フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
PurEst is a mobile application for the sugarcane farming industry offered by SASRI (South African Sugarcane Research Institute) that provides the user with crop ripening recommendations based on Brix readings.
[ フード/ドリンク ]
The key to making great beer at home is paying attention to the details. Brewtist is a recipe creation and batch tracking app for your iPhone and iPad. Build new recipes anytime and keep track of the important details every time you brew. Compare your beer from batch and batch and decide what you want to tweak the next time. ◆ Works great on all your iOS devices, adapting the interface to size of your screen. Works great in dark mode and split-screen multitasks on iPad! ◆ Brew day steps and timers guide you through your entire bre...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
A pack of 60 Unit Converters for different units of measure. It consists of 53742 Conversions for 60 Categories. here goes the list.. 1.Acceleration 2.Angle 3.Area 4.Astronomy 5.Brix & Baume Degrees 6.Charge Converter 7.Charge Density (Linear) 8.Charge Density (Surface) 9.Charge Density (Volume) 10.Cooking 11.Current 12.Current Density (Linear) 13.Current Density (Surface) 14.Data Transfer 15.Density 16.Electrical Capacitance 17.Electrical Conductance 18.Electrical Conductivity 19.Electrical Field Strength 20....
[ スポーツ ]
Seit nunmehr einem halben Jahrhundert geben wir unseren Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit, sich in den Abteilungen Fußball, Turn- und Trimm-Dich und Tennis sportlich zu betätigen. In chronologischer Reihenfolge stellen wir die Vereinsgeschichte nachfolgend dar: Aus den Anfängen der Fußballabteilung Im Jahre 1956 trafen sich auf den heutigen Grundstücken von Schröer bis Brix (Ander Oelmühle 56-66) in jeder freien Minute Josef “Philipp” Soppe, Alois Telake, Hansi Wüst, Konrad Hawlitzky, Hans und Volkmar Prill, Klaus Kramer, Bernhard Tek...
[ 教育 ]
With this fun new app you can build models just like the pro's! Designed and made by Master Builder Evan Bacon you can view all of his custom designs absolutely free! The intuitive design and easy to use gestures allow you to create models easier than ever before! This app includes a wide variety of breath taking models that have been hand designed by master artist Evan Bacon. Evan has been critically acclaimed for his abilities to capture life-like figures with building bricks! Rubricks comes with over 15 distinctively beautiful c...
[ ライフスタイル ]
i-Destiller ermöglicht es, alle relevanten Berechnungen rund um das Thema Alkoholdestillation einfach und übersichtlich durchzuführen. z.B.: Umrechnung verschiedener Einheiten (Oechsle, KMW, Brix, g/l). Zu erwartender Alkoholgehalt aufgrund des Zuckergehaltes der Maische. Berechnung der erforderlichen Wassermenge beim Verdünnen auf den gewünschten Alkoholgehalt. Zu erwartender Alkoholgehalt beim Verschneiden (Mischen) verschiedener Getränke. Biete beachten Sie auch unsere anderen Apps.
[ ユーティリティ ]
Universal Converter is a conversion calculator that can quickly and easy translate different units of measure. It consists of 64 Categories with 1333 Units and 53742 Conversions. 1.Acceleration 2.Angle 3.Area 4.Astronomy 5.Brix & Baume Degrees 6.Charge Converter 7.Charge Density (Linear) 8.Charge Density (Surface) 9.Charge Density (Volume) 10.Color Finder11. 11.Cooking 12.Current 13.Current Density (Linear) 14.Current Density (Surface) 15.Data Transfer 16.Density 17.Electrical Capacitance 18.Electrical Conductance 19.Electrical Co...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Video recensione del sito batista70phone.com http://www.youtube.com/v/HnRF_ocWSY4 L'Enciclopedia del Vino. Un'applicazione esclusiva per forma e contenuti ideata appositamente per iPhone, per iPad e per iPod Touch che porta nel palmo della vostra mano la chiave per svelare e interpretare i misteri color rubino ed oro di quel che la parola "vino" porta con se. "...Con il fior de la bocca umida a bere ella attinge il cristallo. Io lentamente le verso a stille il vin dolce ed ardente entro quel rosso fiore de 'l piacere; e chinat...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
BrixCalc is an app for home-brewers! BrixCalc is used to convert refractometer Brix measurements into industry-standard Specific Gravity (SG) units. BrixCalc calculates Original and Final SG values, whilst also taking into account the alcohol content of the final beer. Features of BrixCalc Include: - UNIVERSAL APP BrixCalc supports both the iPhone and iPad. - RETINA GRAPHICS Retina graphics for all devices, including iPhone 5 - 9 EQUATIONS Chose which equation you wish to use to calculate Specific Gravity and ABV values, incl...
[ ゲーム ]
エイペックスシティの廃墟を舞台にした壮大なアーケードアドベンチャー! かつて繁栄した大都市はボクセル・ヴァンダルの犠牲となった。あなたの使命は、都市全体を再建することです。盗まれた設計図を取り戻し、敵のタワーを破壊し、ボクセル ブリックスを作成して建設しましょう。 6 つの強力なブースターと、適切に調整されたブループリント近接計を自由に使用できます。アペックスシティの人々はあなたを頼りにしています。彼らを失望させないでください。 危険とおいしいものがいっぱいの、無限のカラフルなアーケード レベルを爆破してください。成長するにつれてめまい...
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