iPad! Nova interaktivna karta u izdanju HAK-a koristi kartografsku podlogu Mireo. HAK-ova karta precizno izračunava sve putne troškove - osim procjene troška za gorivo prema aktualnim cijenama goriva i prijeđenom putu, te preciznog izračuna cestarina za cijelu cestovnu mrežu u RH, od sada je dostupan i puni izračun troškova za trajekte, za sve vrste vozila, kombinacije putnika (odraslih i djece) i prikolica. Karakteristik...
[ メディカル ]
This is the official app for patients and potential patients of Dr. Aaron A. Santos, D.D.S. and the first of its kind for a dental practice in Santa Clara County, California. What's in this app? - Extensive information about common dental treatments such as fillings, implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, etc. - Details about cosmetic dental alternatives to help your appearance and solve dental problems you might have thought unsolvable, such as invisalign for adults with crooked teeth, whitening for discolored teeth, veneers, inl...
[ ビジネス ]
Met deze app rekent u snel en goed de hoogte van een ontslagvergoeding uit. Verder: - kunt u de berekening per email versturen. - treft u per factor een of meerdere door Kluwer geselecteerde rechterlijke uitspraken aan welke u eenvoudig kunt aanklikken bij elke factor - worden de berekeningen gemaakt conform de aanbevelingen van de Kring van Kantonrechters d.d. 30 oktober 2008, welke u hier –desgewenst- ook kunt nalezen. Kortom: deze praktische app die u aangeboden wordt door Kluwer geeft u niet alleen snel de berekening maar b...
[ ファイナンス ]
Neta Capital Croatia d.d., vodeće neovisno društvo za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima u Hrvatskoj, izradilo je za sve svoje postojeće i potencijalne udjelničare iPhone aplikaciju koja omogućava aktivno praćenje široke palete naših fondova te uvid stanja Vaših udjela u investicijske fondove Neta Capital Croatia d.d. GLAVNE FUNKCIONALNOSTI APLIKACIJE • prikaz portfelja korisnika sa sumarnim informacijama fondova i ukupnom vrijednošću imovine • prikaz grafova (kretanja vrijednosti udjela, sektorske i geografske izloženosti za...
[ ミュージック ]
モーツァルト効果,胎教の音楽,6シリーズ、13 CD、151クラシック音楽,赤ちゃんはスタートラインで勝つ [3 CD] Let baby win at the starting line (0 - 6 months) [3 CD] The miracle of classical music(7 - 15 months) [3 CD] Mozart Effect:Listen more,smart more [1 CD] テレタビーズ - 赤ちゃんなだめる音楽 [2 CD] アボット - 赤ちゃんは音楽をなだめる [1 CD] 自然の音 DD Player ,Innovation for You DISC 1 Let baby win at the starting line (0 - 6 months) [Mozart] 小さなアヒルは水に泳ぐ [Mozart] 菜の花 [Mozart] おじいちゃんを装った [Mozart] 木馬に...
[ メディカル ]
Do you wake up gasping for air in the middle of the night? You may have sleep apnea. Columbus, Ohio cosmetic dentist Mark Levy, D.D.S. offers convenient and safe methods for sleep apnea treatment - especially for those who have a c-pap device but are not using it. At his practice located in Gahanna, he can provide you with the best course of treatment for your condition after making his diagnosis. Dr. Levy is a graduate of the Las Vegas Institute, and continues to build his knowledge in cosmetic dentistry. He has extensive experie...
[ メディカル ]
This app is provided to you by your kind and friendly dentists, Dr. Paula J. Roemer D.D.S. and Dr. Michael J. Pink. Roemer & Pink dental care is a professional dental office with the world's latest dental knowledge and technology located in Walnut Creek, CA. We have provided this application to all our patients for free, so that they can communicate with us in the most convenient way. This app is designed to give the patients useful information about this dental office, its staff, services, make an appointment, promotions, test...
[ ファイナンス ]
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. izradila je za iPhone korisnike aplikaciju za mobilno bankarstvo, HPB m-banking. Aplikacija omogućuje kontrolu Vaših financija putem mobilnog uređaja, jednostavna je za upotrebu i dostupna svim korisnicima koji imaju iPhone uređaj. SVOJSTVA I FUNKCIONALNOSTI APLIKACIJE Putem HPB m-banking aplikacije za iPhone možete: •provjeriti informacije o stanju i prometima računa, •steći uvid u stanje kredita, •steći uvid u detalje i promete kartica, •provesti naloge za prijenose i plaćanja, kao i zadati predloš...
[ ライフスタイル ]
abandoned animal protection applications DDD Fund "abandoned animal sufficient to help one cup of coffee prices. Did you eat today myeotjan of coffee?" Direct donations to pay for the low participation is the love of your pet stray animals donation culture before haedeurilsu DDD has been created by intermediary role. DDD is to prevent cruelty to animals and the Pusan together like a union member discounts available for you to donate in May 5000 won passes the donations that can progress to organic animal protection activity i...
[ ナビゲーション ]
KATEGORİSİNDE TARTIŞMASIZ 1 NUMARA. Bu uygulama ile dakikalar, hatta saatler kazanabilirsiniz. Hareket Saati uygulaması ile güncel Otobüs, Tren, Havalimanı, Vapur ve Deniz Otobüsü bilgileri bir arada. Otobüs, Şehir Hatları vapur, IDO deniz otobüsleri ve TCDD Banliyö tren hareket saatlerine erişebileceğiniz Hareket Saati uygulaması iPhone, iPod Touch ve iPad kullanıcıları için hazırlanan bir uygulamadır. Uygulama internet bağlantısı olmadan da çalışabilmektedir. v4.1'e "Nasıl Gidilir" bölümü eklenmiştir. v4.0 sürümünde kö...
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