フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ライフスタイル ]
With Weather Gate you can get the weather of up to six Cities in the world. Big Temperature-Display, Felt Air Temperature, Air Humiditiy, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Moonphases and more Values leave no wishes. A 4-days forecast.
Displaying Weather Data:
- Displaying the actual weather data of the selected City
- Displaying the City
- 16 Weather Backgrounds: Clouds, Sun, Rain, Mist, Snow, Frost etc…
- Temperature in °C or °F
- Felt Temperature
- Humidity in %
- Wind speed in kph (+ Wind sock in 5 Steps)
- Animated Wind wheel
- Show...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
单位, 汇率换算及计算器功能。
I. 单位换算含如下单位换算功能:
‣ 面积单位换算: 可实现平方米, 坪, 平方英尺, 平方英寸, 顷, 市亩, 公顷, 公亩, 英亩, 台甲, 平方公里, 平方英里, 平方码, 平方分米, 平方厘米, 平方毫米之间的换算。
‣ 重量单位换算: 可实现市斤, 公斤, 港斤, 台斤, 磅, 克, 盎司, 市两, 市钱, 港两, 港钱, 台两, 台钱, 公吨, 英制长吨, 美制短吨, 金衡两(香港), 金衡盎司, 金衡磅之间的换算。
‣ 体积单位换算: 可实现升, 毫升, 立方米, 英制液体加仑, 英制液体夸脱, 英制液体品脱, 英制液体盎司, 美制液体加仑, 美制液体夸脱, 美制液体品脱, 美制液体盎司...
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[ 天気 ]
Use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as virtual Anemometer. Additional displaying temperature, felt temperature, air humidity, barometer. In Settings you can save 6 own cities. 4 day preview.
Showing weather data:
- Virtual wind gauge with digital display
- The little propeller rotates conform to the wind speed
- Shows the name of the weather station resp. town
- Temperature in °C or °F
- Felt temperature
- Humidity in %
- Wind speed in km/h, MPH, kn, m/s, Bft
- Barometer
- Date + time of the weather data
- Data: Internet, online ...
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[ 天気 ]
Use your iPad as real LCD Wall Clock + Weather station. Big Time-, Date- and Temperature- display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. The program finds the next weather station with your entered cityname. A 5-days weather forecast is built-in.
Displaying weather data:
- Shows actual weather data
- manual location determination > weather-data nearby, world wide
- Shows the Station name resp. the town
- Weathersymbols: clouds, sun, rain, mist, sn...
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[ 旅行 ]
Discover the world with Turkish Airlines Destination Pairs, the classic game!
Tap two cards and try to find matching destinations. Break your own record by finding pairs as fast as you can!
You can also play with a friend in 2-player mode on your iPhone, iPod or iPad for a little challenge!
Turkish Airlines Destination Pairs shows you the world of Turkish Airlines, the airline that flying to more than 200 destinations worldwide.
And of course, also the wonderful city of Istanbul, the international hub of Turkish Airlines.
We a...
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[ 天気 ]
This fortune teller tells you ahead of the weather. Big Temperature display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. With this weather fortune teller you can have fun with the weather. A 4-days weather forecast and more is built-in.
Displaying weather data:
- Shows actual weather data
- location determination > enter city name
- Shows the Station name resp. the town
- 8 Weather situations: clouds, sun, rain, mist, snow, Frost etc...
- Temperature in ...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Created by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the Plumbing Engineering & Design Tables App offers in one convenient place all of the equations, pipe sizing data, and background information that you need to successfully complete plumbing system design and installation projects on a daily basis. The app includes applicable data and information from the major plumbing codes and standards used throughout the U.S., including the International Plumbing Code (IPC), Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), and National Standard Plumbin...
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[ 天気 ]
With this weather app you have all weather data clearly and in different colors look. You can store and display up to 7 cities. Animating, flipping tiles.
- View and save 7 cities
- Animation when updating (flipping the tiles)
- Ice Preview (e.g. for your car)
- Barometer History
- Phases of the Moon
- Sun Times
- Animated windmill
Weather data:
- Weather conditions as a text
- Temperature
- Wind chill temperature
- Humidity in%
- Max / Min temperature of the day
- Air pressure
- Wind speed and direction
- Dew point wit...
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[ 天気 ]
Use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as real Weather station. Big Temperature display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. With this design-weather planet you can have fun with the weather. A 4-days weather forecast and more is built-in.
Displaying weather data:
- Shows actual weather data
- location determination > enter city name or use GPS
- Shows the Station name resp. the town
- 8 Design-backgrounds: clouds, sun, rain, mist, snow, Frost etc? ...
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