フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
After the great success of the collection of the Latin poets the annoteBook library for iPad is enriched with the full collection of plays in Latin of Plautus and Terence. A unique work, which includes as many as 27 comedies of the two main authors of Latin theater. Here is the complete list of the comedies: Plautus: Amphitruo Asinaria Aulularia Bacchides Captivi Casina Cistellaria Curculio Epidicus Menaechmi Mercator Miles Gloriosus Mostellaria Persa Poenulus Pseudolus Rudens Stichus Trinummus Truculentus Vidularia Terence: Adel...
[ ブック ]
This new annoteBook publication enriches the series on Latin theater with the works of Publio Terenzio Afro. The six comedies presented here, Andria, Hecyra, Heautontimorumenos, Eunuchus, Phorm and Adelphoi constitute the whole work of the refined comedies author of Carthaginian origin. With the new reading application annoteBook you can enter your notes or translations, send your favorites by email (including notes), save notes on your PC sharing them with your friends or colleagues and joining them together, or create bookmarks ...
[ ブック ]
This new annoteBook opens the new series dedicated to Latin theater. In this first volume eleven comedies of Plautus, that will be followed by the second volume of Plautus and by a third book with the theater works of Terence. In this volume, you'll find the following comedies: Amphitruo Asinaria Aulularia Bacchides Captivi Casina Cistellaria Curculio Epidicus Menaechmi Mercator With the new reading application annoteBook you can enter your notes or translations, send your favorites by email (including notes), save notes on your ...
[ ニュース ]
A revista HOME THEATER & CASA DIGITAL aborda vários aspectos da tecnologia voltada ao ambiente doméstico. Além de testes de produtos (TVs, players, caixas acústicas, sistemas de home theater, smartphones, filmadoras, tablets, media centers), traz ainda reportagens especiais sobre as principais tendências da tecnologia mundial. E mostra em detalhes como são executados os projetos residenciais de home theater e automação em todo o Brasil.
[ ブック ]
Puppet Art Theater Co. presents “The Tortoise and the Hare.” Performed countless times before live audiences, this puppet production can now be seen by you! It’s like having a live puppet show in your pocket ready to be performed for you whenever you want! The Tortoise is slow and steady, the Hare fast and speedy. Who will win the race? Original custom-made hand and rod puppets and a cartoon-like digital set are used to perform this adaptation of the classic Aesop’s Fable. Appropriate for family audiences. What’s included: -A pup...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Airing weekdays at 5:00 for just one year, “Theater Five” was an unexpected gift: an ambitious, expensive, and sophisticated series launched just when radio drama was dismissed as dead. By the summer of ’64 all the action had moved to television, with radio reduced to tunes and hourly news. Yet a network saw fit to launch a lavish new series, offering comedy, science fiction, suspense, horror, fantasy, crime, and melodrama to adults of adventurous taste. Some episodes merged two or three genres at once. Although it wasn’t clear wh...
[ ゲーム ]
2Dシューティングゲーム「VRITRA」のリプレイをPalm Top Theater上で再現! 荘厳な迫力あるVRITRAの世界が、手のひらの上で立体的に演出されます。 あなたもVRITRAをプレイして、その結果を3Dで楽しもう! 【注意】 ・このアプリはVRITRAのリプレイビューアとなります。ゲーム本体をプレイすることは出来ませんのでご了承ください。 ・リプレイを3Dで閲覧するには別途「Palm Top Theater」が必要になります。 Palm Top Theaterについて---------------------------------------- パーム・トップ・シアターは、アイフォーンやアイパッドに対応したコンパクトな3D映像インス...
[ 教育 ]
An interactive paper-like application for storytelling suitable for kids age 2 and above. ★ "This uniquely creative and cheerfully illustrated app encourages children to use their imagination as they create a multitude of magical scenes in a virtual paper theater. If you have a curious and creative little one at home, this is one app you don’t want to miss." // BestAppsForKids.com Let your children create their own unique stories on virtual paper sets, with 10 funny characters, 40 animations and more than 30 decorations to mix ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Airing weekdays at 5:00 for just one year, “Theater Five” was an unexpected gift: an ambitious, expensive, and sophisticated series launched just when radio drama was dismissed as dead. By the summer of ’64 all the action had moved to television, with radio reduced to tunes and hourly news. Yet a network saw fit to launch a lavish new series, offering comedy, science fiction, suspense, horror, fantasy, crime, and melodrama to adults of adventurous taste. Some episodes merged two or three genres at once. Although it wasn’t clear wh...
[ ミュージック ]
Mit ihrem Spielplan aus Sprechtheater, Musiktheater, Konzerten und wissenschaftlichen Präsentationen positioniert sich die Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg im Kulturleben als ein ungewöhnliches und innovatives "Vier-Sparten-Haus". Mit ca. 350 hochschuleigenen und externen Veranstaltungsangeboten pro Jahr gehört sie zu den größten Kulturträgern in Hamburg und Umgebung. Zu den Angeboten zählen Opern- und Schauspiel-Aufführungen, Chor- und Orchesterkonzerte, Kammermusik und Liederabende, Veranstaltungen aktueller Musik, Jaz...
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