フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ メディカル ]
Talli Baby Tracker is the most flexible and convenient infant feeding, diaper, and sleep tracking app. Keep track of everything parents want to know and pediatricians ask about for infants and newborns. And Talli Baby Tracker is the only tracking app you can customize for your family's exact needs. Track meds, bath time, tummy time, Vitamin D drops – even baby's mood or meds for mom.
Share with family & caregivers
Easily add a partner/spouse, grandparents, nannies and other caregivers, even pediatricians and lactation or sleep c...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Do you want to know:
What is a vitamin?
What are the different types of vitamins?
What is the importance of each vitamin to your body?
What happens to your body if there is a deficit of a vitamin?
What is the daily input required by your body of each vitamin?
What is the dosage depending upon your age group?
What is the source of these vitamins?
And if you are technically inclined, what is its chemical structure?
The Vitamins app answers these questions and provides a valuable information on each vitamin at your fingertips on yo...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Access your data from the Health app in the widely compatible CSV format.
* Save as a CSV file
* Send to any device using Airdrop, Email, and other standard sharing options
* Analyze your data in Numbers, Excel, R, and other CSV-compatible software
* Manually back up your data to another device
Select one or more health data types, units, and a date range to begin export. Preview rows before saving a CSV.
The following health data types are available to export:
Active Energy Burned
Basal Body Temperature
Basal Energy Burned
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
ALL IN ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR YOUR HEALTH NEEDS- Temukan semua kebutuhan obat dan kesehatanmu dengan mudah di GoApotik!
Tersedia Lebih dari 50rb produk kesehatan seperti suplemen, vitamin, dan kosmetik dengan harga bersaing. Terdapat lebih dari 6rb apotek yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, temukan apotek online terdekat di kotamu.
GoApotik telah mendapatkan sertifikasi Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik Farmasi (PSEF) dari Kementerian Kesehatan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa GoApotik sudah memenuhi standar kepatuhan terhadap regulasi ...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Do you-
Live to Eat or Eat to live?
Are you-
Craving for Mexican food or Chinese?
Spice lover or sweet-toothed?
Health freak or a Come What May person?
Wine sipper or Mocktail lover?
A Quick Salad or Soup?
Pescetarian or Vegetarian?
Barbeques at home or binge on 21-course meal in restaurants?
Want baked or fried?
Meat lover or Vegan?
Want to try Thai or in a mood for some Indian curry?
You will get it all here! If you are a foodie & love cooking too, we have brought 25K+ mouth-watering and healthy recipes to satisfy your palate,...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Natural Food Guide focuses on fresh and healthy foods. It is the perfect companion for everyone who loves to cook. You can quickly create your own recipes and estimate their nutritive value, or keep a detailed food diary. Whether you are an athlete who wants to push their body to its limits, or you want to lose weight or prevent health issues – nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle!
The app is stuffed with information and provides answers to countless questions related to nutrition: What is the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of li...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Daylight Goals works best when paired with an Apple Watch running watchOS 10 to enable automatic Time In Daylight tracking! Time in Daylight is supported on Apple Watch Series 6 and later, Apple Watch SE second generation, and Apple Watch Ultra models.
Daylight Goals is your ultimate companion for getting more sun and unlocking a healthier, happier you. This app will make sure you are getting your proper UV exposure levels! Learn exactly how much time you have been exposed to the sun, using the most advanced sensors and technology...
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[ メディカル ]
Blodprøver er en app som inneholder beskrivelse og referanseverdier for de fleste laboratorieanalyser (blod, urin, spinalvæske) som brukes i Norge.
Den inneholder kurver og grafer for å illustrere viktige tema, samt forklaring av statistiske begreper.
Alle prøvene er merket med hvilken fargekode og tilsetninger som skal være i prøveglasset.
Følgende analyser er omtalt:
Alkaliske fosfataser
Anti-H.pylori IgG
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[ 教育 ]
• This is a scientific enlightening picture story book.
• The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information.
• [Big Adventure in the Innovative Kingdom] collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available for a charge.
• This collection is suitable for children age 5-8. Children age 3-4 will gain even better reading experience if accompanied by parents.
• Cartoon book contains innovative scientific concepts and mini domino games.
Introduction of Collect...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
On SALE - Get it before the price goes up!
Start the new year right with good health and habits!
VitaMinder reminds you to take your vitamins and supplements consistently.
Just enter in the name of your vitamin(s), dosage, frequency, and what time(s) of day. Then continue with your busy schedule, and VitaMinder will alert you when it is time to take your vitamin(s).
* Reminds you with PUSH alerts when to take your vitamins and supplements
* Tracks supplement names, dosage and freque...
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