フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ フード/ドリンク ]
L'application PIZZALAND vous permet de commander en ligne ou par téléphone via votre application. Vous pouvez consulter notre carte et choisir vos produits. https://www.pizzaland50.fr/ Zones de livraison: Minimum de commande 15 € : Emondeville 50310, Huberville 50700, Lieusaint 50700, Saint-Cyr 50310, Sortosville 50700, Tamerville 50700, Valognes 50700, Yvetot-Bocage 50700, Minimum de commande 20 € : Aumeville-Lestre 50630, Biniville 50390, Brix 50700, Colomby 50700, Ecausseville 50310, Eroudeville 50310, Flottemanville 50700, Fr...
[ ライフスタイル ]
一指掌握周年慶 一指選購周年慶 讓loveshopping告訴您,美妝產品哪裡買?怎麼買?才會是最划算的選擇。 並可將喜愛的產品記錄在手機上,不需每次重複查詢。 透過此app您可以用最快的速度,得到最清楚的美妝訊息∼ app功能說明 1.依品牌名稱選擇:直接選擇品牌後,品牌組合、價格、折扣數、完整清楚列出 2.依產品類別選擇:直接選取產品類別,讓您更精準快速找到彩妝、保養、香氛不同產品產組合 3.依百貨公司選擇:依照自己喜愛百貨公司選擇,列出所有品牌美妝組合資料 4.依產品價格選擇:依價格選擇,可以照自己的預算清楚列出可選擇購買的產品,讓您精準購物,不超支預算 5....
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Brew Like a Pro with Coffee Meister! Coffee Meister is your ultimate tool for achieving the perfect coffee extraction. By connecting to your refractometer via Bluetooth Low Energy, Coffee Meister measures the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of your coffee and helps you calculate the coffee extraction value. Why Coffee Meister? - Accurate Measurements: Get precise TDS readings to fine-tune your brewing. - Custom Calculations: Input coffee details to calculate extraction percentage. - Tailored Brewing: Achieve optimal extraction for y...
[ ライフスタイル ]
loveshopping 讓妳隨時掌握最新精品時尚訊息 透過此app可以讓您隨時掌握精品時尚訊息,當季美妝新品消息,更能即時跟好友分享最新包包,鞋子,配件的穿搭照,讓您隨時都能走在時代潮流尖端,輕鬆掌握不遺漏!
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Welcome to TinyPrinter - the handy app for your custom photo printing and collage creation. Whether it's a simple passport photo or a vacation memory for the wall in your home, printing pictures to true size and measure can be a challenge. Especially when you want to be sure that a picture will fit in your new picture frame, it can get complicated. Every day people use TinyPrinter to print their pictures to fit exactly for these cases. ACCURATE ALIGNMENT BY MM, CM & INCH • Scale, rotate, mirror, mask - everything to the millimet...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Enjoy Yano adventures! Yano is a storyteller toy and an old adventurer. Join him on this interactive and multimedia adventure. Once upon a time there was a prince who was looking for a bride, but he could not marry just anyone, she had to be a true princess... Download the Yano app to keep posted on Yano news, like stories releases.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Enjoy Yano adventures! Yano is an old character who enjoys telling you stories. Join Yano on this interactive and multimedia adventure. The Search for the Golden Whale Children of a fishing village were tired of eating only fish. Children asked Yano to find out the Golden whale. Enjoy with Yano the golden whale story. This is the try me version, the full version will be released soon. Download the Yano app and you will be updated on Yano news and new story releases.
[ ビジネス ]
*Esta aplicación solo funciona con los Patrones suministrados por SuperBrix* Si necesita soporte por favor aplique estos consejos: Compatible con iphone y ipad. ** *IMPORTANTE* ** Instrucciones: 1) Enfocar con la cámara posterior de su dispositivo los marcadores en nuestras Tarjetas y Catálogos. 2) En la habitación debe existir una iluminación óptima 3) Disponible para iphone y ipad CARACTERÍSTICAS: -Disfrute de una experiencia interactiva observando nuestros productos en Realidad Aumentada, camine alrededor del marcador y observe...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935) portrays a more sophisticated Tarzan as in the original Edgar Rice Burroughs novels. Tarzan is played by Herman Brix (a.k.a. Bruce Bennett). The adventure involves the search of a Guatemalan idol known as The Green Goddess.
[ ゲーム ]
Back to the eighties with this retro style brick breaker game completely designed for iOS. Fun and addictive. Move your finger to control the paddle and break those bricks out! Dozens of levels and endless fun
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