フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
What Is Bad Breath? Bad breath is when there is an unpleasant odor that usually comes from the mouth. When people exhale, the odor comes out. Not only is it a health issue, but it is also a social issue as well. People get turned off by those that have bad breath when they open their mouth. Learn all the tips and tricks to combat bad breath. What you'll find inside: What Is Bad Breath? How To Check For Bad Breath Causes Of Bad Breath Getting Rid Of Bad Breath -Oral Hygiene -Foods -Vitamins and Supplements -Digestive System -...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Bad breath is when there is an unpleasant odor that usually comes from the mouth. When people exhale, the odor comes out. Not only is it a health issue, but it is also a social issue as well. People get turned off by those that have bad breath when they open their mouth.

Bad breath: something none of us want! Millions of people suffer from bad breath everyday. There are some simple ways that you can eliminate your bad breath.

All of us have heard that flossing our teeth is a good idea. It is true, flossing your teeth on a regular...
[ エンターテインメント ]
How’s My Breath? is a JOKE APP. This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true breath analyzing functionality but.... This is a remarkably realistic looking device, which is sure to convince anyone that it is actually analyzing the chemical composition of their breath. Turn up the volume on your phone because regardless of the sample analyzed, the results presented are always HILARIOUS. There are dozens and dozens of unique and funny responses, so you’ll keep laughing as you get a second, third, f...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
“You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life.” The name “ButterCam” is inspired by a line from the movie “Julie & Julia.” Just like butter on bread, it isn't merely for filling the stomach. The Butter Camera app aims to provide creators with the same sense of aesthetic in the process of creation, so beauty isn't just in the result:It is hovering in the air, in every breath of every second in the life. 1. A new 'camera' function for better shots! With a plethora of analogue cameras, equipped with simulated effects i...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Breath training has been under-prioritized in sports for too long, though scientific studies continuously prove its multiple benefits. Airofit has developed the first-ever breathing trainer that connects respiratory training with state-of-the-art app technology. Once the app is paired with the Airofit breathing trainer, you will need to take a lung test to measure your respiratory strength. After taking the lung test, you will have the option to choose one of the many programs to train your breathing. The programs will be customize...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Unofficial offline map for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The map features the locations of: - Sheikah Towers - Shrines - Korok Seeds - Memories - Main and Side Quests (including DLC 1 and 2 Quests) - Shrine Quests - Ingredients - Towns - Fairies - Treasures (including DLC 1 and 2 Treasures) - Mini Bosses - Stables - Shops - Dragons - Guardians - Minigames - Dog rewards - Cooking Pots - Rafts - Blupees - Books and Diaries - Enemies - Enemy Camps - Wizzrobes - Cracked Walls - Locations - Region Borders If there is addit...
[ エンターテインメント ]
mearはASMRやスライムが好きな音フェチのためのアプリです。高品質なバイノーラル音でリラックス。自然音や環境音なども収録。ストレス解消に繋がるコンテンツをお楽しみください! ***** ABOUT mear - ASMR relaxing sounds: mear is an app for stress relief and relaxation. Enjoy your ASMR time with high quality binaural sounds and discover new tingles! All contents are recorded in binaural sounds - With satisfying high quality sounds, release stress and just relax. Enjoy slime & mic scratching ASMR sensory paradise! You can also enjoy calming na...
[ ゲーム ]
■□■購入に関するご注意 ※必ずご一読頂いてからご購入下さい※ ■□■ 幕末Rock極魂は、必ず【 4GB以上 】の空き容量のある端末で、電波環境の良い場所でご購入・ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 下記に記載された必要動作環境でも、他にインストールしているアプリケーションなどの影響によって正しく起動しない、挙動が正しくない、強制終了されてしまう等の不具合が発生する可能性がございます。 http://bakumatsu.marv.jp/sp/faq/#systemRequirements-usoul ■■注意事項■■ 1.本アプリはストアでの購入時、及び追加コンテンツ購入時にデータをダウンロードします。 データ...
[ ショッピング ]
TOPKAPI(トプカピ)、Breath TOPKAPI(ブレス トプカピ)、EFOLE(エフォル)、TREASURE TOPKAPI(トレジャー トプカピ)、ethimere(エシミヤ)、CRICKET(クリケット)を展開するCRICKET WEB(クリケットウェブ)の公式アプリ。 ブランド紹介 TOPKAPI(トプカピ)~毎日を大切に生きる女性に、あなたらしい普遍的な美しさを。世界中から厳選した素材を使用し、職人の想いがこもった丁寧な縫製のレザー小物を中心としたブランド。使いやすさと馴染みの良さにこだわったお財布を、バリエーション豊富に展開しています。 Breath TOPKAPI(ブレス トプカピ) ~TimelessBeauty ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
"Yoga will change your body, the way you think, and most importantly deepen your connection to your Self, to God and to all beings..." Kathleen Kastner Prêt-à-Yoga Lite is a uniquely crafted yoga experience designed to enlighten you and guide you through the discipline of yoga. Your personal guru, Kathleen Kastner, a trained yoga instructor and exercise physiologist, will guide you through each sequence, pose by pose, breath by breath, explaining how to practice the art of yoga. This exquisite application offers an unparallel...
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