フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
B757 / 767 Exam Questions is designed for pilots who are current on type or in training to fly the B757-200 and/or the B767-200/300 series aircraft. This handy app is designed to help pilots maintain and improve their systems knowledge of the aircraft. Whether you are refreshing your knowledge for recurrent training or studying hard for the initial Type Rating Exam, this app will complement your study program to ensure that your level of technical knowledge is as high as possible. Written by an experienced Training Captain with ...
[ 教育 ]
CPaT GO B757 Pilot Training Quiz APP is a Study Guide & Interview Preparation tool for Pilots or individuals that would like to achieve becoming a Pilot. The B757 Pilot Training Quiz APP is a lite version of CPaT’s distance learning solutions. CPaT GO B757 Pilot Training Quiz APP • Aviation Preparation - become familiar with the aircraft prior to training • Training - provides a generalized opportunity to gain a familiarization with many aircraft aspects • Practice - maintain skills with 100’s of scored quizzes • Interview ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
B757 Exam Questions is designed for pilots who are current on type or in training to fly the B757-200 series aircraft. This handy app is designed to help pilots maintain and improve their systems knowledge of the aircraft. Whether you are refreshing your knowledge for recurrent training or studying hard for the initial Type Rating Exam, this app will complement your study program to ensure that your level of technical knowledge is as high as possible. Written by an experienced Training Captain with thousands of hours on the 757,...
[ ゲーム ]
With B757 APP for your iPhone or iPod Touch you will not need anymore paper-checklists or book-procedures to fly a Boeing B737 200-300 in your flight simulator. Just grab your device and enjoy like a PRO! In the APP you have: - Full Normal Procedures to conduct a normal flight. - Full Normal Checklists. All that with an easy-to-use interface, clear and simple! Checkmark functionality enabled for each procedure. ENJOY!
[ 教育 ]
The L3Harris Cockpit Familiarization B757 application for iPad and iPhone provides pilots with a self-study and awareness tool through an educational cockpit experience. Cockpit Familiarization provides cockpit panel information sourced through officially-licensed aircraft manufacturer and OEM data, ensuring accuracy and clear functional descriptions of each switch, pushbutton, and light/annunciator. This application helps pilots become familiar with panel functionality without referencing bulky aircraft manuals and paper cockpit ...
[ 教育 ]
The B757 GO Interactive System App is an Interactive Systems Diagram Tool. GO APPs are a lite version of CPaT’s distance learning solutions. Please Note: This APP is not a Game APP but rather a Study Guide & Interview Preparation tool for Pilots or individuals that would like to achieve becoming a Pilot. Intended Uses: • Aviation Preparation - become familiar with the aircraft prior to training • Interview Preparation - flight simulator familiarization of flight skills GO Interactive Systems Includes: Contains diagrams for...
[ 教育 ]
The B757 GO Intro App is a Study Guide and Interview Preparation Tool that has interactivity where applicable. GO APPs are a lite version of CPaT’s distance learning solutions. Please Note: This APP is not a Game APP but rather a Study Guide & Interview Preparation tool for Pilots or individuals that would like to achieve becoming a Pilot. Intended Uses: • Aviation Preparation - become familiar with the aircraft prior to training • Interview Preparation - flight simulator familiarization of flight skills GO Intro Includes: ...
[ ブック ]
※現在、iOS6でアプリが立ち上がらない不具合が生じております。対応を検討しておりますので、iOS6をご利用の方はダウンロードされないようご注意ください。 iOS5以下をご利用の方は問題なくご利用いただけます。 飛行機マニアにはたまらないiPadアプリの登場です。羽田、成田に飛来する数々の旅客機を収録。 エアバスはA300から世界初の総2階建てのA380まで、ボーイングはB737からB777まで(最新鋭のB787はアップデートで対応予定)。 ほぼ全ての機種、エアラインを解説付きで掲載。また各空港の「飛行機撮影ポイント」や「航空無線の楽しみ方」など、マニアも思わず唸るコラム...
[ カタログ ]
豊富な写真とレーダーチャートで視覚的に読書を楽しめるtop45シリーズ! ≪航続距離≫≪機能美≫≪普及台数≫≪経済性≫≪革新性≫≪影響度≫、6項目のレーダーチャートで旅客機の実力を徹底分析! ライト兄弟が人類初の有人飛行に成功してから100年。ジェット機の初飛行からは半世紀強。 歴史に残る機体を45機種ピックアップしてランキングつけしました! 旅客機の仕組みや歴史、乗りここちから舞台裏まで、見て知って楽しめる! ●はじめにより 総2階建て、最大定員800人というエアバスの巨人機A380、対するボーイングのB787は機体がプラスチック(炭素繊維素材)という先進的な旅客機で対...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Approach Plates and Documents Access to over 16,000 U.S. Approach plates, Airport Diagrams, Airport/Facility Directory Pages and Minimums Documents update every 28 days Tab Based Load airport charts into one of 15 different “tabs” organized into three categories. Fill your “tabs” with the charts you plan on needing before your flight, then it’s simple to switch between them when time is critical. Save Tabs Save the content of your “tabs” for later retrieval. This way, you can set up your charts for a common route you fly, save t...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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