フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
フライトトラッカーは、世界各地の飛行機を追跡し、ライブステータス情報を得るシンプルで強力なツールです。あなたがプロのパイロットや乗組員であっても、自分の旅行を計画しているか、家族や友人のフライトを追跡するアプリだけであれば、必要な情報を見つけることができます。 マイルフライトトラッカーは、20カ国以上で#1旅行アプリ24/7のライブアップデートを提供しています。 特徴 •世界中の飛行を追跡する •フライト番号またはルートを使用して個々のフライトを簡単に検索できます。 •遅れて最初に更新される •詳細な出発と到着情報 •飛行レーダーモードでは、ズーム...
[ ナビゲーション ]
서울버스는 서울(마을버스 포함), 인천, 경기, 부산, 대전, 광주, 울산, 대구 광역시 외 제주시 등 11개 도시의 버스 정보를 제공합니다. 정류소에 버스들이 언제 도착하는지에 대한 버스 도착 예정 정보, 그리고 해당 버스가 현재 어디를 운행하는지 알려주는 실시간 버스 위치를 간편하게 확인하실 수 있습니다. 또한 사용자의 현재 위치에 기반하여 주변에 있는 정류소를 검색하실수 있으며 지도를 통한 정류소 찾기도 가능합니다. 그밖에 지도에서 노선의 경유 정류소 보기, 버스도착알림(Notification) 기능, 최근 검색 목록, 홈 화면 바로가기 등의 편의를 위한 여러 기...
[ 旅行 ]
The SG Bus Timing App for SBS, SMRT, Tower Transit and Go-Ahead Singapore bus arrival timing that all Singapore commuters need. ------------- Features 1. The only Bus Arrival Timing App that tells you where the bus is. Simply tap on a bus arrival timing to view the location of the bus on a map. 2. Shows up to 3 bus timings. Now you can plan your journey in SG on SMRT or SBS buses before even leaving your home. 3. Is the bus crowded inside? You will know at a glance. 4. Search. You can search for bus numbers, buildings, road n...
[ 旅行 ]
1. Next Bus Arrival Time Enquiry function with driving status of the bus - Display ETA of the next 3 arrivals within 60 minutes of all Citybus routes, including KMB and Long Win departures for jointly operated routes and the ETA of Kowloon Motor Bus / Long Win Bus, New Lantao Bus, MTR Bus and Green minibuses provided by Data.gov.hk - Exclusively display actual distance between current location of the travelling bus and the selected stop on Citybus routes. Alert user when delay is detected or when the bus cannot continue its journe...
[ ナビゲーション ]
No more getting caught in the rain waiting for the bus! No more scratching your head and wondering if you had missed the bus! No more guessing when the next bus will arrive. The DaBus app takes the guesswork out of catching the bus on the island of Oahu. It uses the near real-time arrival information, courtesy of the Oahu Transit Services, to provide the best estimated time on when the next bus will arrive. This app also tracks the current location of the bus you are interested using the GPS device installed on many of the bus...
[ 旅行 ]
Lähtöajat ja Saapuvien lentojen tiedot ovat esillä reaaliaikaisesti heti, kun lentoyhtiö on ilmoittanut arvioidun tuloajan. - Voit hakea lentoja selaamalla listaa. - Voit myös kirjoittaa hakuruutuun kohteen (ensimmäiset alkukirjaimet riittävät) tai lennon numeron (esim. AY1234). - Valitse lento luettelosta. - Lentojen tiedot muuttuvat reaaliaikaisesti heti, kun lentoyhtiö ilmoittaa arvioidun uuden lähtöajan. - Voit selata tietoja 12 tuntia eteenpäin. - Kellonajat ovat paikallisia aikoja. Real-time Finland Airports arrival and de...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ICA e-Services on-the-go: This application is brought to you by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), a Singapore Government Agency. MyICA Mobile App (1) provides a one-stop platform for Singapore residents and foreign visitors to transact with ICA conveniently. The features include: • SG Arrival Card (2) for residents and visitors to submit health declaration and arrival information - Provide personal information with ease by scanning the passport biographical data page; - Provide a group submission for up to 10 travel...
[ 旅行 ]
Flight Status app has been featured in Apple's TV Ads, recommended by New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN Travel, National Geographic, Telegraph and several others. ************************** Flight Status lets you track the status of flights worldwide. Check flight delays, arrival and departure times, terminal and gate numbers, baggage claim and other information of all flights worldwide. Flight path is also displayed in an interactive map. You can check the status of flights in two ways. 1) By Flight Number and 2) By Rout...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Quick Sender GPS can send templates Quick post to twitter, send Email or SMS from templates includes geo info & map URL, distance and estimated time of arrival. 位置情報や到着予定時刻などの定型文を素早く送信! Quick Sender GPS can send templates with geo info and map URL very fast by twitter, email or SMS. o Easy operation. – Only select and tap a large icon. o You can insert variables such as URL of map, address, latitude/longitude, direction and altitude. And you can also calculate estimated time of arrival, etc. by using functi...
[ 旅行 ]
The new Oxford Tube app has arrived; get to know its latest features. Time is precious, and that’s why we’ve introduced a live route map, coach tracker and expected arrival and departure times on the new Oxford Tube Mobile App. The interactive map and journey planning feature gives you more control over your travel between Oxford and London. Plan your journey with ease so you can make the most of your time in the city. Use the app to see coach information on your mobile, plan your journey, check when your coach will arrive, searc...
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