フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
SEABOARD 5D: THE iPHONE and iPAD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD THEM BEFORE Seaboard 5D unlocks the extraordinary potential of your iOS device as a touch-responsive surface for making music. It recreates the expressive possibilities of the Seaboard RISE, the award-winning instrument from ROLI. Shape sounds on-screen through the Five Dimensions of Touch: Strike, Glide, Slide, Press and Lift. You’ll discover the power and fun of Seaboard 5D as soon as you touch the screen. Seaboard 5D not only turns your iOS device into a powerfully expr...
[ スポーツ ]
L-Breath(エルブレス)の公式アプリです。 各種アウトドア用品の最新情報が満載! 人気商品はオンラインショップでも購入可能です! 【アプリの主な特徴】 ■ 店舗検索 お探しの店舗を今すぐ検索! 全国のエルブレスの店舗を探せます。 ■ BARCODE READER 商品バーコードをスキャンすれば、店頭に無い商品もオンラインストアで購入が可能です! ■ ONLINE STORE アプリでいつでもお買い物! 気になる商品はこちらから購入してください。 ■ POINTCARD 今まで使っていたカードがスマホ1つで使え、 ポイント状況や購入履歴の確認がいつでもできます! ※ ネットワーク環境が良好で...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Pulse is a breathing and meditation app that helps you to fall asleep faster and have a more relaxed sleep. With the help of guided relaxation and a calming breath visualisation, you can simply doze off into a warm and comfy sleep within sixty seconds. It can even help to prevent cardiovascular problems. Stress at work, school or uni? Stressed at home? Use the relaxation-program (used by military groups to reduce stress in battlefield situations) to release the natural sedatives of the body and become laser-focused again within a...
[ ゲーム ]
*This application does not exist microphone function and breath check function. This app will be jokes app. 臭い奴を根こそぎチェック‼ ▷アートディグから超絶アプリ「ブレスチェック ワンツー」が遂に登場‼構想5年、制作期間6ヶ月‼世界が激震、世界が感動、世界が歓喜するアプリがいよいよ発売‼ こいつ息が臭い・・・でも言えない。でも伝えたいそんな時はコレ‼相手を傷つけずに良い人間関係がこのアプリで保てます‼ ▷ブレスチェックワンツーを使ったユーザーの声 *これは個人の感想であり、必ずしもこのような結果がもたらせれるわけではありません。 上場企業に...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Featured in over 30 countries, including the United States and United Kingdom. Feel happier, calmer and more at peace in just 3 minutes. The quick meditations and breathing exercises help you deal with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, sleep and more. 3 Minute Mindfulness has been seen in The Huffington Post, The Telegraph, Mashable, Gizmodo and more. "3 Minute Mindfulness is a wonderful addition, and it helps me on a daily basis. The app reminds me to stop and breathe no matter what situation I find myself in." - Karla, App Review ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Peace & growth with daily meditations, yoga, & wisdom on the Art of Living app. Experience peace, relaxation, and spiritual growth with the Art of Living App, your personal meditation and yoga studio wherever you go. Guided by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, this app is designed to help you with stress relief, anxiety reduction, and overall well-being. Breathe deeply, relax, and calm your mind with daily meditations and yoga sessions. Mindful meditation and yoga practices let you calm down and find peace during life's challenging moments. L...
[ ミュージック ]
Try to “catch the swing” by turning your Iphone into a trumpet ! “Trumpet Improv." is an amazing application, sensitive to your breath, your touch, and movements. Now, you really have the opportunity to develop your creativity through a smart and friendly application. Discover the “Chet Baker”, “Miles Davis” or “Louis Armstrong”, sleeping in you. Had you ever wished to touch the stars and play like these legendary musicians ? Now you will probably “cherish a hope”... Because the most difficult thing to be able to play a “br...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
▼▼▼重要▼▼▼ 2012年12月23日のアップデート (Version 1.2)にて iPhone 5での動作不具合(画像や操作ボタンのズレ)は修正済みです。 iPhone 5ユーザーの方々に大変ご迷惑をおかけしました。 ***************************************** ♡♡♡NEW エクササイズ♡♡♡ バージョン1.3に、SIMPLE BREATHエクササイズが新しく追加されました。 ♥30秒ひきしめエクササイズ♡ ふと気づいたら、いたる所についたブヨブヨ。 パンツやスカートの上にのっかる、お肉。 今すぐ、どうにかしたい… 大丈夫! こんな時はまず【30秒ひきしめエクササイズ】で、気持ちと体をリセッ...
[ ゲーム ]
“Gibbets 2 is a fun, fast-paced puzzler” – 148apps.com “Gibbets 2 is as fun and intriguing as it is dark”, Bronze Award – Pocket Gamer Tired of always losing at Hangman? Now it's time to get your own back on that noose-wielding bully! Gibbets 2, the sequel to the Flash and iPhone smash hit, gives you chance to save the poor victims before they run out of breath! A truly innovative arcade puzzler where you'll have to aim your bow and arrow carefully to cut the hangman's rope without causing the victims further injury! Use a...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
About Yoga 101 iPhone/IPad Application by Kathleen Holm I love yoga. When I talk to people who want to do yoga, but haven’t done it yet, I often get the following responses: “I know about yoga, how good it would be for me, and I want to go to class…but I'm not flexible enough." Or, "I just don't have enough time." I have a solution to those two problems. Yoga 101 consists of three yoga classes created for beginners that are easy to follow and are less than 45 minutes long. The style of yoga in this app is called vinyasa flow...
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