フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
Blodprøver er en app som inneholder beskrivelse og referanseverdier for de fleste laboratorieanalyser (blod, urin, spinalvæske) som brukes i Norge. Den inneholder kurver og grafer for å illustrere viktige tema, samt forklaring av statistiske begreper. Alle prøvene er merket med hvilken fargekode og tilsetninger som skal være i prøveglasset. Følgende analyser er omtalt: ALAT ALP ALT ANCA APTT ASAT Albumin Alkaliske fosfataser Alfa-føtoprotein Amylase Anti-CCP Anti-CENP-A Anti-CENP-B Anti-CENP-C Anti-H.pylori IgG Anti-Jo-1 Anti-RNP...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
WHY EGGS? ======================== Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. ABOUT THIS APP ======================== 400 Eggs Recipes is an application containing over 400 detailed cooking recipes that uses eggs as their ingredients. The recipes are grouped into dif...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Are you looking for best how to cook healthy spaghetti squash sauce easy in the oven for all family and kids?. You will find all easy The spaghetti cuisine menu you will ever need. No more buying expensive cookbooks or writing down ingredients before you start cooking with this healthy recipes app you have all in one place. Simple to follow instructions in detail and best of all its FREE NOW!. Spaghetti is one dish that has many variants. People from all over the world cook spaghetti and if your family loves the dish, then you can...
[ ブック ]
Tổng hợp 25000 bài viết về gia đình: Mang thai, Nuôi dạy con, Làm đẹp, Gia đình truyền kỳ chuyện, Sức khoẻ, Phong thuỷ, Mẹo vặt gia đình, Dinh dưỡng cho bé, Chuẩn bị mang thai, Cẩm nang sức khỏe, Truyền kỳ truyện, Bí kíp làm đẹp, Dưỡng da, Phong thuỷ, Mẹo vặt gia đình, Tủ thuốc gia đình, Thai kỳ, Chăm sóc nuôi dạy con, Tình yêu, Khám thai, Chăm sóc Ông Bà, Ngoại tình, Dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu, Thời trang cho bé, Phong tục, Tiêm phòng, Các bệnh thường gặp ở bé, Đặt tên cho bé TRAI, Đặt tên cho bé GÁI, Kiến thức mang thai, Hỏi đáp về l...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Discover How to Cure Eczema Naturally! Do You Suffer From the Itching, Redness and Scaling of Chronic Eczema? If so, it's Time to Stop Scratching and Start Healing! Here is what you will discover inside... ★ The true definition of the conditions medical condition known as eczema ★ Why eczema is known as an equal opportunity condition ★ How your diet can have a lot to do with whether or not you will have an outbreak of scales or eczema ★ How to construct eating plans so that you can avoid foods that trigger eczema ★ The nutri...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Smoothie Factory - Thương hiệu thức uống dinh dưỡng của Mỹ với hệ thống nhượng quyền tại hơn18 quốc gia trên toàn thế giới đã có mặt tại Việt Nam. Mỗi ngày, bạn nên uống một ly smoothie để có số lượng lớn vitamin, khoáng chất và chất dinh dưỡng phục vụ cho cơ thể. Uống smoothie mỗi ngày ít nhất sẽ đem lại cho bạn những lợi ích sau đây: 1. Ít tốn thời gian, ít tốn kém so với mua thuốc bổ và vitamin 2. Cung cấp nguồn năng lượng lành mạnh tự nhiên mỗi ngày 3. Cung cấp vitamin, khoáng chất, chất dinh dưỡng phong phú 4. Giúp hệ tiêu hó...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
During pregnancy there are increased demands placed on a mother in terms of nutrition, but it can be very difficult to attain adequate levels of several key nutrients by food alone. Key nutrients include Folic acid, Calcium, Vitamin D and Omega-3. The Aptamil Pregnancy Nutrient calculator is the easiest way to find out how much Calcium, Vitamin D, Iron and Omega 3 you are getting versus your recommended daily allowance in pregnancy.
[ ビジネス ]
Shidawie Sdn Bhd is a cakes and cookies manufacturer company. Our factory is located in Serkam, Melaka, Malaysia. We produce a variety of layer cakes, cookies and fruit cakes. Shidawie Sdn. Bhd. intends to become the number one National and a leading International Halal Food Manufacturer in the best tradition of our ancestor’s home baking, healthy product with vitamin, mineral and innovated with Local and Global fruits and certified with GMP, HACCP and ISO Certification. Shidawie Sdn. Bhd. produce premium quality Halal products ...
[ 天気 ]
iTanSmart is the most advanced and feature filled sun tanning App. on the market. Using UV satellite data, skin type, and sunscreen SPF, iTanSmart alerts you when to re-lotion, seek shade, and even provides updates on Vitamin D production all while you relax and listen to your iTunes! TAKE THE GUESS WORK OUT OF SUN TANNING Set a few simple criteria about yourself and your sun protection, start the iTanSmart timer, then enjoy your day! iTanSmart will alert you when it's time to get out of the sun to avoid sunburn and dangerous expo...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Stay Well Home App is an integrative and multidimensional system that allows users to maximize the health and wellness features and amenities offered in the spaces in which they live. Coupled with an innovative Jet Lag Tool and complimentary Cleveland Clinic Wellness Programs valued at $120, this app is perfect for seamless continuity of a wellness lifestyle from the convenience of most iOS devices. For comprehensive utilization of the app, a central Circadian Timeline is given daily to keep users active, committed to proper n...
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