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[ 天気 ]
Use your iPhone or iPod Touch as real Weather station. Big Temperature display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. With this design-weather globe you can have fun with the weather. You can select a City and get a more precise weather-info. A 4-days weather forecast is built-in.
- Support now an Apple Watch App (included)
- Widget for your Homescreen
Displaying weather data:
- Shows actual weather data
- autom. location determination > weather-d...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ iRohr in 3 Sätzen ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪
Das schnelle Druckverlustberechnungs-Programm am iPhone!
Nie wieder langwieriges handrechnen der Reynoldszahl und λ.
Durch die einfache Eingabe von vier Parametern (Q, D, L, k) können blitzschnell Rohrdruckverluste abgeschätzt werden,
ob in der Arbeit, in der Schule, auf der Baustelle oder unterwegs.
✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ Einheiten ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪
✓Metrisches System
☑ l/s, m³/s, l/h, m³/h
☑ km, m, dm, cm, mm
☑ m/s, km/h, m/h, km/s
☑ bar, mWS, Pa, mbar
✓US System
☑ ft³/s, ft³/min, ft³/h, gal/h, gal/min...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
This all unit converter tool will help you to convert all units anytime
and solve homework problems quickly and easily.
► Angle(degrees, radians, turns etc.)
► Length (inches, feet, kilometer, yard etc.)
► Data size (bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte etc.)
► Volume (liter, teaspoon, tablespoon, pint etc.)
► Mass/weight (kilograms, pounds, tons etc.)
► Pressure (pascals, barye, torr etc.)
► Area (square kilometer, hectare, square yard, square miles etc.)
► Temperature (celsius, fahrenhit, kelvin etc.)
► Energy (jou...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
ICanConvertIt is a powerful and comprehensive unit conversion engine,with an intuitive interface,and online/offline currency conversion.
If we get 10 requests for a new conversion category then we will add it to the app.
Conversion categories:
Angle: Degrees,Radians,Grad,Gon,Minutes,Seconds,Sign,Mil,Revolutions,Circles,Turns,Quadrants,Right Angles,Sextants
Area: Sq Km,Sq Hectometres,Sq Dekametres,Sq metres,Sq Decimetres,Sq Cms,Hectares,Ares,Sq Miles,Sq Yds,Sq Ft,Sq In,Townships,Sections,Acres,Roods,Sq Chains,Sq Rods,Sq Perches,...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
I. 汇率换算含46个国家及地区。目前支持的货币种类有: 人民币, 港币, 新台币, 美元, 欧元, 加元, 日元, 英镑, 澳元, 韩元, 新加坡元, 新西兰元, 俄罗斯卢布, 阿联酋迪拉姆, 阿根廷比索, 巴西雷亚尔, 瑞士法郎, 智利比索, 哥伦比亚比索, 捷克克朗, 丹麦克朗, 匈牙利福林, 印尼卢比, 以色列新谢克尔, 印度卢比, 冰岛克朗, 牙买加元, 斯里兰卡卢比, 摩洛哥迪拉姆, 墨西哥比索, 马来西亚林吉特, 挪威克朗, 巴拿马巴波亚, 秘鲁索尔, 菲律宾比索, 巴基斯坦卢比, 波兰兹罗提, 罗马尼亚列伊, 瑞典克朗, 泰国铢, 土耳其里拉, 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔, 越南盾, 中...
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[ 天気 ]
Use your Apple TV as weather station. Large, temperature, barometer, sensed temperature, humidity, wind speed, barometer history, moon phase, weather icon, webcam image of set city and more.
- Own city adjustable
- Humidity
- Barometer with digital display
Values in mb, hPa, torr (mmHg), psi, inchHG
- temperature in ° C or ° F
- Feeling the temperature
- Wind force, wind direction
- date + time of the weather data
- button to update the data
- Sunrise, - sinking
- moonrise, - sinking
- Blue Hour
- Summer time info
- 5 da...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Use your iPad as real LCD Clock + Weather station. Big Time-, Date- and Temperature- display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. The program finds the next weather station with your entered cityname. A 4-days weather forecast is built-in.
New: Radio with more than 8000 Radio stations
Displaying weather data:
- Shows actual weather data
- manual location determination > weather-data nearby, world wide
- Shows the Station name resp. the town ...
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[ 天気 ]
With this weather app you have all weather data clearly and in different colors look. You can store and display up to 7 cities. Animating, flipping tiles.
Lite Version: You can not change and save own cities.
All other functions are available. See for the Pro Version...
- View 7 cities
- Animation when updating (flipping the tiles)
- Ice Preview (e.g. for your car)
- Barometer History
- Phases of the Moon
- Animated windmill
Weather data:
- Weather conditions as a text
- Temperature
- Wind chill temperature ...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
The psychrometric slide rule can be used to calculate with analog-like accuracy dew point temperature, relative humidity, humidity ratio, vapor pressure and enthalpy from wet bulb and dry bulb temperature readings in range from -5ºC to 55ºC (23ºF to 131 ºF ) at 750 Torr (mmHg) air pressure.
Easy to follow examples and simple descriptions of the used scales are placed on the back of the slide rule. Also conversion tables of related physical units of measurement are included.
The slide rule can be practically useful for profess...
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