フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
OnTheFly™ by ITA Software offers an advanced and comprehensive way to shop for airfares for any itinerary in the world. Quickly and easily find available flights with optimal fares using a friendly and intuitive interface. Experience a fast, fun way to compare options across airlines, dates, and alternate cites/airports. Savvy road warriors, travel geeks, and novice travel shoppers can rely on ITA Software to plan air travel. This app does not allow booking. Once a trip is selected you can email or call your preferred travel provi...
[ 旅行 ]
九巴龍運智能手機應用程式讓你隨時隨地掌握所有九巴及龍運巴士路線資訊 功能簡介 : 1. 最平、最直接巴士路線 只需輸入起點與目的地 自動搜尋所有適合行經巴士路線,以及為你選出最平、最直接的巴士路線 2. 落車提示 只需預先設定目的地 當巴士即將到達目的地前,溫馨提示準備落車 3. 鄰近巴士站 搜羅鄰近範圍內所有巴士路線 令你盡快掌握巴士站位置 4.預計抵站時間 查找快將抵站的巴士時間, 掌握及計劃行程,輕鬆候車 備註 : 長時間使用全球衛星定位系統有可能縮短電池使用時間 KMB & LW Smartphone App is an essential and useful device for every bus passenger on t...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Plan your journey with NextRide. You can plan your public transport journey anywhere in Singapore from your iPhone & iPad. NextRide gets you to your destination by buses, MRTs, LRTs, monorails & ferries. ● Stop Alerts! Don't miss your stops! NextRide alerts you near your destination or transfers, even with the app closed. ● Live Traffic Incident Reports Avoid routes with traffic jam and car accidents. ● SG NextBus Integration Get bus arrival time alerts along your routes if you next SG NextBus installed. With the route monit...
[ ナビゲーション ]
由高雄市政府交通局官方與華夏/銓鼎科技公司合作開發推出的 ibus高雄公車動態查詢系統APP,是您搭乘高雄市大眾運輸的隨身必備最佳選擇!您是否還在煩惱不知道公車何時會到?附近站牌在那裡?要搭幾號公車才能到達目的地呢? 【高雄iBus公車即時動態資訊APP】提供您最完整、最即時的公車資訊查詢服務,結合手機GPS定位功能,提供多項資訊貼心快速查詢如下: 公車路線動態:提供您公車預估到站時間、搭乘車輛類型、站點附近捷運與自行車(UBike2.0)、路線地圖檢視、臨時改道資訊、站站時刻表等,交通局資訊更新維護最即時! 站牌乘車規劃:提供您地圖站牌點到點最佳乘車路線規劃...
[ ナビゲーション ]
PennTransit Mobile helps you travel to, from, and around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods easily. See all of your options in one place: Penn Bus East and West, On-Demand Shuttles, and specialty services like the Pennovation Works Shuttle and Penn Accessible Transit. This app provides you accurate vehicle locations and arrival times, ensuring you have the information you need when you need it so you can arrive safely and on time. Simply download the app, login securely with your PennKey, and you're ready to go! KEY FEATURES...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Ever wanted to know more about the boats and ships you see? Boat Watch Pro lets you spot boats and ships and follow them on a real-time map wherever you are... If you are interested in a particular vessel, Boat Watch Pro can send you alerts when a boat you track sets sail or arrives - perfect for people with loved ones at sea, for tracking ferries and rescue vessels - or following cargo across the world! If you're in port or at the marine, point your camera at a boat and Boat Watch Pro's amazing augmented reality mode will insta...
[ ユーティリティ ]
A brief on the major functions 1. “Post Now” platform An on-line posting platform to provide a convenient and user-friendly means for customers to prepare online posting. 2. Mail Tracking Trace your mail items by simply entering the mail item number or scanning the code shown on the receipt of posting. You can also share the latest delivery status of a mail item via SMS, email or other mobile messaging apps. 3. Postage Calculation Calculate postages and show related information for the posting of mail items according to destina...
[ 旅行 ]
Harry's GPS/OBD Buddy is a versatile trip computer and GPS / OBD data monitor. The trip computer records distance and time traveled, and calculates average speeds. Using the navigation module from Harry's GPS Suite, GPS/OBD Buddy will furthermore forecast arrival times using waypoints. In addition to standard iPhone GPS functionality, GPS/OBD Buddy supports a huge set of external GPS and OBD sensors. Accessing these sensors directly, GPS/OBD Buddy gives you a detailed view not available in any other app. Like all applications f...
[ ライフスタイル ]
近くの場所のTODOをプッシュ通知でお知らせ! 登録した場所に近づくとやることを通知します! twitter連携機能で友達に知らせる事もできる! ======================= 【紹介】 近くの場所のTODOをプッシュ通知でお知らせ! 登録した場所の付近に近づくとやることを通知します! 例えば、近所のスーパーなどを登録しておけば近くを通った時に プッシュ通知でお知らせしてくれるので、買い忘れを防止できます! また、待ち合わせ場所を登録しておけば、twitterとの連携で 到着を自動で友達などに知らせることができます! 【機能説明】 Arrival Taskは位置情報と連動した新...
[ 旅行 ]
The Global Entry mobile application enables active Global Entry members to report their arrival at any supported airport in the place of a stationary Global Entry portal. You must be an active member in the Global Entry program to use this app. Simply choose your arrival airport from list of supported airports and submit a photo of yourself to CBP for verification. Be sure to complete this process while you are physically located within your arrival terminal. Once you’ve successfully submitted, you will receive a receipt of your s...
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